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Presenters: Rahel Kahlert, University of Texas at Austin Eric Abdullateef, Directed Study Services Evaluating Impact of Development Training and Capacity.

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Presentation on theme: "Presenters: Rahel Kahlert, University of Texas at Austin Eric Abdullateef, Directed Study Services Evaluating Impact of Development Training and Capacity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presenters: Rahel Kahlert, University of Texas at Austin Eric Abdullateef, Directed Study Services Evaluating Impact of Development Training and Capacity Building

2 Evaluation Development Training Institutes (DTI) The term DTI is meant to include specialized training institutes as well as units of bi- and multilateral-development agencies and regional development banks that are implementing development training. Other DTIs are university-based or independent private education and training organizations.


4 What Evaluation Capacity Development (ECD) is concerned with strengthening or building M&E systems in borrower countries in order that a situation is attained where M&E is regularly conducted and utilized by the countries themselves.

5 Why In the developing country context, sometimes there are human resource development (HRD) market failures that constrain human capital acquisition and development.

6 When Development training can occur year round How There are many coordination mechanisms

7 How Much Capacity building make up at least a quarter of all their international expenditures The World Bank, being one of the main sponsors finances about $700 Million for CB every year (WB 2008) Germany also spends important amounts

8 Who Learners Donors Policymakers Developing Country Governments, INGOs, and Private Businesses Trainers

9 Where On-the-job Off-the-job In-country International

10 Areas of Research

11 How to Recognize Progress ECD “success” is achieved when countries use evidence-based M&E information systematically.

12 THE TRAINING QUINTET Leslie Rae Gower, 2002


14 Measurability

15 Measurement Problems The unclear link of cause and effect Lack of appropriate data Difficulty to quantify effects in monetary terms The distortion through temporal effects

16 Limiting Our Argument DTI education programs produce value for money within the trainee’s workplace DTI participants report high use of impact evaluation designs for evaluating cause-effect questions than they planned to a year prior

17 Thank You

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