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PHIL 012 2/14/2001 Logical Equivalence & Translation.

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1 PHIL 012 2/14/2001 Logical Equivalence & Translation

2 Outline Announcements Logical Equivalence Association, Idempotence, & Commutativity Double Negation DeMorgan’s Theorems Translation Hand Back Tests

3 Announcements Reminder about new homework policy. Check schedule to see what homework is due via disk & hardcopy on Monday. Test solutions are online. UTS is mailing scanner results. Test forms handed back after class.

4 Logical Equivalence Two statements are said to be logically equivalents of one another IFF they have the same truth value in every world. The symbol for logical equivalence is , though some texts use . Note that  is not a logical connective.

5 Rules: Association Suppose that P, Q, & R are statements... (P ^ Q ^ R)  (P ^ Q) ^ R  P ^ (Q ^ R) It is not the case, however, that (P ^ Q) v R  P ^ (Q v R) Association works only if the connectives are all the same. You will not need to cite association.

6 Rules: Idempotence If a conjunction has a repeated conjunct, then the repeated conjunct may be removed without changing truth value. Idempotence of ^: P ^ Q ^ P  P ^ Q and (P ^ Q) ^ (R ^ S) ^ (P ^ S)  P ^ Q ^ R ^ S

7 Rules: Idempotence If a disjunction has a repeated disjunct, then the repeated conjunct may be removed without changing truth value. Idempotence of v: P v Q v P  P v Q and (P v Q) v (R v S) v (P v S)  P v Q v R v S

8 Commutativity ^ and v are Commutative. This means that the arrangement of a sequence of conjuncts or disjuncts does not affect truth value. So, P ^ Q ^ R  P ^ R ^ Q and P v Q v R  P v R v Q

9 Double Negation  P  P and, in general, an even number of  preserves truth value whereas an odd number of  flips truth value. So, if P is TRUE,  P will also be TRUE whereas  P will be FALSE.

10 DeMorgan’s Theorems  is not distributive. So, it is not the case that  (P ^ Q)   P ^  Q However, DeMorgan’s Theorems state that  (P ^ Q)   P v  Q and  (P v Q)   P ^  Q

11 DeMorgan’s Theorems So, DeMorgan’s Theorems allow us to –switch back and forth between ^ and v –reduce an expression to a series of literals A literal is either P or  P, in contrast with, for example,  (P ^ Q). That is, a literal is an atomic sentence or its negation.

12 Simplification Examples

13 Translation In general, any translation that has the same truth value in all possible worlds is a good translation. However, some translations are better than others in that they preserve word order.

14 Translation Either Mary is not Home or Susan is not Happy.  Happy(Susan) v  Home(Mary) = good  (Home(Mary) ^ Happy(Susan)) = good  Home(Mary) v  Happy(Susan) = best All preserve truth value, but the last is best because it preserves word order.

15 Questions

16 Hand Back Tests

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