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Imperative & Opatative Moods J. Lyle Story. Ancient Jerusalem Temple poih/sate a9gi/aze baptisqh/tw a0kousa/tw i1dete ei0se/lqete sw=son Parse and Translate.

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Presentation on theme: "Imperative & Opatative Moods J. Lyle Story. Ancient Jerusalem Temple poih/sate a9gi/aze baptisqh/tw a0kousa/tw i1dete ei0se/lqete sw=son Parse and Translate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Imperative & Opatative Moods J. Lyle Story

2 Ancient Jerusalem Temple poih/sate a9gi/aze baptisqh/tw a0kousa/tw i1dete ei0se/lqete sw=son Parse and Translate

3 Discus Thrower (Greek) - circa 460 B.C. bale/tw bapti/sqhti ei0sa/gage a0kou/etw poreu/qhti khru/cate kata/bhqi Parse and Translate

4 Cardo Street, Jerusalem mh\ ge/noito ei1h mh\ fobei=sqe a0kolouqei/tw e1rxou e9toima/sate mh\ pisteu/ete Parse and Translate

5 Black-Figure Amphora. Attic, (Greek) c. 540-530 B.C. poih/son h(mi=n qeou\v oi$ proporeu/sontai h(mw=n –o( ga\r Mwush=v ou{tov o9 a1nqrwpov o$v e0ch/gagen h(ma=v e0k gh=v Ai0gu/ptou, ou0k oi1damen (we know) ti/ ge/gonen au0tw=|. LXX of Exod. 32:1 Pe/trov de\ pro\v au0tou/v, Metanoh/sate kai\ baptisqh/tw e#kastov u(mw=n e0pi\ tw=| o0no/mati 0Ihsou= Xristou= ei0v a1fesiv (forgiveness) tw=n a(martiw=n u(mw=n. Acts 2:38 Biblical Examples

6 Tomb of Absalom (Absalom’s Pillar), Kidron Valley, Jerusalem Ou3twv ou]n proseu/xesqe u(mei=v, Pa/ter h(mw=n o) e0n toi=v ou0ranoi=v a(giasqh//tw to\ o1noma/ sou, e0lqe/tw h( basilei/ sou genhqh/tw to\ qe/lhma/ sou w(v e0n ou0ranw=| kai\ e0pi\ gh=v. Matt. 6:9-10 Examples from the Greek NT

7 Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus; (10 BC – 54 AD), was Roman Emperor from 41 to 54. au0to\v de\ qeo\v th=v ei0rh/nhv A a9gia/sai B u(mi=n C o(lotelei=v (entirely) kai\ C / o(lo/klhron (whole) B / u(mw=n to\ pneu=ma kai\ h( yuxh\ kai\ to\ sw=ma A / thrhqei/h a0me/mtwv (blamelessly) e0n th=| parousi/a| tou= kuri/ou h(mw=n 0Ihsou= Xristou=. pisto\v o( kalw=n u(ma=v, o$v kai\ poih/sei. I Thess. 5:23-24 Example from the Greek NT (wish prayer—slight shift in word order)

8 Agora with shops and odeon, Thessalonica le/gei pro\v au0to\n o( basiliko/v, Ku/rie, kata/bhqi pri\n a0poqanei=n to\ paidi/on mou. le/gei au0tw=| o( 0Ihsou=v, Poreu/ou, o( ui(o\v sou zh=|. e0pi/steusen o( a1nqrwpov tw=| lo/gw| o$n ei]pen au0tw=| kai\ e0poreu/eto. Jn. 4:49-50 mh\ kri/nete, i3na mh\ kriqh=te Matt. 7:1 Pa/ter a#gie th/rhson au0tou/v Jn. 17:11 Examples from the Greek NT

9 tau=ta e0la/lhsen 0Ihsou=v, kai\ e0pa/rav tou\v o)fqalmou\v ou0tou= ei0v to\n ou0rano\n ei]pen, Pa/thr, e0lh/luqen h( w3ra, do/cason sou to\n ui(o/n i3na o( ui(o\v doca/sh| se/. Jn. 17:1 a(gi/ason au0tou\v e0n th=| a0lhqei/a| Jn. 17:17 o( no/mov a(marti/a; mh\ ge/noito Rom. 7:7 Examples from the Greek NT

10 mh\ qauma/zete a0delfoi/, ei0 misei= ( mise/w = I hate) u(ma=v o( ko/smov. I Jn. 3:13 0Agaphtoi/, mh\ panti\ pneu/mati pisteu/ete, a0lla\ dokima/zete ( dokima/zw = I examine) ta\ pneu/mata ei0 e0k tou= qeou= e0stin, o#ti polloi\ yeudoprofh=tai e0celhlu/qasin ei0v to\n ko/smon. I Jn. 4:1 Examples from the Greek NT

11 lu/sate to\n nao\n tou=ton kai\ e0n trisi\n h(me/raiv e0gerw= au0to/n. Jn. 2:19 0Hkou/sate o3ti e0rre/qh, 0Agaph/seiv to\n plhsi/on (neighbor) sou= kai\ mish/seiv to\n e1xqro/n sou. e0gw\ de\ le/gw u(mi=n a0gapa=te tou\v e1xqrou\v u(mw=n kai\ proseu/xesqe u(pe\r tw=n diwko/ntwn u(ma=v o#pwv ge/nhsqe ui9oi\ tou= patro\v u(mw=n tou= e0n ou0ranoi=v Matt. 5:43-44 Examples from the Greek NT

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