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Do Now: Take out your debate guide and ensure the following: -Strong hook that captures your reader -Thesis statement is clear with a side + reasoning;

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: Take out your debate guide and ensure the following: -Strong hook that captures your reader -Thesis statement is clear with a side + reasoning;"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now: Take out your debate guide and ensure the following: -Strong hook that captures your reader -Thesis statement is clear with a side + reasoning; counterexample is attached; no first person is used -Support and commentary are strong and commentary fully extends on and strengthens the support -Lead out is strong and summarizes your main points **Please write a short explanation as to who you think did a great job. Who would you “debate”?

2 Today’s Objectives and Agenda Students will be able to analyze and use rhetorical devices in persuasive texts. 1.Do Now: Debate Guide (10 minutes) 2.Rhetorical Devices Homework (15 minutes) 3.Analyzing JFK’s speech (20 minutes) 4.FOA (remainder of class)

3 Rhetorical Devices Homework Discuss the ten rhetorical devices and make sure you: 1.Have the correct definition 2.Understand how it helps to persuade 3.Share your examples

4 Rhetorical Devices Alliteration: repetition of the same sound beginning several words in a sequence Examples: Anaphora: repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive phrases, clauses or lines. Examples: Anastrophe: transposition of normal word order Examples: Antithesis: contrast of ideas or words in a parallel structure Examples: Assonance: repetition of vowel sounds in non-rhyming words Examples: Consonance: repetition of consonant sounds within words or ending words Examples: Metaphor: implied comparison through a figurative, not literal, use of words Examples: Parellelism: the arrangement of words, phrases, clauses, or larger structures placed side by side, making them similar in form Examples: Paradox: a statement that seems self-contradictory, yet turns out to have a rational meaning Examples: Repetition: a word or phrase used two or more times in close proximity Examples:

5 Rhetorical Devices in Speeches With a partner, read through JFK’s inaugural address and find examples of each of the rhetorical devices. Write the examples on the sheet provided.

6 FOA Before you leave today, you must have a proposal of what you are going to do. Sign-up dates will be next class!

7 Homework Read Part II of Fahrenheit 451 by Wednesday, May 6 th

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