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Assignment tools and tips

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1 Assignment tools and tips
Level 2 Childcare

2 Assignment formatting:
Font: size 12 and a sensible font Edit the header with your details Paragraphs to be used Resubmission: as discussed

3 Introduction It is a good idea to write a short introduction to ‘set the scene’ – this helps you to get focussed and for the marking tutor to assess your full understanding. Try using the assignment title here: Unit SHC 21 – Introduction to communication in health, social care or children and young people settings. “Communication’ is an important skill that is needed when working with children and young people…”

4 Starting each criteria
Each criteria (1.1, 1.2 & 1.3) has a key word: 1.2: how effective communication affects all aspects of own work So - for this criteria you should: provide details about the subject with reasons showing how or why. Some responses (answers) could include examples. The following table provides you with explanations for most of the key words used at level 2 – you also have a hand- out of this information (you could use a dictionary too!) Explain e


6 Answering the criteria
Start each criteria (question) using the words provided: 1.3: Explain why it is important to observe an individual’s reactions when communicating with them. It is important to observe an individuals reactions because… Their reactions will affect the way I respond because…

7 Making more of your answers
The previous slides have shown you how to start your answers, with explanations of the amount of detail required. Now you need to think about making more of your answers – using practical examples and quotes to explain yourself in more detail.

8 The study sandwich 1 Introduction to the question: use the wording of the question 2 An example: placement or practical experience 3 A relevant quote that backs up your ideas

9 Remember to use your guide!
Quotes Quotes should be used in the main body of the assignment to support your own work: “It is important to follow all the policies and procedures in order to keep children safe.” (Bloggs, 2009, p26) Or According to Bloggs, 2009, p26 “It is important to follow all the policies and procedures in order to keep children safe.” Remember to use your guide!

10 Tips for finding quotes
Let’s imagine we are writing about placement: Explain how to prepare to work in a placement with children Here is the key word Pick up your text book Turn to the index at the back of the book – it is in alphabetical order. Find the section ‘P’, and then look for the word placement Then turn to the relevant page, read it carefully and look for the most relevant quote

11 Here are the two most relevant books you need to use:
References: In each assignment you need to provide: 2 relevant quotes and a reference list. Here are the two most relevant books you need to use: Beith, K. Bulman, K. Forbes, S. Griffin, S. & Tassoni, P. (2010) Children & Young People’s Workforce. Essex: Heinemann. Meggitt, C. (2011) Children and Young People’s Workforce. Oxon: Hodder Education.

12 Good luck!

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