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Ultracold gases Jami Kinnunen & Jani-Petri Martikainen Masterclass 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Ultracold gases Jami Kinnunen & Jani-Petri Martikainen Masterclass 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ultracold gases Jami Kinnunen & Jani-Petri Martikainen Masterclass 2016

2 Radiation pressure: photon has wavevector q

3 Zeeman slower  Change the resonance frequency along the way as atoms are cooled by radiation pressure…

4 Zeeman slower William Phillips

5 Finnish connection in the early years

6 Laser cooling: below Doppler limit??

7 Sisuphys cooling  Two linearly polarized laser beams with orthogonal polarizations interfere  polarization varies in space

8 Sisuphys cooling This could 400 nK + prefactor

9 Sisuphys cooling

10 Quantum statistics

11 Boltzmann, Bose-Einstein, Fermi-Dirac

12 Interesting points  BE gives higher occupations for small energies  FD gives lower occupations for small energies (n=1 upper limit)  Derivation is kind of cleaner and more elegant for bosons and fermions…classical result is more of a mess.

13 Gross-Pitaevskii etc.

14 What to condense?

15 Bose-Einstein condensate: wavefunction?  What is it???

16 Interactions: scattering length  Contact interaction…  Billiard ball with radius “a”  That is a lie: complications exist

17 Dilute/weak interactions  What does it mean?  Gas of billiard balls at density n is dilute if…?  Check this for  ultracold cloud of Rb atoms  Liquid helium

18 Gross-Pitaevskii equation  Pure BEC governed by… This works very well in many realistic settings. Generalizations exist

19 Solid body rotation Impossible with a wavefunction?

20 Vortex: phase of the wavefunction

21 Vortex: higher “winding number”

22 How to get something like a classical solid body rotation?

23 Ongoing now: samples

24 Ultracold fermions Image: Moritz group,Hamburg Harder or easier than bosons?

25 Optical lattices

26 Slow light/light stopping 6sU

27 Can you swim in a superfluid

28 Swimming in a superfluid



31 Multicomponent swimmer

32 Quantum gas microscopes

33 Multicomponent systems  What are those?

34 Strongly interacting systems: beyond mean-field  Bye bye Gross-Pitaevskii  Weak to strong coupling transitions  Effective spin model

35 Throw the BEC from 146m tower  Because…why not!

36 Precision measurements  Clocks  Gravity  Acceleration

37 Long range interactions  Beyond billiard balls  Erbium magnetic dipole moment of 7 μB

38 Quantum information  Maybe a platform for some QI approaches?  Easy to get carried away with this though…buzzword

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