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C RITICAL T HINKING I N E DUCATION. T HINK A BOUT Y OUR T HINKING “Critical thinking is the art of thinking about thinking while thinking in order to.

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2 T HINK A BOUT Y OUR T HINKING “Critical thinking is the art of thinking about thinking while thinking in order to make thinking better. It involves three interwoven phases: it analyzes thinking, it evaluates thinking, it improves thinking.” (Paul & Elder, 2006, pp 6)

3 W HAT IS Y OUR T HINKING S TYLE ? “This is how we always do it.” Accepts the obvious without questioning or exploring other options. Solves problems in isolation-focus is only on fixing the current problem by oneself. Doesn’t make connections between patients and events or clinical knowledge. Questions the question: ask “Why” Uses Intuition and follows hunches. Seeks out experienced peers to use as sounding boards when solving problems. Looks for patterns and trends (Paul & Elder, 2006) Traditional ThinkerCritical Thinker

4 T HE CONTENT THAT DEFINES COLLEGE INSTRUCTION CAN BE LEARNED ONLY THROUGH THINKING Content Explained by thinking Illustrated by thinking Analyzed by thinking Organized by thinking Discovered by thinking Applied by thinking Evaluated by thinking Transformed by thinking Synthesized by thinking Learned by thinking

5 E IGHT B ASIC F EATURES OF T HINKING All thinking has a purpose or goal. All thinking raises at least one question. All thinking requires information. All thinking requires concepts. All thinking involves inferences. All thinking involves assumptions. All thinking involves implications. All thinking involves a point of view.

6 T HREE K INDS OF Q UESTIONS A. Questions of Fact (one right answer) 1. Requires evidence and reasoning in a system. 2. Leads to knowledge. Examples: - What is the size of this room? - How does the hard drive on a computer operate?

7 T HREE K INDS OF Q UESTIONS B. Questions of Preference (subjective opinion) Questions with as many answers as there are different human preferences. Examples: - How do you like to wear your hair? - What is your favorite type of food?

8 T HREE K INDS OF Q UESTIONS C. Questions of Judgment 1. Questions requiring reasoning. 2. Can have more than one defensible answer (seek to find the best possible answer). 3. Requires evidence and reasoning in multiple systems. Examples: - Is abortion morally justifiable? - What can be done to significantly reduce the number of people who become addicted to illegal drugs?

9 B ECOMING A S KILLED T HINKER Review the basic skills of a skilled thinker in college. Paul & Elder (2006), Chapter 8, page 151. Which of these goals do you most identify with? Which the least? Why? Are you a skilled thinker?

10 U NIVERSAL I NTELLECTUAL S TANDARDS These standards should be applied to checking the quality of reasoning about a problem, issue, or situation. Clarity Accuracy Precision Relevance Depth Breadth Logic Significance Fairness

11 E VALUATING THE L OGIC OF A C OURSE In every course you should seek an explanation of the most fundamental concept of the course. As you proceed through the course, you should seek to integrate all features of the course into a comprehensive understanding, to see the course, and the subject, as a comprehensive whole. Let’s review Exhibit 8.2 and Exhibit 8.3 Paul & Elder (2006), Chapter 8, page 162-165

12 A NALYZING THE L OGIC OF AN A RTICLE One important skill for understanding an essay or article is the analysis of the parts of the author’s reasoning. Once you have done this, you can evaluate the author’s reasoning using intellectual standards. Let’s analyze the logic of the article used in Week Three for the Middle Range Theory Group Assignment. Paul & Elder (2006), Chapter 8, page 171. In your groups complete the seven questions to identify the logic of your groups article.

13 A NALYZING THE L OGIC OF AN A RTICLE Was your group able to understand the logic of the article and the reasoning of the author?

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