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“Success is the accomplished life one creates for one's self. Significance is the positive legacy one creates for others. In the end, Significance is what.

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Presentation on theme: "“Success is the accomplished life one creates for one's self. Significance is the positive legacy one creates for others. In the end, Significance is what."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Success is the accomplished life one creates for one's self. Significance is the positive legacy one creates for others. In the end, Significance is what matters." Felix N. Stubbs, District Governor 2015-2016, District 7020, Rotary International.

2 Dad looked at me with wise old eyes, Though dim, they radiant beamed. His end was near, life had been full, It was more than he had dreamed.

3 "Listen, Son". I stared at him With anxious eyes, now wide and wet. "Son, dry your tears, I lived my life And I have, Son, not one regret.

4 " I made many friends and, yes, a few foes, I conquered fears and weathered storms. I made out well through many- a -hell But that's a man's course - it is life's norms.

5 “It matters not the money I spent, Or the assets that I have acquired Or the accolades, trophies, certificates All that now, Son, soon will be buried.

6 " It matters that you stand here beside me As a testament of my life to the end. It means that quite apart from a son, I've made in you a man - and a friend!

7 "It matters not the successes I've had. I did what I could - good or bad. That dies with me but what will live on Are those treasures I now leave behind.

8 " Those treasures aren't the houses, money and land And other riches that I'll leave your way, Those, the empire and whatever I've built, All that will, one day, surely decay.

9 " The treasures are the many hearts I've touched, The trails and paths I helped to blaze, The lives I improved while passing through; My helping mankind while making my way.

10 " Success is great - don't count it out - But it's all about self, this is true; They were fleeting moments, they made me feel good, And when I die, my successes will too.

11 " Significance, though, on the other hand, Is the good we do for each other. A lasting legacy here on earth - It never dies but will live on in others.

12 "My aim, I confess, as I tried to do my best, Was to turn my Success into Significance. My race was well-run and now that I'm done I'm content to enter death's dance.

13 "So, my child, hear this my parting advice, And listen well, I implore you, my son. Move from Success to Significance in life, And when you face death, you would have won."

14 A poem written for and dedicated to Felix N. Stubbs, District Governor, Rotary District 7020, 2015 – 2016 by Carla D. Card-Stubbs November 25, 2015

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