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Personal Health and Consumer Choices In this chapter, you will Learn About… The various ways to take care of your teeth, skin, hair, and nails. How to.

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Presentation on theme: "Personal Health and Consumer Choices In this chapter, you will Learn About… The various ways to take care of your teeth, skin, hair, and nails. How to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Personal Health and Consumer Choices In this chapter, you will Learn About… The various ways to take care of your teeth, skin, hair, and nails. How to care for your eyes and ears. Consumer choices and your health. Being an informed consumer. Health care providers and services.

2 Caring for Your Teeth, Skin, Hair, and Nails In this lesson, you will Learn About… Keeping your teeth healthy. Cleaning and protecting your skin. Caring for your hair and nails.

3 Caring for Your Teeth, Skin, Hair, and Nails The Vocabulary terms for this lesson are : Fluoride. Fluoride Plaque. Plaque Tartar. Tartar Epidermis. Epidermis Melanin. Melanin Pores. Pores Dermis. Dermis Follicles. Follicles Ultraviolet (UV) rays. Ultraviolet (UV) rays Dandruff. Dandruff Head lice. Head lice

4 Your Teeth Healthy teeth and gums enable you to chew food thoroughly and speak clearly. They also give shape and structure to your mouth. To keep your teeth and gums healthy: Brush and floss daily. Brush after every meal or at least twice a day. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush. Replace it every two or three months or after an illness. Choose a toothpaste that contains fluoride.fluoride

5 Tooth Care (cont’d.) Brush the outer surfaces of your upper and lower teeth. Thoroughly brush all chewing surfaces. Brush the inside surfaces of your upper and lower teeth. Brush your tongue and rinse your mouth. How to Brush Be sure to brush your teeth for at least two minutes—30 seconds for each area of your mouth.

6 Tooth Care (cont’d.) Wrap about 18 inches of floss around the middle finger of each hand Grip the floss firmly between thumb and forefinger. Forming a C with the floss around each tooth, keep sliding the floss back and forth gently as you move it up and down along the side of the tooth. How to Floss Slide the floss back and forth between teeth toward the gumline until it touches the gumline.

7 Tooth Care (cont’d.) To fight tooth decay, follow these guidelines: Eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables each day. Include foods, that contain calcium, such as milk and yogurt. Limit your intake of sugar. Visit a dentist at least twice a year for regular cleanings and exams.

8 Tooth Decay Bacteria live in your mouth. When they combine with saliva and the sugary substances that you eat, plaque forms.plaque Once plaque is formed, the bacteria on the teeth produce an acid. This acid can eat a hole, or cavity, in the tooth’s enamel. Unremoved plaque may also harden and become tartar. Only a dentist or a dental hygienist can remove tartar completely.tartar

9 Your Skin The skin is the body’s largest organ. It is composed of three layers: The epidermis – the outermost layer of skin. The dermis – the skin’s inner layer, which contains blood vessels, nerve endings, hair follicles, sweat glands, and oil glands. A layer of fat cells.

10 Your Skin (cont’d.) Pore Epidermis (which produces melanin) melanin Nerve ending Hair folliclefollicle Fat cells Blood vessel Oil gland Dermis

11 Your Skin (cont’d.) The skin has many important functions: Waterproofing Vitamin D formation Protection Temperature control Sensation

12 Acne Acne is a skin condition that occurs when active oil glands cause hair follicles to become clogged. It often appears during puberty. Acne may affect the face, neck, back, chest, and shoulders. To deal with acne: Gently wash the affected area at least twice daily with mild soap and warm water. Avoid touching the area. Avoid the use of heavy makeup or creams.

13 Acne (cont’d.) A whitehead results when a pore, or follicle opening, becomes plugged with sebum and dead skin cells. A A blackhead forms when a whitehead is exposed to the air and darkens. B If a clogged follicle ruptures and bacteria invade the skin, an infection occurs. The area becomes red, swollen, and filled with pus, producing a pimple. C

14 Skin Care Taking care of your skin can help you feel good about yourself. Keep clean. Eat properly and stay physically active. Protect yourself from the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays.ultraviolet (UV) rays If you’re going to be in the sun, wear sunscreen and reapply it every hour. Avoid body decoration such as tattoos and piercing.

15 Your Hair Hair can be styled, cut, colored, and changed in many ways. Keeping your hair clean and healthy is part of personal grooming.

16 Hair Care Brush your hair daily to remove dirt and spread oils from the roots to the ends. Wash your hair regularly, using a gentle shampoo. Rinse it well to remove all the shampoo. Avoid heat, wind, chlorine, chemical treatments, and permanent hair dye. These can weaken hair, discolor it, and even cause it to break off.

17 Hair and Scalp Problems Some problems that can occur with the hair and the scalp are as follows: Dandruff, a flaking of the outer layer of dead skin cells on the scalp. This condition is usually caused by dry hair and can be treated with special shampoos. Head lice, parasitic insects that live on the hair shaft and cause itching. Use a special shampoo and wash your hair immediately. Any linens and clothes you have used should be washed in hot-water or dry-cleaned.

18 Nail Care Your finger- and toenails protect the sensitive tips of your fingers and toes. To care for your nails: Clean and soften your hands in warm water and push back the cuticle, a thin, skinlike layer at the base of the nail. Trim your nails with nail scissors or clippers. Round the fingernails slightly, but cut the toenails straight across. Do not cut nails shorter than skin level. Smooth rough nail edges with a nail file or emery board.

19 Reviewing Terms and Facts 1.Define the term fluoride. Fluoride is a substance that helps prevent tooth decay.

20 Reviewing Terms and Facts 2.List the five functions of the skin. Waterproofing Vitamin D formation Protection Temperature control Sensation

21 3.A friend says: “I don’t have to go to the dentist because I’ve never had a cavity.” Do you agree or disagree with your friend? Why? Thinking Critically

22 Vocabulary Review Fluoride is a substance that helps prevent tooth decay.

23 Vocabulary Review Plaque is a thin, sticky film that builds up on teeth and contributes to tooth decay.

24 Vocabulary Review Tartar is hardened plaque that threatens gum health.

25 Vocabulary Review The epidermis is the outermost layer of skin.

26 Vocabulary Review Melanin is the substance that gives skin its color.

27 Vocabulary Review Pores are tiny openings in the skin.

28 Vocabulary Review The dermis is the skin’s inner layer, which contains blood vessels, nerve endings, hair follicles, sweat glands, and oil glands.

29 Vocabulary Review Follicles are small sacs in the dermis that produce hair.

30 Vocabulary Review Ultraviolet (UV) rays are an invisible form of radiation from the sun that can penetrate and change the structure of skin cells.

31 Vocabulary Review Dandruff is a flaking of the outer layer of dead skin cells on the scalp.

32 Vocabulary Review Head lice are parasitic insects that live on the hair shaft and cause itching.

33 Fold the short sides of the sheet of paper inward so that they meet in the middle. Fold the top to the bottom.

34 Unfold and cut along the inside fold lines to form four tabs. Label the tabs as shown.

35 Record what you learn about the form, function, and care of teeth, skin, hair, and nails under the appropriate tab.

36 Rate your ability to maintain your personal health and protect your senses by taking the Health Inventory for Chapter 5 at

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