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Elements of Design Demonstration By C. Kohn Agricultural Sciences Waterford, WI.

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Presentation on theme: "Elements of Design Demonstration By C. Kohn Agricultural Sciences Waterford, WI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elements of Design Demonstration By C. Kohn Agricultural Sciences Waterford, WI

2 Directions  In this formative assessment, you and a partner will work to find and describe the six elements of design. 1. First, click “File” and “Save-as” and save this file as “Last Names - Elements Demo” in the common file your instructor has provided for you  See the board for saving instructions. 2. Next, copy and paste images from the Internet that you feel are good representations of each of the six elements of design.  Be sure to cite the website they were acquired from. 3. Finally, defend your choice of photos – explain to us why these are good choices for VERY-EFFECTIVE USE of each particular element. 4. If time allows, you will be presenting your work orally in class using the overhead projector.

3 Line  The image to the right is a good example of effective use of line because…

4 Form  The image to the right is a good example of effective use of form because…

5 Space  The image to the right is a good example of effective use of space because…

6 Color  The image to the right is a good example of effective use of color because…

7 Texture  The image to the right is a good example of effective use of texture because…

8 Value  The image to the right is a good example of effective use of value because…

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