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Aldersgate Visioning Update “Do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God” - Micah 6:8.

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Presentation on theme: "Aldersgate Visioning Update “Do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God” - Micah 6:8."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aldersgate Visioning Update “Do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God” - Micah 6:8

2 2

3 Steve Adoniou Pastor Lisa Dave Driscoll Marti Kane Dottie Newcomb Charles McCrea Peter Smyton Dan Ward

4 4 2 Visioning Task Force Meetings 11 Neighborhood meetings 1 Report to Church Council 1 Report to congregation

5 5 “There is much to celebrate!”

6 6

7 7

8 The church with the Warm Heart is alive! 8

9 9 Special mentions Pastor Lisa Staff Music Education Youth

10 10

11 11

12 12 Desire for greater outreach, fellowship opportunities

13 13 Worship/Music Education Programs/Membership Evangelism Outreach Resources to enable vision Facilities Finance/Stewardship

14 Worship More youth, young adult opportunities 631 the 5 th Sunday of the month? Summer service hymn sings Communion at the rail occasionally Provide findings to Worship Planning for action 14 Red: VTF recommendations

15 Additional adult study opportunities Discipleship class Books of the Bible Short term studies in a home setting Grief and loss class Young adult focused (Sunday nights?) Recurring themed programs Forgiveness Spiritual gifts Prayer Evangelism Provide findings to Adult Ed, CEM for action 15 Red: VTF recommendations

16 Small groups & fellowship Young adult Parenting group Play and Pray Seniors Council provide small group guidelines SPRC: consider Ministry Coordinator position 16 Red: VTF recommendations

17 New events Revitalize Family Camp Dinner club/Progressive dinners Social outings More events at church Sock Hop, Hoe Down, movie night, game night Expand scope of Congregational Life committee 17 Red: VTF recommendations

18 Visitors/New members Welcome folder on AUMC programs Shepherd visitors/mentor new members Dinners: new members and congregants Invite new members to serve, at their pace On boarding part of Congregational Life Council pursue succession planning, service concepts 18 Red: VTF recommendations

19 19 Technology Proposals Wire Concord Room, nursery for worship services Stream or post worship services on line Better advertise audio recording of worship services “Long throw” projector Establish an IT task group

20 Evangelism Video screens in church building listing upcoming events Follow-up with first time visitors Encourage personal evangelism Video screens concept provided to Trustees, looking for someone to generate content 20 Red: VTF recommendations

21 Increase current ministries Nicaragua Upcoming Habitat Build Santa Tree, Pantry More “whole church” ministries (a la Advent) 21 Red: VTF recommendations

22 Establish new ministries Prison ministry Drive for local school: coats/boots, backpack, etc. Outreach to nursing homes (music, visitation) Transportation: AUMC Ubers Establish on-line needs/helpers within AUMC Provide findings to Outreach for action 22 Red: VTF recommendations

23 Facility Top priorities: parking lot lighting, electrical service Next: roof, HVAC, hall flooring Reduce congestion in foyer AC in sanctuary More space: gym, storage, offices Provide findings to Trustees for action Establish a space acquisition task group 23 Red: VTF recommendations

24 Finance/Stewardship Time for a Capital Campaign? Establish electronic giving Establish a Capital Campaign task group Involve Finance in finance-related recommendations 24 Red: VTF recommendations

25 Help form a small group Young adult Parenting group Play and Pray Seniors Others? 25

26 26 Serve in a task group Capital campaign Info technology Space acquisition Be a member of the Congregational Life committee

27 27 Keep The Good Stuff Follow the Spirit’s Lead Be the Church of 2016… and Beyond!

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