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Our school charter We are migrants: listen to our story Atheneum Koekelberg, Brussels, Belgium Liceo Statale Regina Margherita, Salerno, Italy.

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Presentation on theme: "Our school charter We are migrants: listen to our story Atheneum Koekelberg, Brussels, Belgium Liceo Statale Regina Margherita, Salerno, Italy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our school charter We are migrants: listen to our story Atheneum Koekelberg, Brussels, Belgium Liceo Statale Regina Margherita, Salerno, Italy

2 We believe that immigration makes countries more interesting and helps people become more tolerant.

3 We shall therefore endeavor to: Classes where you learn about other cultures so that you understand them and are more tolerant. For instance religion, food, customs,…

4 More exchange trips to other countries.

5 Talking to asylum-seekers in Immigration centres

6 Give newcomers a student (that’s already in the school) to show them around and introduce them to other people.

7 A teacher who teaches you the local language. ( paid by the government and after school hours)

8 A yearly school day where we celebrate different cultures.

9 We shall therefore endeavour to… Have afterschool language support for people who need it. Search for jobs and make work experience for immigrants (students and family) so that they can have a job. Look for cheap houses or people who want to co- locate with an immigrant or an immigrant family. Oblige markets to sell non-expired food to immigrants at a lower price. Create organizations to integrate immigrants with the society.

10 Language support After school learning support Free for students Cheap for parents Simone,Tanya,Benetta,Nancy

11 Saerch jobs Search jobs & work experience Don’t have necessary qualifications: Don’t speak the local language; Different work-system o Easier to integrate the society o Earn money

12 Cheap houses & co-location Looks for cheap houses Look for people who co-locate Not enough money Simone,Tanya,Benedetta,Nancy

13 Sell non-expired food Oblige markets to sell non-expired food Lower price Sell to immigrants and lower than minimum- salaries Simone,Tanya,Benedetta,Nancy

14 Cultural organisations Integration in society Learn local language Learn about work-system Learn about necessary information Meet people who integrate the country

15 We are migrants: listen to our story we believe that immigration makes countries more interesting and helps people become more tolerant.

16 We shall therefore endeavour to: We will not be prejudiced towards you. We can insert another lesson to learn about other cultures/religions --> to be open minded Help the child stay connected with his cultural roots. Accept habits and personal life style. We have to consider you for who you are or your acts and not for where you come from or what you look like. Talk to you and make you comfortable so you can feel welcome here. Know your story so we know more and can help you.

17 We shall also endeavour to: teach you the language in class encourage you to go to activities with everybody to make new contacts, organizations where people do things together. help you when there’s something you don’t understand even in the class or at school. provide a “talk-cafe” where you comes together to meet other people and make new contacts encourage you to go to language lessons after school (like okan in Belgium) Provide specially trained teachers for classes with immigrants

18 WE SHALL THEREFORE ENDEAVOUR TO: Organize special centres.  Use interpreters Take care of assistance. Provide programmes about culture, food, habits Extra group tasks


20 We will motivate people to study by making subjects interesting and oraganizing more activities.

21 We will make learning a second language at school compulsory.

22 Inform people more about different cultures and habits in other countries by giving them lessons about it.

23 Organize more exchanges between students, between different schools but also between students from different cultures who study at the same school.

24 Help foreign students integrate and socialize with other students by giving them time to make a speech about their culture for the classmates.

25 We will organize some language courses and they have to choose which one they want to learn. Teachers from the schools will give these lessons after school for the students and their parents and they’ll be for free; the teachers will be paid extra money by the government.

26 Thanks for your attention

27 The students Benedetta D'Acquisto Cosima Lagae Desire Schoutsen Fanny Merckx Francesca Pisano Giorgia Pecoraro Jacob Hennaert Joey Pante Laura Parisi Leila Mascolo Lena De Nys Luisa Verrone Matteo Gallo Mattias Niels Nancy De Groodt Nicola D'Amico Noah El Majeri Rosanna Ricciardi Simone Gambaro Stefano Bartiromo Tanya Hajjari Thomas Keuterickx Vincenza Vaccaro Ywen Chapelle

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