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Early Recovery Working Group for Flood Response in Pakistan 01 March, 2011.

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1 Early Recovery Working Group for Flood Response in Pakistan 01 March, 2011

2 Goals of ERWG  To establish an overarching ER coordination mechanism;  To bring all the Early Recovery stakeholders on a platform to map the activities, resources needs, and gaps with a view to foster inclusive and integrated decision making and reporting;  To make a strategic link between Residual Relief, ER and Longer Term Reconstruction  To offer strategic advice to key decision makers on the best options for ER --

3 Specific Objectives of ERWG Stakeholder Mapping (Location, Sector, Capacity, Budget, Reporting etc.,) Strategic Gap Analysis including Economic Analysis Information Management for Decision Making

4 Structure of ERWG ERWG Punjab ERWG Punjab ERWG Sindh ERWG Sindh ERWG Balochistan ERWG Balochistan ERWG Khyber-Pakhtunkhwah (PDMA, UN, Line Deptts., Trade bodies, NGOs) ERWG Khyber-Pakhtunkhwah (PDMA, UN, Line Deptts., Trade bodies, NGOs) District ERWGs (DCO, IPs, Line Deptts., Trade bodies, NGOs) District ERWGs (DCO, IPs, Line Deptts., Trade bodies, NGOs) National ERWG (NDMA, PDMAs, UN, Donors, Ministries, NHN, PHF, SWGs)

5 Composition of ERWG  Eight Strategic Working Groups (SWGs) to be formed under the ERWG on prioritized ER sectors  Four Thematic Groups to be formed to mainstream cross-cutting themes  Each SWG to be co-chaired by the related ministry/department and the relevant UN agency and supported by a focal person from NDMA  Each Thematic Group to be co-chaired by the related UN agency and NDMA  Similar arrangements being considered for the Provincial ERWGs

6 Co-chairs for SWGs SectorUN Lead (?)Government of Pakistan Lead Food Security & AgricultureFAO/WFPMinFAL Health and NutritionWHO/UNICEFMoH EducationUNICEF/UNESCOMin of Education Public Health (WASH)UNICEFNDMA HousingUN Habitat/IOM/UNHCRNDMA GovernanceUNDPNDMA Off Farm LivelihoodILONVTEC Community InfrastructureUNDP/ILONDMA CROSS CUTTING THEMATIC GROUPS Environment: UNDP; Protection: UNHCR; Disaster Risk Reduction: UNDP; Gender: UN Women CROSS CUTTING THEMATIC GROUPS Environment: UNDP; Protection: UNHCR; Disaster Risk Reduction: UNDP; Gender: UN Women

7 Information Management for ERWG National ERWG Provincial ERWG Sectoral Working Groups (SWG) District ERWG Assessments, Plans & Progress Reports Assessments, Plans & Progress Reports Assessments, Plans & Progress Reports Assessments, Plans & Progress Reports Assessments, Plans & Progress Reports Policy Input Technical Advice Policy Advice Assessments, Plans & Progress Reports Assessments, Plans & Progress Reports Technical Advice IM Team

8 Information Management for ERWG -2 Housing Agricult ure & Food Security Off Farm Livelihoods Public Health Health Education Commu nity Physical Infrastru cture Environ ment GenderDRR Chairs of SWGs & TGs Info Mgmt Teams of SWGs & TGs

9 Outputs of the Gap Analysis Sector-wise and geographically disaggregated data on ER needs and Gaps Financial data about needs and updated funding pledges and receipts A Strategic Early Recovery Plan

10 Timeline for ERWG Activities Operationalisation of ERWG 1/3/11 Formation of SWGs by 3/3/11 Finalization of Information Management Tools by SWGs/TGs 7/3/11 Mapping/Gap Identification 7/3/11 to 28/3/11 Data Compilation and Review by SWGs & TGs 29/3/11 to 6/4/11 Data Compilation and Review by SWGs & TGs 29/3/11 to 6/4/11 Gap Analysis finalization 11/4/11 Gap Analysis finalization 11/4/11 Strategic Early Recovery Action Plan 15/4/11 Desk Review Triangulation Field Assessment Costing Desk Review Triangulation Field Assessment Costing

11 Organisational Chart - ERWG Secretariat ERWG Advisor Provincial ERWG Coordinator Punjab Info Mgt Officer P3/4 Project Assistant Provincial ERWG Coordinator Balochistan Provincial ERWG Coordinator KPK Provincial ERWG Coordinator Sindh Info Management / Coordination Associate Project Assistant Info Management / Coordination Associate Project Assistant Info Management / Coordination Associate Project Assistant Info Management / Coordination Associate Project Assistant District DRM Coordinators (with additional responsibility for support to district ERWG, co-chaired by the District Coordination Officers) in the 29 severely affected districts NDMA – SPU  ER Specialist  Economist  Environmenta l Recovery Expert  PO (DRR) National Early Recovery Working Group Facilitation of interface with Sector Working Groups, Provinces, Ministries, NGOs etc., Co-chaired by NDMA and UNDP Support to formulation and review of ER policies Info Mgt Associate

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