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E-Consultation Explored: The different technologies available to support consultation with 16-24 year olds.

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Presentation on theme: "E-Consultation Explored: The different technologies available to support consultation with 16-24 year olds."— Presentation transcript:

1 e-Consultation Explored: The different technologies available to support consultation with 16-24 year olds

2 Overview Understand the key terms Set the context in South Tyneside and Sunderland Revisit the different objectives behind consultation Introduce the main e-consultation tools Provide examples of their use The aim of this session is to:

3 Definitions ‘Consultation and involvement describes a range of ways in which people can exchange views to help influence decisions, inform the way services are delivered and improve their communities’ Sunderland City Council Consultation and Involvement Toolkit ‘e-Consultation is the use of electronic computing and communication technologies in consultation processes and is complementary to existing practices’ e-Consultation Research Project, Queens University Belfast

4 The Context e-Consultation is only an option It should be used to complement other consultation methods Today will help outline the pros and cons Support is available in Sunderland and South Tyneside Good practice guidelines around consultation and working with young people still apply

5 The Consultation Process Both organisations already have guidance to support those wishing to undertake a consultation. This should be reviewed before looking at the opportunities offered by technology.

6 Level of Involvement (Sunderland)

7 The Consultation Process (South Tyneside) Community Empowerment (Giving confidence, skills and power to communities) Makes decisions Consultation (Listening) Influence decisions Communication (Informing Communities) Doesn’t affect decisions

8 e-Consultation Methods DistanceMixedFace to Face

9 Text response Audio dropbox Video diaries Survey ‘Apps’ Video booths Social networks Web surveys Viral campaigns Discussion Forum Web comment walls Bulletin Boards Electronic voting Twitter poll Star ratings E-petition Email Blogs On-line chat Mobile phone surveys e-Consultation Methods Wikis

10 e-Consultation Methods Categorising the various methods: - information transfer - supporting discussion - collaboration Tools can crossover between categories Be used in conjunction with each other Be used alongside other consultation methods Explanation and examples should help

11 Tools for Information Transfer Essentially a one way flow of information However, could be providing information to the public or gathering information from them When gathering information, individual responses are not normally visible to others Examples:  providing information to the public – web pages, e-newsletters, viral campaigns, blogs and tweets  gathering information from the public - web surveys, mobile phone surveys, e-polls and e- voting

12 Blogs

13 Video Blog Barnardo’s

14 Online Surveys Sunderland East Riding

15 On-line Poll Sunderland City Council

16 e-Petitions

17 Poll Everywhere

18 Tools for Supporting Discussion Two way flow of information Responses usually visible to other people Contributors can respond to earlier responses Examples include:  discussion forums  web comment walls  on-line chat  video conferencing

19 Tools for Supporting Discussion Sunderland Software City

20 Tools for Supporting Discussion unicef Voices of Youth

21 Tools for Supporting Discussion WIMPS

22 Tools for Collaborating Allow consultees to help shape ideas and policies Are very interactive Allow consultees to: share critique author Examples of tools include: Digital collaboration boards Collaborative mind-mapping tools Wiki technology Google documents

23 Tools for Collaborating Wiki Technology Collaborative Documents Collaborative mind maps

24 Adding Another Dimension

25 Second Life

26 Where does Social Networking fit in? Across the categories Can be the ‘wrapper’ for e-consultation As ‘learning communities’ allow young people to establish their own advisory groups or ‘think tanks’ to support policy development Young people can join and leave consultation when it is of interest to them Examples include:  Facebook  MySpace  Ning  Grouply

27 Facebook

28 Twitter

29 Learning Communities

30 Dissemination An important element of any consultation E-tools can be used to provide feedback to participants or the general public Can include video, mobile and computer tools Examples include:  YouTube  Social networks  Corporate websites

31 Examples Sunderland Voluntary Sector Youth Forum

32 Other Interesting Examples The following use a number of different e- consultation methods:  Sunderland Voluntary Sector Youth Forum (SVSYF)  SVSYF, Youth Development Group & Sunderland Youth Parliament  Durham County Council

33 Sunderland Voluntary Sector Youth Forum

34 Youth Development Group Sunderland Voluntary Sector Youth Forum Sunderland Youth Parliament

35 Durham County Council

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