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STD I GOD THE CREATOR Lesson 14 Jesus Prays Activity Let Us Sing 2 Let Us Remember Our Father… Let Us Memorise Let Us Pray Let Us Sing 1.

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Presentation on theme: "STD I GOD THE CREATOR Lesson 14 Jesus Prays Activity Let Us Sing 2 Let Us Remember Our Father… Let Us Memorise Let Us Pray Let Us Sing 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 STD I GOD THE CREATOR Lesson 14 Jesus Prays Activity Let Us Sing 2 Let Us Remember Our Father… Let Us Memorise Let Us Pray Let Us Sing 1

2 GOD THE CREATOR Jesus used to pray daily to God the Father. 14 Jesus,Who Teaches To Pray Jesus Praying

3 GOD THE CREATOR He taught His disciples to pray. 14 Jesus,Who Teaches To Pray Jesus Praying

4 GOD THE CREATOR 14 Jesus,Who Teaches To Pray Jesus Praying

5 GOD THE CREATOR Jesus prayed on mountain tops. 14 Jesus,Who Teaches To Pray Jesus Praying

6 GOD THE CREATOR Jesus prayed in the desert and lonely places. 14 Jesus,Who Teaches To Pray Jesus Praying

7 GOD THE CREATOR Jesus prayed before performing miracles. 14 Jesus,Who Teaches To Pray Jesus Praying

8 GOD THE CREATOR Jesus prayed when he was in pain. 14 Jesus,Who Teaches To Pray Jesus Praying

9 GOD THE CREATOR Jesus prayed while he was on the cross. 14 Jesus,Who Teaches To Pray Jesus Praying

10 GOD THE CREATOR 14 Jesus,Who Teaches To Pray Our Father in Heaven Jesus asks us also to pray. He taught us to pray. “Our Father…” is the prayer that Jesus taught us.

11 GOD THE CREATOR 14 Jesus,Who Teaches To Pray The Prayer that Jesus taught “Our father in Heaven, holy be your name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Do not bring us to the test. But deliver us from evil, Amen.

12 GOD THE CREATOR 14 Jesus,Who Teaches To Pray Let Us Sing 1 Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, Hallowed be Thy name(2)

13 GOD THE CREATOR 14 Jesus,Who Teaches To Pray Let Us Pray Dear Jesus, teach us to pray.

14 GOD THE CREATOR In our work and in our play, Jesus, be thou ever near; Guarding, guiding all the day, Keep us in thy presence dear. May we grow like you in grace, True in mind and pure of soul; Meeting life with steadfast face, Run its race and reach the goal. 14 Jesus,Who Teaches To Pray Let Us Sing 2

15 GOD THE CREATOR 14 Jesus,Who Teaches To Pray Let Us Memorise “Our father in Heaven, holy be your name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Do not bring us to the test. But deliver us from evil, Amen.

16 GOD THE CREATOR 14 Jesus,Who Teaches To Pray Let Us Remember Jesus used to pray to his Father. We should pray daily during important events. ‘ Our Father’ is the prayer taught by Jesus. We should pray when get up in the morning as well as when go to sleep in the night.

17 GOD THE CREATOR ACTIVITYACTIVITY Fill in the blanks Fill in the blanks Answer the following Answer the following Activity 1 Activity 2 14 Jesus,Who Teaches To Pray

18 GOD THE CREATOR ACTIVITY 1 Holy Spirit TTTT rrrr yyyy A A A A gggg aaaa iiii nnnn Mother Mary TTTT rrrr yyyy A A A A gggg aaaa iiii nnnn That’s Correct! Very Good God the Father 1. Jesus used to pray daily to _____________. God the Father Fill in the blanks. 14 Jesus,Who Teaches To Pray

19 GOD THE CREATOR ACTIVITY 1 relatives TTTT rrrr yyyy A A A A gggg aaaa iiii nnnn mother TTTT rrrr yyyy A A A A gggg aaaa iiii nnnn That’s Correct! Very Good disciples 2. Jesus taught His ___________ to pray. disciples Fill in the blanks. 14 Jesus,Who Teaches To Pray

20 GOD THE CREATOR ACTIVITY 1 Hail Mary… TTTT rrrr yyyy A A A A gggg aaaa iiii nnnn I believe… TTTT rrrr yyyy A A A A gggg aaaa iiii nnnn That’s Correct! Very Good Our Father… 3. The prayer which Jesus taught us to pray : __________ ‘Our Father…’ Fill in the blanks. 14 Jesus,Who Teaches To Pray

21 GOD THE CREATOR ACTIVITY 2 1.Name some occasions Jesus prayed to heavenly father. Answer Jesus prayed in the temple. Jesus prayed on the mountain tops. Jesus prayed in the desert and lonely places. Jesus prayed before performing miracles. Jesus prayed when he was in pain. Jesus prayed while he was on the cross. Jesus prayed in the temple. Jesus prayed on the mountain tops. Jesus prayed in the desert and lonely places. Jesus prayed before performing miracles. Jesus prayed when he was in pain. Jesus prayed while he was on the cross. ANSWER THE FOLLOWING 14 Jesus,Who Teaches To Pray

22 GOD THE CREATOR ACTIVITY 2 2. Who taught disciples to pray? Answer Jesus taught disciples to pray. ANSWER THE FOLLOWING 14 Jesus,Who Teaches To Pray

23 GOD THE CREATOR ACTIVITY 2 3. Which prayer Jesus taught us to pray? Answer The prayer Jesus taught us is: “Our Father” ANSWER THE FOLLOWING 14 Jesus,Who Teaches To Pray

24 GOD THE CREATOR ACTIVITY 2 4. Write some occasions in which you pray Answer While getting up in morning Before going to school. When not well. While start to study. While going to bed in night When someone is ill. While getting up in morning Before going to school. When not well. While start to study. While going to bed in night When someone is ill. ANSWER THE FOLLOWING 14 Jesus,Who Teaches To Pray

25 LESSON 14: JESUS WHO TEACHES TO PRAY Habits Convictions.  Jesus always used to pray to his Father.  ‘Our Father’ is the prayer taught by Jesus. Attitude  One should pray daily during important events. Practice  I pray when I get up in the morning as well as when I go to sleep in the night. What my children should personalize

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