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Religious Sects & Anawim THE PEOPLE OF ANCIENT PALESTINE 8/31.

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Presentation on theme: "Religious Sects & Anawim THE PEOPLE OF ANCIENT PALESTINE 8/31."— Presentation transcript:

1 Religious Sects & Anawim THE PEOPLE OF ANCIENT PALESTINE 8/31

2 Religious Sects within Judaism  Sadducees  Pharisees  Essenes  Zealots

3 Anawim  Anawim- Hebrew word that means “the poor,” “meek,” or “lowly” Meet with your Martha partners. Discuss: who are the Anawim among us? Who have we encountered that are poor, meek, lowly?

4 The Anawim of Ancient Palestine  Tax Collectors  Common People  Women  Gentiles

5 Religious Sects Group Activity  Who were they?  What was the meaning of their name?  Where did they worship?  What activities did they do?  What did they believe?  How did they view others?

6 Anawim Group Activity  Who were these people?  How did Jewish society view these members?  Why were these members disliked within Jewish society?  How did Jesus treat and view these members of society?  How are these same people treated in the world today?  Think both within and outside of the United States

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