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Literary Terms. ALLITERATION ■ alliteration- the repetition of the same or similar consonant sounds in words that are close together ■ Example: Six snakes.

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Presentation on theme: "Literary Terms. ALLITERATION ■ alliteration- the repetition of the same or similar consonant sounds in words that are close together ■ Example: Six snakes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Literary Terms

2 ALLITERATION ■ alliteration- the repetition of the same or similar consonant sounds in words that are close together ■ Example: Six snakes slithered slowly in a circle.

3 ASSONANCE ■ assonance- the repetition of vowel sounds in words that are close together ■ Example: blue moon green tea

4 SIMILE ■ simile- a comparison of two unlike things using “like” or “as” ■ Example: ■ He charged like an enraged bull. ■ The snow fell as softly as feathers.

5 METAPHOR ■ metaphor- a comparison of two unlike things where one thing becomes another ■ Example: ■ The teacher gave me an icy stare. ■ The night sky was inky blackness.

6 IMAGERY ■ imagery- using words to paint a picture in the reader’s mind ■ Note: The word “image” is in imagery!

7 FORESHADOWING ■ foreshadowing- the use of clues to suggest events that will happen later in the plot ■ Foreshadowing makes the story more real and believable because it prepares the readers. ■ Foreshadowing also creates suspense.

8 ONOMATOPOEIA ■ onomatopoeia- when a word sounds like its meaning

9 POINT OF VIEW ■ point of view- the vantage point from which the story is told ■ 2 types: ■ first person: when one of the characters is telling the story (I, me, my) ■ third person: when an outsider is telling the story (she, his, they)

10 PERSONIFICATION ■ personification- giving human characteristics to non-human things ■ Example: The sun smiled on the Earth. Death stood at the door.

11 HYPERBOLE ■ hyperbole- an obvious exaggeration not meant to be taken literally ■ Example: I’ve been waiting in this line for an eternity.

12 SENSORY LANGUAGE ■ sensory language- using words to describe things in new ways through the use of the five senses

13 OXYMORON ■ oxymoron- a combination of opposite words or words that seem to contradict each other ■ Example: a small crowd tough love





18 SYMBOLISM ■ symbolism- using something to stand for or suggest something else ■ Example: A cross is a symbol for Christanity. An apple is a symbol for a teacher.

19 FIGURE OF SPEECH ■ figure of speech- a word or phrase that describes one thing in terms of something else and is not literally true ■ Simile, metaphor, personification, and hyperbole are all examples of figures of speech.

20 IRONY ■ irony- the contrast between what is expected or appears to be, and what actually is ■ Example: You find a penny on the floor, but don’t pick it up because you think a penny is useless. Later in the day when you go to catch the bus, you discover you’re a penny short.

21 VOICE ■ voice- the author’s ability to show his or her thoughts, feelings, opinions, etc. honestly in a style unique to him or her ■ Voice is often thought of as the “heart” or “personality” of the writing.

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