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Introduction to Analysis. Analysis The process of examining something in detail in order to explain and interpret it.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Analysis. Analysis The process of examining something in detail in order to explain and interpret it."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Analysis


3 Analysis The process of examining something in detail in order to explain and interpret it

4 Common Forms of Analysis  Character analysis  Plot analysis  Compare & Contrast analysis  Cause & Effect analysis

5 Literary Devices


7 Literary Devices are techniques an author uses to produce a special effect in writing Two Types of Devices: -Style -Meaning


9 Style  Alliteration  Assonance  Onomatopoeia  Rhyme


11 Assonance  The repetition of a consonant sound in a phrase  The Wicked Witch of the West went her own way.  The repetition of a vowel sound in a phrase  The green leaves fly sweetly from the breeze. Alliteration

12 Onomatopoeia  Words that imitate the natural sound of a thing  The buzzing bees flew to the tree.  The book made a loud thump.

13 Rhyme  Rhyme: Repetition of similar sounding words  End rhyme: A rhyme found at the end of a phrase  The girl went to the class.  She was filled with sass.  Internal rhyme: A rhyme found within a line  The boy threw the toy.


15 Meaning  Denotation  Connotation  Allusion  Antithesis  Oxymoron  Euphemism  Hyperbole  Understatement  Irony  Simile  Metaphor  Flashback  Foreshadowing  Oxymoron  Personification  Symbol  Synecdoche


17 Connotation  The literal or dictionary meaning of a word or phrase  Her legs are on fire.  Denotation: The girl’s legs were burning and were in flames.  The implied alternative meaning; interpretation  Her legs are on fire.  Connotation: Her legs are tired. Denotation

18 Allusion  A known reference to something outside of the text  The girl hoped she would find her Romeo someday.  Romeo is an allusion to the Shakespearean play, Romeo and Juliet.


20 Oxymoron  Two contrasting phrases placed closely in a sentence or passage  When Neil Armstrong walked on the moon, it might have been one small step for a man but it was one giant leap for mankind.  Two consecutive, contrasting terms  Bittersweet  Beautiful Disaster Antithesis

21 Euphemism  A milder way to say something  Her great aunt passed away. Instead of: died  He is a sanitation engineer. Instead of: trash man


23 Understatement  An exaggeration; making something bigger than what it actually is  I’m so hungry I can eat a cow.  Downplaying something; making something seem less than what it actually is  You’re not late for the assignment. It was only due 3 weeks ago. Hyperbole

24 Irony  Figure of speech in which words are used in a way that their intended meaning is different from the actual meaning of the words  “Oh! What fine luck I have!”  Verbal Irony  Situational Irony  Dramatic Irony

25 Metaphor  A direct comparison of two unlike things, uses like or as  Her skin is as white as snow.  An implied comparison of two unlike things  He is a dog. Simile


27 Foreshadowing  A depiction of events to something that has happened in the past  Words or phrases that hints to events that might happen in the future Flashback


29 Personification  Figure of speech where an inanimate object has humanlike qualities  The flowers danced in the gentle breeze.


31 Symbol  An object or action that means something more than its literal meaning.  The Mockingjay as a symbol for community.  Colors or shapes


33 Synecdoche  A part of something that refers to the whole  Can you lend me a hand?  You have a nice set of wheels.

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