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The Holocaust. How Hitler Came to Power Mein Kampf - 1925 - His book describing plans for German-allied countries to rule Europe, along a racist worldview.

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Presentation on theme: "The Holocaust. How Hitler Came to Power Mein Kampf - 1925 - His book describing plans for German-allied countries to rule Europe, along a racist worldview."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Holocaust

2 How Hitler Came to Power Mein Kampf - 1925 - His book describing plans for German-allied countries to rule Europe, along a racist worldview of white supremacy with "Aryans" as the "master race" at the top and Jews and Gypsies at the bottom. ( From Wikipedia) GermanEuroperacistwhite supremacyAryansmaster race JewsGypsiesGermanEuroperacistwhite supremacyAryansmaster race JewsGypsies - He wrote it while in prison.

3 The SS and the SA 1925-30 1925-30 Hitler resumed complete control of the Party when he got out of prison. He reorganised the SA (stormtroopers). He organized the SS (Schutz Staffeln), also known as ‘blackshirts’ to protect him, supervise and control the party and act as police. Hitler resumed complete control of the Party when he got out of prison. He reorganised the SA (stormtroopers). He organized the SS (Schutz Staffeln), also known as ‘blackshirts’ to protect him, supervise and control the party and act as police.

4 Hitler’s Success Hitler was a great speaker. Hitler was a great speaker. The various political parties were not prepared to work together. The various political parties were not prepared to work together. The Depression of 1929 created economic problems. The Depression of 1929 created economic problems. The Nazi stormtroopers, the SA and SS, attacked other political groups. The Nazi stormtroopers, the SA and SS, attacked other political groups. Hitler and the Nazis targeted specific groups of society with different slogans and policies to get their support. Hitler and the Nazis targeted specific groups of society with different slogans and policies to get their support. People had little confidence in the democratic system and turned towards the extremist political parties like the Communists and Nazis during the Depression. People had little confidence in the democratic system and turned towards the extremist political parties like the Communists and Nazis during the Depression. The industrialist, Alfred Hugenberg, offered Hitler money and support from his publishing and media companies to attack the Young Plan for German reparations. The industrialist, Alfred Hugenberg, offered Hitler money and support from his publishing and media companies to attack the Young Plan for German reparations.

5 Hitler becomes Chancellor Hitler becomes Chancellor Hitler becomes Chancellor Hitler demanded that President Hindenburg appoint him but he refused as he understood Hitler’s desire to end the republic and establish a dictatorship. Hitler demanded that President Hindenburg appoint him but he refused as he understood Hitler’s desire to end the republic and establish a dictatorship. Hindenburg’s appointees were unable to form effective governments and the economy was getting worse. Hindenburg’s appointees were unable to form effective governments and the economy was getting worse. A group of Hindenburg’s advisers convinced the elderly President that if he made Hitler Chancellor, others could control him. 30 Jan 1933. A group of Hindenburg’s advisers convinced the elderly President that if he made Hitler Chancellor, others could control him. 30 Jan 1933. "Führer" (Leader) of Germany from 1934 until his death. "Führer" (Leader) of Germany from 1934 until his death.FührerGermany1934FührerGermany1934

6 Map of Europe – 1930

7 World War II Begins Why? Why? Hitler was angry with the way Germany was treated after WWI and with the “Treaty of Versailles”. Hitler was angry with the way Germany was treated after WWI and with the “Treaty of Versailles”. Result? Hitler secured a Non- Aggression Treaty with Stalin of the USSR in August 1939; this surprised many as communism had been one of Hitler’s chief hates. He invaded Poland in September of 1939. (Blitzkrieg) Britain and France immediately declared war.

8 Map of Europe in 1940

9 The Holocaust The Holocaust The Holocaust Systematic killing of the Jews and others Systematic killing of the Jews and others 6 million (of perhaps 18 million Jews in the whole world) were exterminated 6 million (of perhaps 18 million Jews in the whole world) were exterminated 5 million non-Jews were also killed 5 million non-Jews were also killed Most of the death camps were in Poland Most of the death camps were in Poland Inmates were forced to work as long as they could before they were killed; they were on starvation rations. Inmates were forced to work as long as they could before they were killed; they were on starvation rations.

10 The Holocaust continued The Holocaust The Holocaust Hitler referred to the killing of Europe’s Jews repeatedly in his public speeches. Hitler referred to the killing of Europe’s Jews repeatedly in his public speeches. The process was documented in photos, official records, inventories etc. The process was documented in photos, official records, inventories etc. Jews were transported to the camps from all over occupied Europe in railway cattle cars. Jews were transported to the camps from all over occupied Europe in railway cattle cars.

11 Estimated number of Jewish Victims






17 The End to the War in Europe Hitler had boasted the Nazis would rule for a thousand years; they lasted just 12. Hitler had boasted the Nazis would rule for a thousand years; they lasted just 12. The resistance by the Soviet armies had severely weakened Hitler’s army. The resistance by the Soviet armies had severely weakened Hitler’s army. The bombing campaigns by British and American airmen had brought the war home to Germany. The bombing campaigns by British and American airmen had brought the war home to Germany. Several assassination attempts failed. Several assassination attempts failed. A last ditch attempt – The Battle of the Bulge – took troops needed against the Soviets in the east and yet failed to stop the Allied advance in the west. A last ditch attempt – The Battle of the Bulge – took troops needed against the Soviets in the east and yet failed to stop the Allied advance in the west. Hitler committed suicide in Berlin April 30, 1945. Hitler committed suicide in Berlin April 30, 1945.

18 What did you learn? Identify two causes or conditions of why the holocaust happened: Identify two causes or conditions of why the holocaust happened: Hint: Think of political, economic or societal reasons. Hint: Think of political, economic or societal reasons. Example: Hitler new the various political parties were not willing to work together. (Democracy, Communists and Nazi) He was able to declare himself leader in 1934. Example: Hitler new the various political parties were not willing to work together. (Democracy, Communists and Nazi) He was able to declare himself leader in 1934.

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