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Published byRodger Shaw Modified over 8 years ago
The Argonne High Energy Physics Division H.Weerts Argonne HEP Division May 14, 2013 Physical Sciences and Engineering (PSE) Directorate Review, May 14-16, 2013 Overview, intentions, directions
PSE ALD review: High Energy Physics ; May 14-16, 2013, H.Weerts 2 This review You, the reviewers span a wide spectrum of expertise: Particle physics, Nuclear physics, Material Science and beyond. Will keep at fairly high level and try to give sense of where we are where plan to go how we contribute to HEP how we contribute to Argonne. Please interrupt, ask questions and we look forward to your feedback. US High Energy Physics is going thru a prioritization process over next year. Step 1: Community input thru “Snowmass” process i.e. community meets at Univ of Minnesota to outline physics opportunities, end of July Step2: Prioritization panel will fold in $$ and set priorities ANL significant role as conveners
3 PSE ALD review: High Energy Physics ; May 14-16, 2013, H.Weerts
4 Very well connected to other divisions; people in other divisions do work for HEP; HEP works in other divisions.
PSE ALD review: High Energy Physics ; May 14-16, 2013, H.Weerts 5 Who is the HEP division at Argonne ?
PSE ALD review: High Energy Physics ; May 14-16, 2013, H.Weerts 6 Numbers and funding There are ~120 people on org chart, which are all (strictly) in HEP. There are another ~20 people in other divisions at ANL, partially funded by HEP --- listed under “Projects” There are about ~25 visitors ( Mostly in ATLAS support center) – not listed Annual budget briefing in February of each year ( all “HEP labs” at DOE HEP) Comparative reviews of all HEP labs every 3 years ( science & technology) by area ( 3 exp. Frontiers, theory, accelerator science, detector R&D) Site visit every year ( no committee) – whole program Site visit every 3-4 years ( with committee) – whole program Budgets in any FY are not completely known until September of FY…….. How does it work with DOE ?
7 HEP program from 10 miles up HEP Science program Technology Development PSE ALD review: High Energy Physics ; May 14-16, 2013, H.Weerts Energy Frontier Intensity Frontier Cosmic Frontier Accelerators Instrumentation Theory Frontier
8 Argonne HEP science program overview Neutrino physics MINOS analysis Nova Double Chooz LBNE (g-2) Advanced Acc. R&D AWA facility (dielec. wakefield, two beam, LC concept) Accel. Physics SCRF new directions Theory Pheno. BSM & QCD Collider program Cosmic Frontier Need theory & exp. for physics Detector R&D LAPD ( new photo detectors) DHCAL ( digital gas HCAL) DAQ systems New sensors Trigger systems “Science” program ILC R&D (AAI) SCRF, positron source, controls system Physics @ LCs PSE ALD review: High Energy Physics ; May 14-16, 2013, H.Weerts Energy Frontier Intensity Frontier Cosmic Frontier THE Frontier Strong support groups: Electronics group, serves several divisions; design & build Mechanical support group; design & build Computing support & Scientific Computing for ATLAS 2012 Astro physics VERITAS DES SPTpol LSST Future: CTA-US SPT-3G Collider physics CDF analysis ATLAS ( analysis center & upgrade); computing LC longer term (R&D & SiD @ ILC & CLIC)
PSE ALD review: High Energy Physics ; May 14-16, 2013, H.Weerts 9 Facilities ( within division) 9 Electronics: Mechanical: All groups are in the HEP division Group Resources (14 people, 12.5 FTEs) : –( engineers to techs) –ASICS at Fermilab Serves several divisions; In FY12: ~50% work for HEP Group Resources (7 people) : –Engineers to techs ( From ATLAS @LHC, Nova, telescopes to DES support) Unique capabilities HEP only Division expanded into more space; added all of Building 360 ( 2 floors, labs, conference rooms + offices) Space: 23K sq ft buildings + labs Close interactions: science engineering 2007 2009 Upgrade of lab 2011 2012 AWA extension
10 Argonne HEP science program overview Collider physics CDF analysis ATLAS ( analysis center & upgrade); computing LC longer term (R&D & SiD @ ILC & CLIC) Neutrino physics MINOS analysis Nova Double Chooz LBNE (g-2) Theory Pheno. BSM & QCD Collider program Cosmic Frontier Need theory & exp. for physics “Science” program Future States; Dec. 11, 2012, H.Weerts Energy Frontier Intensity Frontier Cosmic Frontier THE Frontier Astro physics VERITAS DES SPTpol LSST Future: CTA-US SPT-3G Describe this program
PSE ALD review: High Energy Physics ; May 14-16, 2013, H.Weerts 11 How is science done in HEP ? No experiments at Argonne site New experiments/facilities are expensive & large Planned at national or global level Typically large international collaborations Typically long time scales Experiments go thru long evolution ( design build commission run physics) with different expertise at phases Simple ones have been done HOWEVER R&D is done at Argonne Design & Construction done at Argonne Analysis done at Argonne Try to ensure “unique” Argonne contribution 100’s to 1000’s of people
PSE ALD review: High Energy Physics ; May 14-16, 2013, H.Weerts 12 Where are the experiments ? Components built at Argonne Double Chooz MINOS Nova VERITAS Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) with SPTpol Dark Energy Survey (DES) LHC @ CERN, ATLAS CDF @ FNAL
13 PSE ALD review: High Energy Physics ; May 14-16, 2013, H.Weerts CDF: steady state, EW convener & chair of editorial board ( every publication); ramping down ATLAS: Emphasis on enabling analysis for ANL, US ATLAS and ATLAS. Argonne HEP components ATLAS Support Center 13 HEP was in Bldg. 362 only ASC + offices and expansion capabilities in Bldg. 360 Connected to 362. Office space & conference rooms Chicago, Duke, MSU, NIU, Stony Brook, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, Iowa State +++ Graduate Fellowships ( ANL support) ATLAS jamborees &ATLAS workshops Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2011, H.Weerts Remain connected to US program-- involvement Collider physics CDF analysis ATLAS ( analysis center & upgrade); computing LC longer term (R&D & SiD @ ILC & CLIC) Energy Frontier M W precision -- incredible Transition from installation & commissioning of tile hadronic calorimeter, trigger & DAQ system TO Defining upgrade role. significant & leading role in establishing ATLAS Tier-3’s, Physics Coordinator (LeCompte). Connect to other parts of ANL program Tile cal – electronics TDAQ upgrade/evolution Fast Track Trigger (FTK) Optical connectors -> modulators (you must have heard about Higgs discovery); lectures @ ANL =Early Career Keep ATLAS running.
14 PSE ALD review: High Energy Physics ; May 14-16, 2013, H.Weerts ATLAS Emphasis on enabling analysis for ANL, US ATLAS and ATLAS. Argonne HEP components– future ATLAS Support Center 14 Some success already & running Will continue to grow and needed in difficult budget times Argonne HEP Budget Briefing, February 2011, H.Weerts Collider physics CDF analysis ATLAS ( analysis center & upgrade); computing LC longer term (R&D & SiD @ ILC & CLIC) Energy Frontier Start running at ~14Tev around 2015 New results will shape future of field Realizing upgrade role. Exploring leadership computing capabilities for ATLAS & beyond ( LeCompte) Connect to other parts of ANL program Tile cal – electronics TDAQ upgrade/evolution Fast Track Trigger (FTK) Optical connectors -> modulators = Higgs “factory” i.e. precision = ILC Positioning ANL as leading institution for possible “ILC in Japan”. Strong involvement in ILC TDR ( positron source) Strong participation and lead ILC & CLIC detectors & physics Member of Linear Collider Directorate ( replaced ILC GDE) Attended US-Japan symposium on April 30 on ILC = Higgs factory
Intensity Frontier 15 PSE ALD review: High Energy Physics ; May 14-16, 2013, H.Weerts Nova Data taking & analysis; ramping down, no MINOS+ MINOS A lot of work on R&D for construction (gluing techniques, extrusion materials) of giant Nova modules. Constructed near detector modules. Now “in NuMI beam”. DAQ, commissioning & simulation activities. More effort going in. Double Chooz LBNE Long term involvement. Data taking started. First results end of 2011 and more coming – future later Increasing involvement, more ramp up in last few months Argonne HEP components Neutrino physics MINOS analysis Nova Double Chooz LBNE All coming together now at Ash River
Double Chooz First of three reactor experiments to measure 13. Far detector running since April 2011; Near Detector under construction Calibration device construction & analysis at ANL (coordinator-Djurcic) 13 is as large as it could have been given previous constraints 16 Argonne only US lab involved PSE ALD review: High Energy Physics ; May 14-16, 2013, H.Weerts
Intensity Frontier 17 PSE ALD review: High Energy Physics ; May 14-16, 2013, H.Weerts First step towards involvement in Fermilab “muon” program Muon (g-2) Peter Winter joined division in August 2012 and beginnings of program Charged lepton flavor program Argonne HEP components Intensity Frontier MINOS analysis Nova Double Chooz LBNE (g-2)
Intensity Frontier 18 PSE ALD review: High Energy Physics ; May 14-16, 2013, H.Weerts Some internal discussion and whether this is enough for a lab program Argonne HEP components -- future Intensity Frontier MINOS analysis Nova Double Chooz LBNE (g-2) Three comparative review next week in Washington DC Long term program Long baseline neutrino experiments NOvA (now) and LBNE Involvement muon (g-2) and muon flavor violation experiments in future ( mu2e) Leadership role in Intensity Frontier for “Snowmass” process
19 PSE ALD review: High Energy Physics ; May 14-16, 2013, H.Weerts ~ 2007 beginnings with VERITAS LDRD FY08-10 Join DES Start sensor development for B-mode CMB polarization ( SPTpol) Start work on CTA telescope design Argonne HEP components Ground based gamma rays with VERITAS evolving into international Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) Trigger upgrades for VERITAS. Future: participation in CTA; currently dual-mirror telescope R&D VERITAS DES SPTpol Dark Energy Survey (DES) built calibration camera(DECAM), installed; sensor quality control & develop “run plan “ for DES. Started taking data. Future: joined LSST with emphasis on dark energy; theory & data handling Develop sensors ( with MSD) to enable measurement of the B- mode polarization of CMB. Recently funded by DOE. Future: SPT-3G proposal to NSF & DOE – upgrade of SPTpol VERITAS Cosmic Frontier Astro physics VERITAS DES SPTpol Future: CTA-US LSST SPT-3G Aug 30 th 2011 DECAM installation in Chile. SPTpol; 90 (ANL) & 150Ghz sensors
20 PSE ALD review: High Energy Physics ; May 14-16, 2013, H.Weerts Argonne HEP components -- future Ground based gamma rays with international Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA). US involvement unclear: try to coordinate with SLAC CTA DES -> LSST SPTpol –> SPT- 3G –> ultimate CMB Dark Energy Survey (DES) started taking data. Possible intermediate program LSST with emphasis on dark energy; theory & data handling SPTpol is running now SPT-3G proposal to NSF & DOE – upgrade of SPTpol Planning ultimate ground based CMB experiment (joined with SLAC/Stanford, Berkeley but lead is ANL/Chicago). Laying groundwork in “Snowmass” process VERITAS Cosmic Frontier Astro physics VERITAS DES SPTpol Future: CTA-US LSST SPT-3G Aug 30 th 2011 DECAM installation in Chile. SPTpol; 90 (ANL) & 150Ghz sensors
21 PSE ALD review: High Energy Physics ; May 14-16, 2013, H.Weerts Areas of expertise: Joint positions with Univ of Chicago and Northwestern Univ. Recent new hires in theory group ( Fall 2010, Petriello & Boughezal). Lab very supportive of theory group. QCD collider physics BSM physics at colliders & beyond Heavy Quark physics ( Quarkonium) Mathematical /Formal theory Higgs at LHC top final states Higgs “interpretation” Higgs properties Argonne HEP components Joint staff & postdoc positions: UoC and NU Visitors & Joint postdoc positions: IIT and UIC Connections to Fermilab Theory Pheno. BSM & QCD Collider program Cosmic Frontier Need theory & exp. for physics THE Frontier Recent activities: Related to LHC results More later
22 PSE ALD review: High Energy Physics ; May 14-16, 2013, H.Weerts Areas of expertise: Cosmic Frontier Theory started ~May 2011 Argonne HEP components Strong connections to & use of leadership computing facilities at Argonne & beyond ( connection to ASCR) Organized all 5 HEP/Astro labs into successful “Computational Cosmology” SciDAC submission and winning award Big impact on future surveys and necessary to get physics from those surveys (unique position for Argonne) Building strong connections to experimental program: DES, future LSST and CMB (SPTpol and future SPT-3G) program Theory Pheno. BSM & QCD Collider program Cosmic Frontier Need theory & exp. for physics THE Frontier Group funded by Argonne strategic Scientific Computing initiative for 3 years. 2 Staff – joint HEP & MCS 8 Fellows & Postdocs Joined LSST through this connection
PSE ALD review: High Energy Physics ; May 14-16, 2013, H.Weerts 23 Argonne connections: Theory underpinning for cosmology program; enable physics Collaboration: MCS-ALCF-HEP Part of scientific computing initiative at Argonne Connections to cosmology efforts at Chicago & other labs( new SciDAC) Problem: Do precision cosmology. Current and future experimental surveys of universe need simulations that compare different theoretical universes to data and try to identify “correct”. Need to “create” universes on computer. Precision probe of dark energy, dark matter, inflation and neutrino physics. Built up expertise, no other national lab has in cosmology simulations. Argonne HEP “technology” enabling Use Hardware/Hybrid Accelerated Cosmology Code Framework (HACC) to simulate. Scales to “million-core” system Gordon-Bell 2012 finalist “MIRA” universe Different approach to direct measurement Largest “man made” universe ever
24 Argonne HEP science program overview Collider physics CDF analysis ATLAS ( analysis center & upgrade); computing LC longer term (R&D & SiD @ ILC & CLIC) Neutrino physics MINOS analysis Nova Double Chooz LBNE (g-2) Theory Pheno. BSM & QCD Collider program Cosmic Frontier Need theory & exp. for physics “Science” program Future States; Dec. 11, 2012, H.Weerts Energy Frontier Intensity Frontier Cosmic Frontier THE Frontier Astro physics VERITAS DES SPTpol LSST Future: CTA-US SPT-3G This program is very long range and evolves rather slowly ( expensive): ATLAS/LHC + upgrades run for > 10 years Neutrinos: ~10 year program ASTRO-physics: also 10 years; new project New accelerator limited options in next 10 years Need to develop new cheaper, transformational technologies for next accelerator(s) and experiment/detectors; funds often limitation Example: would like cheap follow up to LHC and/or high energy electron positron collider
25 Argonne HEP technology program overview Advanced Acc. R&D AWA facility (dielec. wakefield, two beam, LC concept) Accel. Physics SCRF new directions Detector R&D LAPD ( new photo detectors) DHCAL ( digital gas HCAL) DAQ systems New sensors Trigger systems ILC: positron source, complete TDR Future States; Dec. 11, 2012, H.Weerts To enable new directions, go to higher energies ( smaller distances) and probe nature, to measure more intricate and smaller signals with or without background need: Better accelerators Cheaper accelerators Better instrumentation Cheaper instrumentation New instrumentation ( as required by questions)
26 PSE ALD review: High Energy Physics ; May 14-16, 2013, H.Weerts AWA group Demonstrate ~500MeV/m gradients & multi stage two beam acceleration in both ways Group critical for possible LC involvement accelerator science program dielectric wakefield acceleration two beam acceleration AWA facility expanded & upgraded Argonne HEP technology The AWA Upgrade Increase power Present: 100 MW 1GW scale Gradients: 100MeV/m 1 GeV/m scale Strategy: Increase the drive beam energy 15 MeV 75 MeV Additional ANL(building) & DOE funding Next few years Argonne connections: Part of Argonne Accelerator Institute (AAI) ASD in APS; future FEL -- Sascha Zholents talk Joint R&D Problem: Current accelerating structures limited to ~120MeV/m and metal structures only Enable shorter and more powerful accelerators Advanced Acc. R&D AWA facility (dielec. wakefield, two beam, LC concept) Accel. Physics SCRF new directions Separate talk by John Power.
AWA Facility completed Major Upgrade Before… After… PSE ALD review: High Energy Physics ; May 14-16, 2013, H.Weerts 27
Picture of AWA facility before & after AWA upgrade---- major 28 PSE ALD review: High Energy Physics ; May 14-16, 2013, H.Weerts
Positron source study for ILC ( responsible in GDE) 29 Where we are making contributions ANL responsible for end to end simulation of ILC positron source: numerical model of undulator radiation; investigated and compared many different undulator parameters proposed by collaborators; the impact on yield for different OMD options the energy deposition calculating in the targets (Ti, liquid pb). collaborating with KEK on their conventional e+ source scheme and compton scattering based e+ source. emittance evolution of drive electron beam passing through undulator. Currently working on undulator parameters for Minimum Machine option. PSE ALD review: High Energy Physics ; May 14-16, 2013, H.Weerts
30 Recent convergence in SRF community; similar techniques now for all cavities ANL positioning for next generation of SRF cavities using Atomic Layer Deposition 850 MHz =0.28 ANL 1 st SC spoke 345 MHz =0.63 ANL 1.3 GHz =1 ILC 2.8 GHz =1 (SPX) PSE ALD review: High Energy Physics ; May 14-16, 2013, H.Weerts Convergence of Low- and High-beta Superconducting RF acvities ANL has been at the center of this development for decades ( PHY division expertise) Basic accelerator building block All bulk Nb 97 MHz =0.1 ANL Z. Conway talk
PSE ALD review: High Energy Physics ; May 14-16, 2013, H.Weerts 31 Synthesize better superconductor than Nb by ALD: Highest Tc ever reported (50%): NbTiN = 14K Studying Higher Tc: FeSeTe (30K) and MgB 2 (40K). Multilayer structure: Best combination: AlN–NbTiN Growth on EP Nb samples. Major equipment: -Coat Cavity: custom ALD system with UHV oven -Plasma ALD: commissioned and working (NbTiN under way) Plasma ALD for cavities: -Collaboration with G. Wu (APS) 31 New cavity layered cavity structures with higher gradients. - With a technique that can allow cavities to be fabricated Future plans: Nb Cavity testing and cleaning at ANL/FNAL processing facility ALD coating with multilayer in custom Oven No bulk Nb, no chemical processing: Cu and Al cavity coating: Nb + ALD multilayers From 2 to 4.2 K: Higher Tc materials: Nb 3 Sn or NbTiN + MgB 2 ALD multilayers. Atomic Layer Deposition(ALD) for SRF cavities ( from ~35MeV/m 100MeV/m)
MSD ALD-PCT- characterization J. Klug, N. Groll, N. Becker, C. Cao HEP support-funding Th. Proslier, K-S. Chen Collab Berkeley, FNAL, JLAB A. Anders, R. Mendelsberg A-M. Valente, L. Cooley PHYS-APS Testing M. Kelly M.Pellin 32 PSE ALD review: High Energy Physics ; May 14-16, 2013, H.Weerts
33 PSE ALD review: High Energy Physics ; May 14-16, 2013, H.Weerts Argonne HEP components DescriptionStatus Threshold Edge Sensors (TES) developments and application in CMB and DM. new Earlier R&D on optical (wireless, fiber less) DAQ turned into optical modulators. new Trigger & DAQ system developmentsContinue New Large area picosecond photo detector development– from scratch (LAPPD) Continue Glass RPC based digital Calorimeter. Completing. (DHCAL) Concluding Multi- discipli nary yes no yes Detector R&D LAPD ( new photo detectors) DHCAL ( digital gas HCAL) DAQ systems New sensors Trigger systems Details on this program in talks by Marcel Demarteau & Val Novosad This is program with major emphasis in division, strong multi-disciplinary aspects and unique, direction setting among US HEP programs. Leadership role in Instrumentation Frontier for “Snowmass” process
PSE ALD review: High Energy Physics ; May 14-16, 2013, H.Weerts 34 Argonne connections: Argonne join South Pole Telescope, enable polarization measurement Collaboration: MSD-NST-HEP and Chicago Use superconductor expertise in MSD Enable CMB program in HEP ( ANL unique among labs) Problem: Transition edge sensors with polarization capability did not exist for Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) experiments at required sensitivity. Enable to probe very early universe at 10 16 GeV scale, “close” to Big Bang; count #neutrinos and neutrino mass. Built up expertise, no other national lab has now. Argonne HEP technology Effort: NIST ANL/UoC Future: Build all at ANL
35 PSE ALD review: High Energy Physics ; May 14-16, 2013, H.Weerts Built up expertise in glass based RPCs Imaging hadron calorimeter for future LC ( 1x1 cm 2 pads) Built a 450K pixelated readout system for RPC On board electronics; unique & first of a kind ever Built a 1m 3 hadronic calorimeter – - in testbeam DHCAL Argonne HEP components Several views of the same 60Gev/c pion entering & interacting, depositing its entire energy in calorimeter (DHCAL). Energy ~ to # hits visible DHCAL = Digital Hadron Calorimeter DHCAL Detector R&D LAPD ( new photo detectors) DHCAL ( digital gas HCAL) DAQ systems New sensors Trigger systems In high demand and in testbeams at FNAL and CERN. CERN contributions Large collaboration with universities Large investment of KA15 funds over ~5 yrs Unique and excellent performance
PSE ALD review: High Energy Physics ; May 14-16, 2013, H.Weerts 36 Overall comments on program and overall direction
Main theme for Argonne HEP 37 ENABLE Approach for Argonne HEP in short: Actions and activities are driven by “ enabling ” future of HEP Enable : US participation in ATLAS/LHC Developing new “ technologies ” for accelerators & detectors to enable experiments Interaction with & use material science, photon science, computing, nano scale, accelerator expertise at Argonne to do this ( inter-disciplinary science); enable new technologies Transfer HEP expertise to other fields ( detector & accelerator expertise for example) Direction for future of field ( theory & “snowmass’ exercise) Connections & collaboration with/resource for universities Connections to industry with new technologies PSE ALD review: High Energy Physics ; May 14-16, 2013, H.Weerts Uniqueness: Basic development of new directions, tools, sensors, detectors, acceleration methods, computing …… driven by HEP needs & bring non-HEP expertise at Argonne -- inter-disciplinary approach UNIQUE future HEP and do it in a way that is
PSE ALD review: High Energy Physics ; May 14-16, 2013, H.Weerts 38 Argonne HEP connections Collider physics CDF analysis ATLAS ( analysis center & upgrade); computing LC longer term (R&D & SiD @ ILC & CLIC) Neutrino physics MINOS analysis Nova Double Chooz LBNE (g-2) Astro physics VERITAS DES SPTpol Future: CTA-US LSST SPT-3G Theory Pheno. BSM & QCD Collider program Cosmic Frontier Need theory & exp. for physics Advanced Acc. R&D AWA facility (dielec. wakefield, two beam, LC concept) Accel. Physics SCRF new directions Detector R&D LAPD ( new photo detectors) DHCAL ( digital gas HCAL) DAQ systems New sensors Trigger systems ILC R&D (AAI) SCRF, positron source, controls system Physics @ LCs
39 Argonne HEP science program overview Neutrino physics MINOS Nova Double Chooz LBNE (g-2) Theory Pheno. BSM & QCD Collider program Cosmic Frontier Need theory & exp. for physics “Science” program ILC R&D (AAI) SCRF, positron source, controls system Physics @ LCs PSE ALD review: High Energy Physics ; May 14-16, 2013, H.Weerts Energy Frontier Intensity Frontier Cosmic Frontier THE Frontier Astro physics VERITAS DES SPTpol Future: CTA-US LSST SPT-3G Collider physics ATLAS (analysis center & upgrade); computing LC longer term (R&D & SiD @ ILC & CLIC) Argonne Computing Material Science++ Strong collaboration within Argonne Advanced Acc. R&D AWA facility (dielec. wakefield, two beam, LC concept) Accel. Physics SCRF new directions Detector R&D LAPD ( new photo detectors) DHCAL ( digital gas HCAL) DAQ systems New sensors Trigger systems
PSE ALD review: High Energy Physics ; May 14-16, 2013, H.Weerts 40 Computational Cosmology / Cosmic Frontier Theory Argonne Computing MCS, ALCF, MSD, CNM, APS(XSD, ASD), PHY, AAI “Other” Argonne expertise HEP Part of Exascale Scientific Computing Initiative @ Argonne Broaden Scientific Comp. capability Build on expertise Example: Geant4 Material Science++ Sensor & Detector Center Argonne HEP evolution & connections Collider physics CDF analysis ATLAS ( analysis center & upgrade); computing LC longer term (R&D & SiD @ ILC & CLIC) Neutrino physics MINOS analysis Nova Double Chooz LBNE (g-2) Astro physics VERITAS DES SPTpol Future: CTA-US LSST SPT-3G Theory Pheno. BSM & QCD Collider program Cosmic Frontier Need theory & exp. for physics Advanced Acc. R&D AWA facility (dielec. wakefield, two beam, LC concept) Accel. Physics SCRF new directions Detector R&D LAPD ( new photo detectors) DHCAL ( digital gas HCAL) DAQ systems New sensors Trigger systems ILC R&D (AAI) SCRF, positron source, controls system Physics @ LCs
PSE ALD review: High Energy Physics ; May 14-16, 2013, H.Weerts 41 Transition to conclusion
PSE ALD review: High Energy Physics ; May 14-16, 2013, H.Weerts 42 New hires/directions Division has not hired senior people before 2010 F.Petriello R.Boughezal M.Demarteau S.Habib K.Heitmann Theory group (2010) Detector & Sensor center & Lepton Collider (2010) Cosmic Frontier Theory, part of Scientific Comp initiative at ANL, in HEP (2011) (H.Nicholson, guest) People want to come & work with us. More joint positions Transformational transition of division + four postdocs/fellows H. Frisch, J.Carlstrom Joint positions with UoC J.Paley Z.Djurcic Neutrino group (2009) T. Prolier Joint with MSD (2009) Number of postdocs/fellows grew from ~6 in 2006 to 28 now; several with their own support 4 Named Fellows, 2 lab directors postdocs, 1 NSF, 1 LHC, 1 NASA, 5 joint P.Winter Intensity Frontier (2012) C. Chang Cosmic Frontier (2012); joint to full time ANL
Awards & Recognition: PSE ALD review: High Energy Physics ; May 14-16, 2013, H.Weerts 43 Three DOE Early Career Awards from DOE HEP : Clear indication of quality of junior scientists in/associated with Division Mayly Sanchez, (joint appointment with ISU) FY11:Thomas Prolier (HEP/MSD) FY11:Jinlong Zhang (HEP) NSF Career Award & Hispanic Engineer National Achievement Award (2009) & PECASE award in 2012 Five APS Fellowships awarded since 2008 to division ( one between 1995 and 2006) There are 13 Named Fellowships at Argonne --- 4 are in HEP division One division member on HEPAP (first since 2000) FY13:Clarence Chang (HEP) ( have 5 more candidates) Leading role in organization and convening groups for Snowmass 2013 exercise in HEP
Vision for Argonne HEP: We think investments in building strong connections both inside and outside HEP will have the strongest impact in revitalizing HEP. More efficient research –Increase collaboration with and among universities Universities take better advantage of the lab infrastructure (beyond HEP!) Lab gains collaboration and broadens their portfolio of expertise Better serve the young people in HEP –Give opportunities to students of gaining experience in Hardware, computing Other Frontier areas –Opportunities to connect with industry HEP should better integrate into other scientific/technical community as well as industry. –Work across disciplines -- multidisciplinary. –Leads to better understanding and support for HEP Promoting more collaboration in diverse areas: this will lead, ultimately, to better communication and coherence in the HEP and the science community. PSE ALD review: High Energy Physics ; May 14-16, 2013, H.Weerts 44
PSE ALD review: High Energy Physics ; May 14-16, 2013, H.Weerts 45 Summary Would like to think that with HEP, Argonne has more fun in doing science and in general in doing business High Energy Physics (HEP) at Argonne HEP to Argonne Argonne to HEP Enrich science portfolio in unique way and bring challenging technology questions Enables unique technology & computational developments for HEP More in some of more detailed talks tomorrow
46 PSE ALD review: High Energy Physics ; May 14-16, 2013, H.Weerts The End
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