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Published byBruce Ramsey Modified over 8 years ago
CHITTOOR MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Population forecast 20172,07,000 20212,22,000 20322,60,000 20473,26,000
14 TH FC FUND ALLOCATION SL. No.YearAmount 12015-16467.344 Lakhs 22016-17675.232 Lakhs 32017-18780.177 Lakhs 42018-19902.22 Lakhs 52019-201219.495 Lakhs Total4044.77 Lakhs
SECTORS FOR PRIORITISATION SL. No SECTOR 1 Water Supply 2 Sanitation including septage management 3 Sewerage Management 4 Solid waste Management 5 Storm Water Drainage 6 Maintenance of Community assets i.e. development of parks, Protection of open spaces, Development of Play grounds, Maintenance of Municipal School buildings. 7 Maintenance of roads. 8 Burial and Cremation of grounds.
GAPS IN WATER SUPPLY Sr. No. IndicatorsPresent status Gap with reference to MOUD norms 1Coverage of water supply connections21%79% 2Per capita supply of water48 LPCD87 LPCD 3 Extent of metering of water connections 0%100% 4Extent of non-revenue water77%57% 5Quality of water supplied75% 25% 6Cost recovery in water supply services7.21%93.79% 7 Efficiency in collection of water supply related charges 25%65%
S TATUS OF O NGOING / S ANCTIONED S. No. Name of Project Scheme Name Cost Month of Completion Status (as on dd mm 2015) 1Nil Componen t 20152021 Present Ongoing projects TotalDemandGapRemarks Source000 36.23 MLD Treatment capacity 10 MLD0 36.23 MLD 26.23 MLD Elevated Storage capacity 3 ML0 10 ML7 ML Distribution network coverage 54.25 KM0 300 KM 245.75 KM
A LTERNATIVE A CTIVITIES T O M EET O BJECTIVES Sr. No.Objective Activities Cost (in Rs. Crores) Financi ng Source Gap Rem arks 1 To complete ongoing projects Nil nil 2 To achieve universal coverage provide 10000 no of house hold connections where pipe lines are laid 5.00 AMRUT laying of pipe lines of 154 kms for uncovered no of house holds and providing house hold connections 175.00 above conditions will be fulfilled only by augmentation of source 484.00 3 Improve per capita water supply by augmenting source along with necessary components for supplying treated clear water AMRUT 26.23 MLD
S TATUS OF SEWERAGE NETWORK AND S ERVICE L EVELS Sr. No.Indicators Present status Gap with reference to MOUD norms 1 Coverage of latrines (individual or community 75%(-)25% 2 Coverage of sewerage network services 0%(-)100% 3 Efficiency of collection of sewerage 0%(-)100% 4 Efficiency in Treatment: Adequacy of sewerage treatment capacity 0%(-)100%
C OST E STIMATE FOR S EWERAGE S YSTEM S.NoActivityBasisAmount in Rs.Cr 1Laying of sewer lines380.00 2Construction of STP15.00 3 Construction of man holes laboratory quarters etc 15.00
G AP IN THESE SERVICE LEVELS OF S TORM W ATER D RAINAGE Sr. No. IndicatorsSustainable standards Present Status Gap 1 Coverage of Storm water drainage network 100%20%(-)80% 2 Incidence of sewerage mixing in the drains 0%100%(-)100% 3 Incidence of water logging 0%30%(-)70%
D EMAND G AP A SSESSMENT FOR S TORM W ATER D RAINAGE S ECTOR Component 20152021 Present Ongoing projects TotalDemandGap Outfall Drains 9.5 Major Drains 12.050 132.05120 Network FOR water stagnant point up to the end discharge point (in Km) 140.000 440.00300.00 Network length where households discharging wastewater directly into the drains 140.000 440.00300.00 Rejuvenation of existing primary nallahs and primary drains including covering and installation of filter 140.000 440.00300.00
B RIDGING THE GAP - D EMAND A SSESSMENT Sl. NoBench mark Levels of service as per SLB, MoUD Present Service level Current Gap Demand/Targ et by 2021 1 Availability of public Transport 0.620.01(-)0.61 2 Percentage of footpaths 75%01%(-)74% 3 Availability of Traffic Surveillance (%) 50% 0%(-)50% 4 Passenger Information System (%) 3 to 5%0%(-)5% 5 (GPS)/ (GPRS) (%) 75% 0%(-)75% 6 Availability of On-street paid public parking spaces (%) 75%0%(-)75%
E STIMATED C OST FOR VARIOUS POSSIBLE ACTIVITIES NoProjectsUnitQuantity Total Cost (in Crore) 1Construction of foot path.RM1050010.50 2 Construction of foot over bridge near railway track. NO26.00 3 Construction of pathway forcycles. RM90009.50 4 Construction of parking places for motor cycles, cars at various commercial places. NO203.00 5 Construction of ROB at 5 places NO575.00 6Providing traffic signals.NO202.00
PROPOSAL FOR ANNUAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR YEAR 2016-17 UNDER 14 TH FINACE COMMISSION F OR R S. 675.232 LAKHS (Y EAR 2016-17) S.No.ComponentLocationPhysical Amount in Rs.Cr 1 Major parks Munaswamy Naidu Park, Near Tahsildar Office 0.70 Acres1.0 2 Colony parks B.V. Reddy Colony Park0.88 Acres0.5 Seetharathnamma Park, Santhi Nagar Colony, Kongareddypalle 0.55 Acres0.5 3 Lakes/ water bodiesKattamanchi Cheruvu10.00 Acres2.0 4 Traffic Islands6 locations225.08 Sqm0.0150 5 Central medians6 locations3.68 KM0.4 6 Avenue Plantation5000 Plants in 50 Divisions6.00 KM0.3 7 Block plantation PNC Municipal High School Ground Plants-500 Nos. 2.50 Acres0.0110 Grand Total4.726
PROPOSAL FOR ANNUAL DEVELOPMENT LAN FOR YEAR 2015-16 UNDER 14 T H FINACE COMMISSION F OR R S. 467.344 LAKHS (Y EAR 2015-16) Sl No Name of the ULB Name of the Component Name of the workEstimate Cost 12345 1. Water supply 1Chittoorwater supply Construction of 100 KL ELSR 10 m staging including pipe connections and conneting main power bores in 1 st division (peddakothur H/w) 36.344 2Chittoorwater supply Construction of 100 KL ELSR 10 m staging including pipe connections and conneting main power bores in 3 rd division( CCS COLONY) 36.00 3Chittoorwater supply Construction of 100 KL ELSR 10 m staging including pipe connections and conneting main power bores in 45 division ( E-sava center santhapeta) 37.00 TOTAL109.344
II. BURIAL GROUND AND CREMATION GROUNDS 1 Development of burial ground at Greamspet a)ChittoorBurial ground a) construction of compound wall 40.00 b)ChittoorBurial ground b) Development of ineternal road 10.00 c)ChittoorBurial ground c) providing water supply and electrification 10.00 TOTAL60.00 2 Development of burial ground at Sanjaygandhi nagar a)ChittoorBurial ground a) construction of compound wall 10.00 b)ChittoorBurial ground b) Development of ineternal road 10.00 c)ChittoorBurial ground c) providing water supply and electrification 10.00 TOTAL30.00 SUB-TOTAL90.00
III.STROM WATER DRAINAGE 1Chittoorstorm water drainga Construction of Strom water drain from Bapana cheruvu to D.No:24-366/3 via Bharath nagar (reach.I) 40.00 2Chittoorstorm water drainga Construction of Strom water drain from D.No:24-366/3 to 24-349/1 via usha nagar (reach.2) 32.00 3Chittoorstorm water drainga Construction of Storm watet drain from Maida factory to D.No 22-30(Chengarayamitta ) in (div No.5) 30.00 4Chittoorstorm water drainga Construction of Storm water drain from Kameswar nagar D.No 22-975/9 to 22-976/10A Kattamanchi bye pass road. 20.00 5Chittoorstorm water drainga Construction of Storm water drain from N.N kandriga forest to D.No 24-679. 24.00 SUB-TOTAL146.00
IV. Solid waste management 1 Providing transit point at kailasapuram burial ground with following provisions a)Chittoor solid waste managementa) construction of compound wall10 b)Chittoor solid waste managementb) construction of plat form10 c)Chittoor solid waste managementc) construction of ramp10 d)Chittoor solid waste managementd) construction of shelter10 TOTAL40 2 Providing transit point at Durga nagar colony CRC Centre with following provisions a)Chittoor solid waste managementa) construction of compound wall10 b)Chittoor solid waste managementb) construction of plat form10 c)Chittoor solid waste managementc) construction of ramp10 d)Chittoor d) construction of shelter10 40 SUB-TOTAL80
V.Maintenance of Community Assets 1 Development of Karmakandalu hall at kailasapuram burial ground with Bore sump, motors. a)ChittoorCommunity a) construction of compound wall 10.00 b)ChittoorCommunity b) construction of shelter 10.00 c)ChittoorCommunity c) providing water supply and electrification 10.00 30.00 VI. SERVICE LEVEL BENCH MARK. 1Chittoor Service Level Bench mark5.00 2Chittoor Double Entry System7.00 Sub - Total12.00 GRAND-TOTAL467.344
PROPOSAL FOR ANNUAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR YEAR 2016-17 UNDER 14 TH FINACE COMMISSION For Rs. 675.232 LAKHS (Year 2016-17) Sl No Name of the ULB Name of the Component Name of the work Estimate Cost 12345 1. Water supply 1Chittoorwater supply Construction of 100 KL ELSR 10 m staging including pipe connections and conneting main power bores in 14th division (Prasanthnagar) 36 2Chittoorwater supply Construction of 100 KL ELSR 10 m staging including pipe connections and conneting main power bores in 49th division( Thimmasamudram Indiramma colony) 36 3Chittoorwater supply Construction of 100 KL ELSR 10 m staging including pipe connections and conneting main power bores in 11th division ( CG palli) 40 4Chittoorwater supply Replacement of existing pumping main from Sub jail to Durganagar GLSR 30 5Chittoorwater supply Construction of 100 KL ELSR 10 m staging including pipe connections and conneting main power bores in 50 division 30 Sub Total172.00
II. Burial ground and Cremation grounds 1 Development of burial ground at Kongareddy palli a)Chittoor Burial ground a) construction of compound wall 15.00 b)Chittoor Burial ground b) Development of ineternal road 10.00 c)Chittoor Burial ground c) providing water supply and electrification 10.00 SUB-TOTAL35.00
III. Strom water drainage 1Chittoor storm water drainga Construction of Strom water drain from D.No:27-76 to 26- 112/60 at Jankarepalli 20.00 2Chittoor storm water drainga Construction of Storm water drain from Santapeta PNC school to Lilly brige D.No 5-42 45.00 3Chittoor storm water drainga Construction of Storm water drain from CCS Colony from D.NO 35-5 (Transformer ) to Z.P High School in Division No:3 25.00 4Chittoor storm water drainga Construction of Storm water drain at E-seva center D.No 5- 23/1 to Nagalamma Temple. 10.00 5Chittoor storm water drainga Construction of Storm water drain from D.No:41-1330 to D.No:41-2263 at YSR Colony (Prasanth Nagar) reach 2 30.00 6Chittoor storm water drainga Construction of Disposal Drain from D.No:4-2017/E to United bank at vellore main road 40.00 7Chittoor storm water drainga Construction of Storm water drainFrom D.No:4-1275/1 to DRDA training centre at Sivaji Nagar to vellore road 30.00 8Chittoor storm water drainga Construction of Storm water drain FromD.No:19-592/12 to collector bungalow back side. 32.00 9Chittoor storm water drainga Construction of Dispostal drain from D.No. 2-860 to Opp:Andhra Bank D.No.2-1056 at venkateswara colony to Sherman school main drain 14.23 10Chittoor storm water drainga Construction of Dispostal drain from Plot no:255 to D.No:41-148 at Chandra babu naidu colony 30.00 11Chittoor storm water drainga Construction of Dispostal drain from D.No:31- 513 to 31-977 at Magasamudram housing colony Division No:47 30.00 SUB-TOTAL306.23
IV. Solid waste management 1 Providing transit point near kongareddy commissioner quarters back side with following provisions a)Chittoorsolid waste managementa) construction of compound wall10 b)Chittoorsolid waste managementb) construction of plat form10 c)Chittoorsolid waste managementc) construction of ramp10 d)Chittoorsolid waste managementd) construction of shelter10 40 2 Providing transit point near PNC School with following provisions Old Compost yard a)Chittoorsolid waste managementa) construction of compound wall10 b)Chittoorsolid waste managementb) construction of plat form10 c)Chittoorsolid waste managementc) construction of ramp10 d)Chittoorsolid waste managementd) construction of shelter10 Sub Total40.00 80.00
V.Maintenance of Community Assets 1Chittoorcommunity Assets Construction of Community hall CCS colony 25.00 2Chittoorcommunity Assets Construction o community hall Kodiguntapalli 25.00 3Chittoorcommunity Assets c) Construction of Maternity Health center in the place of Old & damaged health center in 45th division 20.00 Sub Total70.00 VI. SERVICE LEVELBENCH MARK. 1Chittoor Service Level Bench mark 5.00 2Chittoor Double Entry System7.00 Sub Total12.00 GRAND-TOTAL675.232
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