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New Ownership Type Options: Implementing Request for Change 15-10 FIMS Annual Comprehensive Training May 11, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "New Ownership Type Options: Implementing Request for Change 15-10 FIMS Annual Comprehensive Training May 11, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Ownership Type Options: Implementing Request for Change 15-10 FIMS Annual Comprehensive Training May 11, 2016

2 Ownership May 11, 2016Ownership Type Options2  Identifies DOE’s legal interest in or right to use real property, including outright title.  Required for each building, OSF, trailer, or land asset

3 Current “Ownership” Options May 11, 2016Ownership Type Options3  DOE Owned (O)  DOE Leased (D)  Contractor Leased (C)  Contractor License (E)  GSA Owned (G)  GSA Leased (L)  Permit (P)  Withdrawn Land (W)  Institutional Control Land (I)  Easement Land (A)  License Land (S)  Long Term Interest Land (T)  Other Land (H)

4 Why? May 11, 2016Ownership Type Options4  Additional “Ownership” options will:  Accurately reflect in FIMS existing real estate agreements and DOE’s legal interest in each asset  Account for all real property used to accomplish DOE missions  Improve DOE operations and maintenance expenditures tracking  Improve Departmental decision-making by clarifying the legal interest in each asset

5 New “Ownership” Codes May 11, 2016Ownership Type Options5  Contractor Owned (T) Real property owned by the M&O contractor where work on behalf of the Department takes place or supports Departmental initiatives.  DOE License (B) Gives DOE the right to use real property belonging to another for a specific purpose on a permanent or temporary basis, with the owners retaining title but restricting the owner’s use to activities that do not interfere with DOE’s use.  Grant Recipient Owned (R) Real property owned by the recipient of DOE financial assistance. Assistance could result from the transfer of money or property from DOE to accomplish a public purpose authorized by federal statute. Assistance may be in the form of a grant, cooperative agreement, or technology investment agreement.  Non-Federal Permit (N) A right to use real property belonging to another non-Federal governmental entity (i.e. local municipality, state government) for a certain period of time, but revocable by the custodial entity at any time.

6 Changes to Definitions May 11, 2016Ownership Type Options6  DOE Leased (D) A possessory interest in real property that DOE acquired from the owner of the property for a defined period of time in return for rental payments.  Contractor Leased (C) A possessory interest in real property that a contractor acquires from the owner of the property and DOE reimburses the contractor for the rent paid to the owner.  Contractor License (E) A nonexclusive interest in real property that a contractor acquires from the owner of the property and DOE reimburses the contractor for the fee paid to the owner.  Federal Permit (P) A right to use real property belonging to another Federal Agency for a certain period of time, but revocable by the custodial agency at any time.

7 Changes to Definitions May 11, 2016Ownership Type Options7  GSA Owned (G) Space in buildings, and land incidental thereto, the title to which is vested, or which will become vested, pursuant to existing agreement in the General Services Administration (GSA) or other Government-owned space in building and land incidental thereto titled in the name of the United States of America but where GSA functions as the owner. DOE obtains a right of occupancy though an Occupancy Agreement with GSA.  GSA Leased (L) Space in buildings, and land incidental thereto, for which the General Services Administration (GSA) has a right of occupancy by virtue of having acquired a leasehold interest. DOE obtains a right of occupancy though an Occupancy Agreement with GSA.  Withdrawn Land (W) Land withdrawn from the public domain for DOE’s use per the Federal Land Policy and Management Act (PL 94-579; 43 US Code 1701, et. seq.). Public domain land, and withdrawals, is regulated by the Bureau of Land Management of the Department of Interior per 43 CFR 2310, et. seq..  Institutional Control Land (I) Land not owned by DOE but upon which DOE imposes/enforces administrative or legal controls (e.g. easements or use restrictions), physical barriers or markers, and other methods to preserve information and data to inform current and future generations of hazards and risks.

8 “Ownership” Codes to be Deleted May 11, 2016Ownership Type Options8  Applicable only to land records  License Land (S)  Long Term Interest Land (T)  Other Land (H) DOE interest in these parcels may include use of a lease, license, or permit and may be adequately described by another available ownership type.

9 Existing* Records Impacted May 11, 2016Ownership Type Options9  134 Land Records  Long Term Interest (T)  Other (H)  Affected Sites  EM – Crescent Junction, Moab  FE – Big Hill, West Hackberry  NE – Idaho National Laboratory  NNSA – Office of Secure Transportation  PA – East Region, South Region, Gore  SC – Brookhaven National Laboratory  LM – 40 sites *FY2015 FIMS Snapshot

10 Land Ownership

11 May 11, 2016Ownership Type Options11  Identifies the means of control of the land on which a DOE building or OSF is constructed  Required each DOE Owned, DOE Leased, or Permit building or OSF  Examples:  ORISE-SITE KEYPAD ENTRY is a DOE Owned OSF with Land Ownership “Contractor Control”  ORO -2429-FB Lawn Fence is a DOE Owned OSF with Land Ownership “Other”

12 “Land Ownership” Codes to be Deleted May 11, 2016Ownership Type Options12  Applicable to building, trailer, and OSF records  Contractor Control  Easement  Leased by DOE  Other Land  Owned by DOE  Permit Land  Withdrawn Public Domain Apply one set of codes both “Ownership” and ”Land Ownership” data fields

13 “Land Ownership” – Existing Records Disposition May 11, 2016Ownership Type Options13  Majority of records can be updated using a disposition matrix  904 records with Land Ownership of Contractor Control, Other, or Permit Land require user update  2,279 unpopulated records require user update *FY2015 FIMS Snapshot Land Ownership - Current Number of Assets* Ownership - Proposed Contractor Control37 Contractor Owned, Contractor Leased, Contractor License, or Non-Federal Permit Easement86 Easement Land Leased by DOE535 DOE Leased Other68 TBD Owned by DOE12,466 DOE Owned Permit Land799 Federal Permit or Non-Federal Permit Withdrawn Public Domain2,100 Withdrawn Land Blank2,279 TBD

14 Implementation Schedule May 11, 2016Ownership Type Options14  FIMS RFC 15-10 will be deployed in January 2017  Prior to FY2017 Snapshot, where necessary  Confirm use of disposition matrix for Land Ownership data field  Update Ownership and Land Ownership data fields  Create new property records for Contractor Owned, DOE License, Grant Recipient Owned, and Non-Federal Permit assets used to support DOE missions

15 Questions May 11, 2016 Cindy Hunt, PE, PMP, CCE, CFM, LEED AP Facilities Engineer U.S. Department of Energy Office of Asset Management (MA-50) 1000 Independence Ave, SW Washington DC 20585 202.586.4539 15Ownership Type Options

16 Backup

17 Crosswalk – Current to Proposed May 11, 2016Ownership Type Options17 CurrentProposed OwnershipDefinitionOwnership Property Type Definition DOE Owned (O)Fee title real property acquired through purchase or condemnation or donation. DOE Owned (O)B, T, S, LFee title real property acquired through purchase or condemnation or donation. DOE Leased (D)A possessory interest in real property that DOE acquired from the owner of the property. DOE Leased (D)B, T, S, LA possessory interest in real property that DOE acquired from the owner of the property for a defined period of time in return for rental payments. DOE License (B)B, T, S, LGives DOE the right to use real property belonging to another for a specific purpose on a permanent or temporary basis, with the owners retaining title but restricting the owner’s use to activities that do not interfere with DOE’s use. Contractor Owned (T) B, T, S, LReal property owned by the M&O contractor where work on behalf of the Department takes place or supports Departmental initiatives. Contractor Leased (C) A possessory interest in real property that a contractor acquires from the owner of the property and DOE reimburses the contractor for the rent paid to the owner. Contractor Leased (C) B, T, S, LA possessory interest in real property that a contractor acquires from the owner of the property. Contractor License (E) A nonexclusive interest in real property that a contractor acquires from the owner of the property and DOE reimburses the contractor for the fee paid to the owner. Contractor License (E) B, T, S, LA nonexclusive interest in real property that a contractor acquires from the property owner.

18 Crosswalk – Current to Proposed May 11, 2016Ownership Type Options18 CurrentProposed OwnershipDefinitionOwnership Property Type Definition GSA Owned (G)Space in buildings, and land incidental thereto, the title to which is vested, or which will become vested, pursuant to existing agreement in the General Services Administration (GSA) or other Government-owned space in building and land incidental thereto titled in the name of the United States of America but where GSA functions as the owner. GSA Owned (G)BSpace in buildings, and land incidental thereto, the title to which is vested, or which will become vested, pursuant to existing agreement in the General Services Administration (GSA) or other Government- owned space in building and land incidental thereto titled in the name of the United States of America but where GSA functions as the owner. DOE obtains a right of occupancy though an Occupancy Agreement with GSA. GSA Leased (L)Space in buildings, and land incidental thereto, for which the General Services Administration (GSA) has a right of occupancy by virtue of having acquired a leasehold interest. Beneficial use of the leasehold interest might be assigned to another entity. GSA Leased (L)BSpace in buildings, and land incidental thereto, for which the General Services Administration (GSA) has a right of occupancy by virtue of having acquired a leasehold interest. DOE obtains a right of occupancy though an Occupancy Agreement with GSA. Permit (P)A temporary right of exclusive or nonexclusive use of real property belonging to others. It is generally applicable to granting another Federal agency the right to use DOE real property, or vice versa. Federal Permit (P)B, T, S, LA right to use real property belonging to another Federal Agency for a certain period of time, but revocable by the custodial agency at any time. Non-Federal Permit (N) B, T, S, LA right to use real property belonging to another non- Federal governmental entity (i.e. local municipality, state government) for a certain period of time, but revocable by the custodial entity at any time.

19 Crosswalk – Current to Proposed May 11, 2016Ownership Type Options19 CurrentProposed OwnershipDefinitionOwnership Property Type Definition Grant Recipient Owned (R) B, T, S, LReal property owned by the recipient of DOE financial assistance. Assistance could result from the transfer of money or property from DOE to accomplish a public purpose authorized by federal statute. Assistance may be in the form of a grant, cooperative agreement, or technology investment agreement. Withdrawn Land (W) Land withdrawn from the public domain for DOE’s use is to be inventoried in this category. Withdrawn Land (W)LLand withdrawn from the public domain for DOE’s use per the Federal Land Policy and Management Act (PL 94-579; 43 US Code 1701, et. seq.). Public domain land, and withdrawals, is regulated by the Bureau of Land Management of the Department of Interior per 43 CFR 2310, et. seq.. Institutional Control Land (I) Include administrative or legal controls (e.g. easements or use restrictions), physical barriers or markers, and other methods to preserve information and data to inform current and future generations of hazards and risks. Institutional Control Land (I) LLand not owned by DOE but upon which DOE imposes/enforces administrative or legal controls (e.g. easements or use restrictions), physical barriers or markers, and other methods to preserve information and data to inform current and future generations of hazards and risks. Easement Land (A)Gives permission of the owner for DOE or its contractors to use the owner’s real property. Easement Land (A)LGives permission of the owner for DOE or its contractors to use the owner’s real property.

20 Crosswalk – Current to Proposed May 11, 2016Ownership Type Options20 OwnershipDefinitionDisposition License Land (S)Formal permission for DOE or its contractors to use real property belonging to others for a specific purpose. Deleted Long Term Interest Land (T) Formal permission for DOE or its contractors to use real property belonging to others for an extended period of time. Deleted Other Land (H)Describes the use of land for a limited amount of time or for narrow, specialized uses, that does not fall into the category of Easement, License, or Long Term Interest. Deleted Land Ownership Contractor ControlLand that is controlled by the contractor.Deleted EasementLand that belongs to another that DOE has the right to use for a specific purpose, with the owner retaining title. Deleted Leased by DOELand with an agreement that gives DOE exclusive possessory interest for a specified time, in exchange for payment of rent to the owner. Deleted Other LandDescribes land that does not fall into the other defined Land Ownership categories.Deleted Owned by DOELand with fee title (full and unconditional ownership of surface, subsurface and air rights).Deleted Permit LandLand with a temporary right of exclusive or nonexclusive use.Deleted Withdrawn Public Domain Land that has been withdrawn from the public domain for DOE’s use.Deleted

21 FRPP Crosswalk May 11, 2016Ownership Type Options21 FIMS OwnershipFRPP Legal Interest Indicator DOE Owned (O) Owned (G) DOE Leased (D) Leased (L) GSA Owned (G) Reported by GSA GSA Leased (L) Reported by GSA Federal Permit (P) Reported by Permitting Agency Withdrawn Land (W) Note: Assets with other FIMS “Ownership” types are not reported to the Federal Real Property Profile by DOE

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