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3.4.2 M OTIVATION THEORY It’s Raining men (and women!) – does working together motivate? Sir or Miss will bring the onset of rain by slowly rubbing their.

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Presentation on theme: "3.4.2 M OTIVATION THEORY It’s Raining men (and women!) – does working together motivate? Sir or Miss will bring the onset of rain by slowly rubbing their."— Presentation transcript:

1 3.4.2 M OTIVATION THEORY It’s Raining men (and women!) – does working together motivate? Sir or Miss will bring the onset of rain by slowly rubbing their hands together. The person on their left follows suit until the whole class is rubbing their hands. Other students only join in once the person to their right has begun rubbing their hands together. Sir or Miss will change their sounds and the student to their left follows on. Rain Sequence: Rubbing hands together back and forth Click fingers Clap hands Slap thighs Stamp feet Sir or Miss reverse the sequence and then place their hands in their lap once all of the sounds have been completed. Students follow until all students have their hands in their laps and there is silence.

2 T HEORIES OF MOTIVATION Motivation looks at the reasons why people behave in the manner that they do. Edexcel specifically focuses on Abraham Maslow. His work has helped shape thinking on motivation in the work place. 3.4.2 M OTIVATION THEORY Can you modify worker’s behaviour?

3 3.4.2 M OTIVATION THEORY M ASLOW ’ S HIERARCHY OF NEEDS Abraham Harold Maslow (1908 – 1970) American Maslow is famed for his ‘Hierarchy of Needs’. In this he saw human needs arranged in order: Lower level needs  1 Physical needs – food, drink, sleep, sex, air  2 Safety needs – job, house, family, health, Higher level needs  3 Psychological needs – love, friendship, belonging  4 Esteem needs – achievement, confidence, respect  5 Self-actualisation – self-fulfilment i.e. a feeling that one has fulfilled their potential from a moral, spiritual and creative viewpoint. 5 4 3 2 1 Maslow believed that each need must be fulfilled before one could move on to the next. His work has influenced business thinking in areas such as social needs and empowerment.

4 M ASLOW IN THE WORKPLACE  What would be your perfect working environment?  Describe the perfect classroom  What would make a great office?  Can a shop improve the working conditions for employees?  What about if you worked down a mine? Would you want to work for Google? What are the benefits for employees? What are the benefits to Google?

5 3.4.2 M OTIVATION THEORY T HEORIES OF MOTIVATION 5 4 3 2 1 In small groups look at each level of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. For each level discuss what needs each level of the group has already achieved and in what specific ways each member of the group believes that they will go on to achieve in the future. What do you really want from life?

6 M OTIVATION FROM WITHIN 3.4.2 M OTIVATION THEORY Many people believe that motivation comes from within and that an individual must want to succeed to do well. Self motivation is linked to an individual wishing to maintain their self image and to maximise their enjoyment. This can be compared with external motivation where an individual is stimulated by factors beyond their control. Are you motivated intrinsically (from within) or extrinsically (only when forced to do by someone else)? Does your teacher need to be Terry Tate to get your homework in on time?

7 Paul Davis has recently expanded his product portfolio at his computer business. Providing training has become his biggest earner and he has taken on new staff to meet increased demand. There have been some issues over pay and the way that Paul treats his employees. It is felt that there is a lack of incentives and that Paul does not consult his workforce over decisions. He is therefore looking into both remuneration and his style of management in order to improve motivation in the workplace. Question time 1. What is meant by the term “motivation”?(2 marks) 2. Give two example from Maslow’s Hierarchy at Paul’s business. (2 marks) 3. What methods of motivation used by Paul would be best for his staff to achieve Maslow’s higher level needs. Explain your answer. (7 marks)

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