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Chapter 27.2 Nationalism in Africa and the Middle East  Little change in Africa  Huge changes in the Middle East.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 27.2 Nationalism in Africa and the Middle East  Little change in Africa  Huge changes in the Middle East."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 27.2 Nationalism in Africa and the Middle East  Little change in Africa  Huge changes in the Middle East

2 Focus Q: May 12 Describe a song that talks about issues that we face today. Artist Issue Any great lines? Does it discuss solutions?

3 Focus Q Page 859 Racial Segregation and Nationalism in South Africa 3 main ideas

4 Africans Resist Colonial Rule With Few Results Colonizers exploit Africans 1.Some forced to work in mines, on plantations 2.Forced off best land 3.Couldn’t grow most profitable crops 4.Restrictions on where they could live, travel 5.Sometimes had to grow cash crops like cotton, not food, caused famine


6 Segregation, Nationalism in S. Africa 1.btwn 1910-40, whites strengthen their grip on South Africa 2.**apartheid: system of strict segregation in South Africa**becomes law in 1948 3.**purpose of apartheid: ensure white social, political, economic supremacy**






12 Apartheid in South Africa Meant…. paying jobs in mines went to whites 2.Blacks had to carry passes at all times 3.Evicted from best land 4.Forced to live in crowded ghettos 5.1936—educated, property-owning blacks lose right to vote

13 African National Congress (ANC) 1.1912—Political party begun to protest unfair laws 2.Builds a framework for political action in the future

14 Nationalism and “Africa for Africans” 1.Marcus Garvey—Jamaican immigrant to the US preached “Africa for Africans” Goal: end colonial rule in Africa 2.WEB Du Bois: organized pan-African Congress in 1919 (unity among all Africans) Met in Paris as Treaty of Versailles is worked on Want rights for Africans as part of the treaty

15 Marcus Garvey WEB Du Bois

16 Negritude Mvmt Shows African Pride 1.**Negritude mvmt: writers, artists express pride in their African roots and protest colonial rule** 2.Similar to Harlem Renaissance in US 3.Senegalese poet, Leopold Senghor, most famous Fostered African pride by rejecting the negative views of Africans spread by colonial leaders

17 Let’s talk about Egypt

18 Egypt 1 st to Gain Independence 1.African nationalism gets little political results except in Egypt 2.1922—after riots, strikes, protests BR gives Egypt its independence However, BR still controlled Egypt’s monarchy

19 Laughy taffy…. My old aunts would come and tease me at weddings, “Well Sarah? Do you think you’ll be next?” We’ve settled this quickly once I’ve started doing the same to them at funerals. How can they call it Alcoholics Anonymous when the first thing you do is you stand up and say, ‘My name is John and I am an alcoholic’? Crowded elevators have a different smell to children and midgets. Yo mama aint so bad...she would give you the hair off of her back!

20 Turkey and Persia (Iran) Modernize 1.Nationalist movements bring huge changes to the Middle East after WWI 2.Turkey and Persia become more modern and western




24 Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk) in Turkey 1.**Treaty of Sevres: 1920, Ottoman sultan gives up its Arab and North African lands** Including some Asia Minor land to Greece Greek forces invade to take it 2.**Kemal overthrew the sultan, defeated Greeks, declared Turkey a republic** 1.3 million Greeks leave Turkey 400 K Turks leave Greece


26 Ataturk (Father of the Turks)

27 Ataturk’s Goals 1.Modernize Turkey along Western lines Built RR’s, factories, hired Westerners to help make Turkey econ. independent 2.Separates religion from govt **Ataturk completely rejected religion in laws and govt**

28 Nationalism, Reform in Persia (Iran) 1.Ataturk’s reforms inspire nationalists in Persia—resent BR, Russian spheres of influence 2.**Reza Khan: 1925, overthrew shah, declared himself shah, wants to modernize Persia and make it independent** 3. built factories, roads, RR’s, strengthens army, forces people to wear western cloths, sets up modern, secular schools


30 Reza Khan 1.**angers Muslim religious leaders who disapproved of Khan replacing Islamic law w/ secular law**

31 Betrayal at Versailles 1.Arabs had helped the Allies in WWI Hoped they would get independence 2.Instead, BR and FR kept control of many Arab lands, especially in Ottoman Empire Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq


33 Promises in Palestine 1.1897—modern Zionist mvmt—rebuild a Jewish state in Palestine 2.During WWI, Allies make 2 conflicting sets of compromises Promise Arabs their own kingdoms in Ottoman lands, including Palestine **1917—Balfour Declaration—BR support setting up a national home for Jews in Palestine** 3.Sets stage for Arab/Jewish conflict

34 Dead Sea Palestinian Territories



37 Creative Side Divide paper in thirds. 1.(2) Cause and effect pictures/captions for Apartheid in South Africa. 2.(2) pictures/captions of the goals of Ataturk in Turkey. 3.(2) pictures/captions of the results of Reza Khan’s policies in Persia.

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