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Published byEmery Welch Modified over 8 years ago
A Global World Y Byd Global 4 Changing populations Poblogaethau newidiol 1.1 Where do people live in the world and why do they live there? 1.1 Ble mae pobl yn byw yn y byd a pham maent yn byw yna?
Edrychwch ar y llun uchod. Mae’n dangos ble mae pobl yn byw yn Ewrop (patrwm dosbarthiad poblogaeth) trwy ddangos goleuadau’r dinasoedd a trefi. Yn amlwg mae mwy yn byw mewn rhai llefydd nag eraill. Mae nifer o resymau am hyn. Mae ffactorau ffisegol yn cynnwys tirwedd (siâp y tir – mynyddoedd ac ati) a hinsawdd (rhy oer, rhy sych ac ati), tra bod ffactorau dynol yn cynnwys beth sydd i’w wneud yn y ddinas (swyddi ac adloniant ac ati). Look at the picture opposite. It shows where people live in Europe by showing the pattern of town and city lights (population distribution). Obviously more live in some places than others. There are a number of reasons for this. Physical factors include the relief (mountains and flat land) and climate (too cold or too dry etc.). Human factors include what there is to do in a place (jobs and entertainment etc).
Key Terms Termau allweddol Densely populated Sparsely populated Population density Population distribution Physical factors Human factors Poblogaeth ddwys Poblogaeth brin Dwysedd poblogaeth Dosbarthiad poblogaeth Factorau ffisegol Ffactorau dynol
Population distribution Dosbarthiad poblogaeth ………means the pattern of where people live. World population distribution is uneven. Places which are sparsely populated contain few people. Places which are densely populated contain many people. Sparsely populated places tend to be difficult places to live. These are usually places with hostile environments e.g. Antarctica. Places which are densely populated are habitable environments e.g. Europe........ sy’n golygu’r patrwm o ble mae pobl yn byw. Mae dosbarthiad pobl ar draws y byd yn anghyson. Mae rhai llefydd gyda phoblogaeth brin, tra bo eraill gyda phoblogaeth ddwys ac yn cynnwys llawer o bobl. Mae llefydd gyda phoblogaeth brin yn llefydd anodd i fyw ynddynt, e.e. Antarctica. Mae llefydd gyda phoblogaeth ddwys yn llefydd ble mae’n hawdd i fyw, e.e. Ewrop.
The physical factors which influence the distribution of the world's population are climate, relief, vegetation, soil and resources Y ffactorau ffisegol sy’n dylanwadu ar ddosbarthiad poblogaeth y Byd yw hinsawdd, tirwedd, llystyfiant, pridd ac adnoddau. Physical Factors Ffactorau ffisgol High Density Dwysedd uchel Low Density Dwysedd isel Relief (shape and height of land) Tirwedd (siâp ac uchder y tir) Low land which is flat e.g. Ganges Valley in India Tir isel sy’n wastad e.e. Dyffryn yr Afon Ganges, India High land that is mountainous e.g. Himalayas Tir uchel sy’n fynyddig e.e. Himalayas Resources Adnoddau Areas rich in resources (e.g. coal, oil, wood, fishing etc.) tend to densely populated e.g. Western Europe Ardaloedd gyda llawer o adnoddau (e.e. glo, olew ac ati), e.e. Gorllewin Ewrop Areas with few resources tend to be sparsely populated e.g. The Sahel Ardaloedd gydag ychydig o adnoddau, e.e. y Sahel Climate Hinsawdd Areas with temperate climates tend to be densely populated as there is enough rain and heat to grow crops e.g. UK Ardaloedd gydag hinsoddau tymherus, h.y. digon o law a dim rhy poeth nag oer Areas with extreme climates of hot and cold tend to be sparsely populated e.g. the Sahara Desert Ardaloedd gydag hinsoddau eithriadol (Rhy boeth neu oer) e.e. Diffeithwch Sahara
What human factors influence population distribution? Pa ffactorau dynol sy’n dylanwadu ar ddosbarthiad poblogaeth? Human Factors Ffactorau dynol High Density Dwysedd uchel Low Density Dwysedd isel Political Gwleidyddol Countries with stable governments tend to have a high population density e.g. Singapore Mae gwledydd gyda llywodraeth sefydllog yn cael dwysedd uchel, e.e. Singapore Unstable countries tend to have lower population densities as people migrate e.g. Afghanistan. Mae pobl yn ceisio ffoi o ardaloedd ansefydlog, e.e. Afghanistan Social Cymdeithasol Groups of people want to live close to each other for security e.g. USA Mae grwpiau eisau byw yn agos at ei gilydd er mwyn secwriti, e.e. UDA Other groups of people prefer to be isolated e.g. Scandinavians Mae’n well gan rhai grwpiau bod ar eu pennau eu hunain, e.e. Sgandinafia Economic Economaidd Good job opportunities encourage high population densities, particularly in large cities in MEDCs and LEDCs around the world. Mae creu llawer o swyddi yn annog i bobl symud yno, e.e. dinasoedd mawr Limited job opportunities cause some areas to be sparsely populated e.g. Amazon Rainforest Diweithdra ac uchydig o swyddi sy’n gyrru pobl i ffwrdd, e.e. Fforest Law yr Amason
Politically unstable/civil war Too cold Plenty of resources e.g. coal Flat land and fertile soil Politically stable Too hot and wet / tropical diseases Few resources/poor soil/desertification Too hot and dry Too mountainous and steep Good job opportunities/inward migration Warm climate/good for retirement Temperate climate/good for growing crops Ansefydlog yn wleidyddol/rhyfel cartref Rhy oer Digon o adnoddau, e.e. glo Tir gwastad a pridd da Sefydlog yn wleidyddol Rhy boeth a gwlyb/ heintiau trofannol Ychydig o adnoddau/pridd gwael/diffeithdiriad Rhy boeth a sych Rhy fynyddig a serth Cyfleoedd swyddi da/mewnfudiad Hinsawdd sych/da er mwyn ymddeol Hinsawdd tymherus/da ar gyfer tyfu cnydau
Which areas are most urbanised? Pa ardaloedd sydd fwyaf trefol? Urbanisation is the physical growth of urban areas as a result of global change. The United Nations projected that half of the world's population would live in urban areas at the end of 2008. Trefoli ydy twf ardaloedd trefol oherwydd newid byd eang. Mae’r Cenhedloedd Unedig wedi rhagweld byddai hanner poblogaeth y Byd yn byw mewn ardaloedd trefol erbyn diwedd 2008. But the pattern of urbanisation is not the same in all parts of the world. Ond nid yw patrwm trefoli yr un fath ymhob rhan o’r Byd.
What affects the rate of urbanisation and the emergence of mega-cities? Beth sy’n effeithio ar gyfradd trefoli a dyfodiad mega-ddinasoedd? Businesses settle in cities because the infrastructure of transport, services, labour and so on while people go there for improved job prospects, better schools and health facilities etc. We have got an idea of why, but have yet to tackle what affects how fast it happens. Only 20 years ago there were only 171 but now there in excess of 400. Mae busnesau yn setlo mewn dinasoedd oherwydd y tanadeiledd cludiant, gwasanaethau, llafur ac ati. Mae pobl yn symud yno oherwydd gwell swyddi ysgolion ac ysbytai ac ati. Rydym yn gwybod pam ei fod yn digwydd ond nid beth sy’n effeithio pa mor gyflym mae’n digwydd. 20 mlynedd yn ôl roedd 171 mega-ddinas ond erbyn hyn mae dros 400.
Where has urbanisation been increasing the fastest? Ble mae trefoli yn digwydd gyflymaf? First take a look at the map below – where is there the most red? So there is a concentration in China and another across the Indian sub-continent – and surprisingly another in Germany – so that it where most of them are now, but are all these areas increasing in the number they are getting? Each dot represents one million city in 2006. Mae pob dot yn golygu dinas o filiwn o bobl yn 2006. Yn gyntaf edrychwch ar y map isod – ble mae y mwyaf o goch. Mae crynodiad yn China ac un arall yn India – ac un arall yn yr Almaen. Dyna ble mae’r mwyaf ohonynt rwan, ond ydy’r ardaloedd yma i gyd yn cynyddu’r nifer o mega-ddinasoedd?
Take a look at the graph on the left – I know the x- scale is not regular – the graph would not let me do that, but you can see the drift. Note this is a bit of an odd graph the pink numbers on the right refer to the world total line and the violet numbers on the left refer to the continent bars. The lilac in Europe is increasing, but taking a look at the yellow for Asia! Edrychwch ar y graff isod. Mae’r rhifau pinc ar y dde yn cyfeirio ar linell cyfanswm y Byd, a’r rhifau fioled ar y chwith yn cyfeirio at y bariau i bob cyfandir. Mae’r lelog ar gyfer Ewrop yn mynd i fyny ond sbiwch ar Asia!
To find GDP per capita you need to take the total income generated by a country, area or district – this is the Gross Domestic Product. You then divide the GDP by the population to get the income per person – ‘per capita’ means for each Now in general I hope you can see that the poorer the country is, the faster its cities are growing, and that for the richest countries, the growth is virtually non-existent. I gael hyd i CMC y pen mae’n rhaid rhannu cyfanswm yr incwm mae gwlad neu ardal yn ei wneud – sef y Cynnyrch Mewnwladol Crynswth – gan boblogaeth y wlad neu ardal. Mae’n bosib gweld o’r graff uchod bod y gwledydd mwyaf tlawd gyda dinasoedd sy’n tyfu’n gynt, ac ar gyfer y gwledydd cyfoethocaf nad yw’r dinasoedd yn tyfu o gwbl.
We know that one of the pulls towards the city is the possibility of a higher income. What this shows is that where the city’s income is much more than their surrounding country, then the population of the city increases faster. For example, where the average income in the city and the surrounding country is about the same, the city will not grow very much at all or might even decline – counter-urbanisation again. But if the city income is twice that of the surrounding country ( as in LICs and MICs) then the city’s population increases much more. This gives you a few extra ideas about why the cities that are growing fastest are doing so. Rydym yn gwybod bod un peth sy’n creu atyniad tuag at y ddinas ydy’r posibilrwydd o incwm uwch. Beth mae’r graff yn dangos ydy ble mae incwm y ddinas llawer mwy nag incwm yr ardal o gwmpas mae poblogaeth y ddinas yn cynyddu’ gynt o lawer.
What is a primate city? Beth yw archddinas? A primate city is one that has much more than twice the population of the next biggest city. Two examples are Lima (Peru) that is more than ten times larger than the next settlement and Mexico City in Mexico. The presence of a primate city in a country may indicate an imbalance in development — usually a progressive core, and a lagging periphery, on which the primate city depends for labour and other resources. What this means is that while the primate city can develop, the rest of the country has a hard time keeping up, because all the jobs and investment and services are concentrated there. Archddinas ydy un sydd fwy na dwywaith maint yr ail ddinas fwyaf yn y wlad. Dau enghraifft ydy Lima, prifddinas Periw sydd fwy na 10 gwaith maint y ddinas nesaf a Dinas Mecsico. Gallai archddinas awgrymu nad yw datblyiad yn gytbwys yn y wlad. Mae’r craidd (yr archddinas) yn gwneud yn dda ond mae’r ymyl yn cael trafferthion, gan ei fod yn cyflenwi llafur ac adnoddau i’r archddinas. Mae hyn yn golygu bod yr archddinas yn datblygu iond yn gadael gweddill y wlad ar ei hôl, oherwydd bod y swyddi, gwasanaethau a buddsoddiad yno.
Bangkok - the primate city for Thailand archddinas y Wlad Thai Bangkok population 9 million, Bangkok poblogaeth 9 miliwn Thailand population 63 million so Gwald Thai poblogaeth Bangkok contains 14% of the total 63 miliwn felly mae Bangkok populationgyda 14% o boblogaeth y wlad
Examples of primacy: [1] Although all areas have banks, 80% of the lending goes on in Bangkok, nearly x6 the rest. [2] All the main government departments are there and this means that Bangkok’s needs are met first, often at the expense of the other areas. [3] Over ¾ of the best universities are in Bangkok, and with many of the best schools there too, with 50% of the scholarships to university going to people from Bangkok, x 3½ what you would expect [4] Income difference: Bangkok residents earn from x 2 to x 7 as much as the other regions. [5] Access to health care: 60% of the doctors and 50% of nurses work in the city [6] Households with running water: 80% against 10% outside the city. Efforts to reduce primacy Increase the number of universities in the provinces Job creation in rural areas Improved basic health care schemes for all Enghreifftiau o uchafiaeth: [1] Er bod gan bob ardal fanciau mae 80% o’r benthyca yn digwydd yn Bangkok, bron x6 gweddill y wlad. [2] Mae pob un o’r prif adrannau llywodraeth yno, felly mae anghenion Bangkok yn cael eu diwallu’n gyntaf, ar draul yr ardaloedd eraill. [3] Mae dros ¾ y prifysgolion gorau yn Bangkok, a llawer o’r ysgolion gorau hefyd, gyda 50% o’r ysgoloriaethau i brifysgol yn mynd i bobl o Bangkok, x 3½ beth fuasech yn disgwyl. [4] Gwahaniaeth mewn incwm: mae trigolion Bangkok yn ennill o x2 i x7 yn fwy na thrigolion yr ardaloedd eraill. [5] Mynediad i ofal iechyd: mae 60% o’r doctoriaid a 50% o’ nyrsys y wlad yn gweithio yn y ddinas. [6] Mae gan 80% o dai Bangkok beipiau dŵr yn rhedeg i’r tŷ, gwahanol iawn i tu allan i’r ddinas (dim ond 10%) Ymdrechion i leihau uchafiaeth Cynyddu’r nifer o brifysgolion tu allan i Bangkok Creu swyddi mewn ardaloedd gwledig Gwella gwasanaethau sylfaenol i bawb
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