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Center for Rural communities Research & Devvelopment Center for Climate Change and Sustainable Development (CCRD & CCSD) NAMA on Biogas Barriers and Measures.

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Presentation on theme: "Center for Rural communities Research & Devvelopment Center for Climate Change and Sustainable Development (CCRD & CCSD) NAMA on Biogas Barriers and Measures."— Presentation transcript:

1 Center for Rural communities Research & Devvelopment Center for Climate Change and Sustainable Development (CCRD & CCSD) NAMA on Biogas Barriers and Measures for effective implementation in Vietnam

2 Content I. Barriers in implementing NAMA in Vietnam II. Proposal on measures for achieving NAMA Objectives

3 1.1. Barriers on Policies:  There’re NOT Policies on the use biogas to generate electricity including: + Policies/Mechanism for connecting Electric generated by biogas to the national grid; + Policies on Purchase-Selling of Bio-electrict; + Policies on providing preferential credit for producing electric by using biogas.  There’s NOT Mechanism on managing Market & Bio-Generator Quality. I.Barriers for implementing NAMA on Biogas in Vietnam

4 I. Barriers (continue) 1.2. Barriers on Finance  High investment for Bio-generator Technology (using biogas) due to low financial capacity of pig farm owners.  Not yet state investment on management, infrastructure for connecting bio-electric to national grid

5 1.3. Barriers on Technology  Bio-generator technology using biogas is a new one in Vietnam.  Most of the actual bio-generator systems have very low quality or self-produced/ by reusing old generators (manufactured from old lorry generators)  The effective operation/management of bio- generator systems need high and specific skills.  The electric source provided by bio-generator systems are small and scattered. I. Barriers (continue)

6 1.4. Barriers on management capacities: * About State management capacity:  NO system of the state organisation on management, implementation and Monitoring;  NO experiences on management & implementation * About capacity of pig Farms:  NO Proper Operation/Management capacities on Bio-Electric systems using biogas;  Limited capital investment. I. Barriers (continue)

7 1.5 Barriers on awareness:  Almost of Pig-Farm Owners/ Investors/ Local State management Bodies have not enough informations and knweledge on bio-generating using biogas, GHG mitigation, NAMAs, …  NOT yet Effective Demonstration models for “Seeing is Believing” for pig farm owners/ potential Investors. I. Barriers (continue)

8 2.1. Measures on Policies:  To formulate/make Policies in order to ecourage using biogas for generating bio-electric on Pig Farms (Supporting the construction of infrastructure, Financial/Credit, Exemption/Reducing taxes,...)  To formulate/make Mechanism/Policies on connecting bio-electric to the national grid;  To formulate appropiate Mechanism/Policies on purchase/selling bio-electric using biogas as renewable energy. II. Proposal on measures for achieving NAMA Objectives

9 2.2. Measures on Finance:  To attract/encourage domestic & international organisations involving in generating bio-electric using biogas for providing grants/ preferential credits.  To establish a National Foundation for attracting different financial sources for promoting/ constructing basic infrastructures /systems on implementing & managing NAMA on Biogas;  To encourage different investors from private sector with the preferential relevant policies. II. Propsed Measures... (continue)

10 2.3. Measures on Technology:  To Research/ Assess the actual technologies/bio- generators using biogas for identifying appropiate technology(s) in Vietnam context.  To establish a standard system on Quality Control (QC) for managing bio-generators using biogas in Vietnam;  To encourage and support research organisations/ researchers, investors... in producing overall bio- generating systems using biogas, to assure quality of bio-generators in Vietnam. II. Propsed Measures... (continue)

11 2.4. Measures on increasing Capacity & Knowledge:  To establish an Organisational system of NAMA implementation & management at all levels.  To propagate and disseminate the development of NAMA, renewable energy, GHG mitigation … for relevant stakeholders ( Gov.bodies, Farm owners, private sector, NGOs, Communities...);  To build capacity on operation/management of bio- generator systems using biogas for pig farms;  To establish Biogas NAMA /demonstration models for expansion. II. Propsed Measures... (continue)

12 Thank You For your attention !

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