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September 6 2007, HEP meeting ICN-UNAM Quality Assurance for High pT Tracks at ALICE Pedro Podesta ICN UNAM.

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Presentation on theme: "September 6 2007, HEP meeting ICN-UNAM Quality Assurance for High pT Tracks at ALICE Pedro Podesta ICN UNAM."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 6 2007, HEP meeting ICN-UNAM Quality Assurance for High pT Tracks at ALICE Pedro Podesta ICN UNAM

2 September 6 2007, HEP meeting ICN-UNAM SAMPLE AliGen Box Sample Kaon Pions Protons same amount Multiplicities 900, 3000, 4500, 6000 particle supress decays Flat Total Momentum 0-100 GeV/c |Eta| < 0.9 ITS and TPC in the reconstruction Objective : Understand the resolution at High pT, assure the correct pT determination. Problem : Tails in the resolutions and in the pulls in pT.

3 September 6 2007, HEP meeting ICN-UNAM Toy MC, since data above 20 GeV is quite low use AliGenbox and weight the pT using a pT -5 “ weight ”.. Before weight After weight N events

4 September 6 2007, HEP meeting ICN-UNAM 30 GeV PT(RECO) -PT (MC) After weight 50 GeV 75 GeV Indication of a migration from low to High Momentum N events PT(RECO) -PT (MC) After weight

5 September 6 2007, HEP meeting ICN-UNAM UN-WEIGHTED WEIGHTED N events

6 September 6 2007, HEP meeting ICN-UNAM UN-WEIGHTEDWEIGHTED N events

7 September 6 2007, HEP meeting ICN-UNAM Black : No kinks + TPC+ITS Red : No Kinks + TPC +pT/Err(pT)<3 green: No kinks + TPC+ ITS + ALL Blue: PWG0- DCA Yellow: PWG0 Magenta : PWG0+ITS Beyond 5 sigma in the resolution % of event beyoun 5 sigmas

8 September 6 2007, HEP meeting ICN-UNAM Resolution in pT Resolution absolute value pT(Reco)- pT(Gen) Diferent cuts do not affect the overall resolution the gaussian ia bout the same..

9 September 6 2007, HEP meeting ICN-UNAM TPC > 50 Chi2 < 3.5 Before Cuts After Cuts Analizing PWG0 Cuts

10 September 6 2007, HEP meeting ICN-UNAM ITS REfit ITS Refit Before Cuts After Cuts

11 September 6 2007, HEP meeting ICN-UNAM Err^2(Y)< 2.0 Err^Z(Y)< 2.0 Before Cuts After Cuts

12 September 6 2007, HEP meeting ICN-UNAM Err^2(SenPhi)< 0.5 Before Cuts After Cuts

13 September 6 2007, HEP meeting ICN-UNAM Err^2(q/pT)< 2.0 Before Cuts After Cuts

14 September 6 2007, HEP meeting ICN-UNAM Before Cuts After Cuts Another possible cuts oll other significances meaningless

15 September 6 2007, HEP meeting ICN-UNAM Look like strips in the bad tracks implement acut that eliminates this one Cuts eliminates 2.72 % of the good ones and 41.0 % of the bad ones. Possible bad reconstruction in the edges of the TPC sectors GoodAllBad

16 September 6 2007, HEP meeting ICN-UNAM Distributions after the cut still some problem in central reguion Good All Bad

17 September 6 2007, HEP meeting ICN-UNAM Magenta = PWG0+ ITS refit cyan = PWG0+ ITS refit + Etaphicut About 40% reduction depending of the pT for 3000 track multiplicity using resolution in pT

18 September 6 2007, HEP meeting ICN-UNAM About 10% reduction depending of the pT for 900 track multiplicity using resolution in q/pT.

19 September 6 2007, HEP meeting ICN-UNAM Runing in CAF using proof and MB events Here we use selectors, I use a simple selector from the tutorial as base, To be able to analyze reco and generation need to load aliroot full Use the sample 14 TeV pp minbias: 653600 events in 6536 files created with v4-04-Rev-07: I only run over 6000 files.. The objective us to have some PAR file so do not fully load Aliroot, I intend to follow the JetaAn example.. Thinking to integrate the QA in JetAn.

20 September 6 2007, HEP meeting ICN-UNAM First View ove the data: Only Kaon Pion and proton

21 September 6 2007, HEP meeting ICN-UNAM Can no observe any very bad tracks statistics seem too low..

22 September 6 2007, HEP meeting ICN-UNAM Going On : Same analysis PDG06 using CAF To do : Generation of a bigger AliGenBox sample form 0 -200GeV Analysis over a JETS events.. I want to do some test with the head since results from the last time. I observed a drop in efficiency. But I still need information from Joury or Marian since they changed the material.. and maybe the definition of kinks..

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