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Overview of the MEGII CDCH Marco Grassi INFN Pisa.

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1 Overview of the MEGII CDCH Marco Grassi INFN Pisa

2 Updated schedule 2  The set up of the soldering procedure is on the critical path  Tests on the mechanical prototype starting on September  The Ready for assembly milestone is delayed by four months with respect to the proposal schedule  Start of wiring in November 2014  Shipping expected in August 2015 Pisa, 8 Sep 2014

3 Construction: Mechanics Pisa, 8 Sep 20143 Mechanics  Mechanical drawings have been completed  Couplings to COBRA approved  Couplings to BTS approved  Chamber extensions delivery expected in October  Assembly machine delivery expected by sep 20 th  Carbon fiber support  need of a tender  Company selection by september  Production: 3 months  Delivery expected in February Pisa

4 Construction: End Plated Pisa, 8 Sep 20144 End Plates  Mechanical drawings have been completed  Details of the kapton foil mechanics are under discussion  End Plates produced in house  First two end-plates produced (prototype and mock-up)  Final end-plates in production  Completion expected in 3 weeks Pisa

5 Construction: Wire PCB Pisa, 8 Sep 20145 WirePCB  Shapes match the End Plate design  Geometry generation parameterized  Prototypes delivered  Mechanics is satisfactory  Soldering pads will be changed  Dedicated prototype with several different options  Add fiducial marks and more handling holes  Production is fast : 10 working days Pisa

6 Construction: Wires Pisa, 8 Sep 20146 Wires  Al wires (Ag coated) respect specs  Already delivered for full chamber production  Comparison of W and W/Re anodes completed  Selected W wires Au coated from California Fine Wires  Delivery expected within 6 weeks  Lot delivered for prototypes is enough 1/3 of chamber production  Wires are not anymore a critical item Lecce

7 Construction: wiring machine Pisa, 8 Sep 20147 Wiring machine  Design completed  Components have been delivered  Construction in progress  Clean room operational  Machine completion expectd by in October  Wiring of prototypes, with manual soldering, starts in October  Wiring machine completion November Lecce

8 Construction: FE Pisa, 8 Sep 20148 FE electronics  Components selected, design completed  Layout compatible with cell size  Two alternatives for to connect WirePCB to FE boards  Custom made connector  Simple straight connecton  Cables to WaveDream boards tested  Satisfactory option with commercial parts available, but difficulties in procurement  Alternative commercial solution is under test  Both decisions have no impact on the chamber assembly Lecce

9 Construction: gas system Pisa, 8 Sep 20149 Roma Gas System  Gas circuits and system control design completed  Several components already delivered  Checks of the parts started  Risk evaluation and mitigation in progress  More stringent requirements with respect to MEG1 on T of detector hut (1% density => 1% in drift and ~20% in gain)

10 Construction: HV and Pisa, 8 Sep 201410 HV  Purchase of the ISEG system extension completed  HV distribution designed  Wires and connectors procurement in 2014 Roma Wire stress measurements  Purchase of national control system completed  Mitigation of the 50 Hz noise checked on prototype  Production of the connection board in progress

11 Mechanical prototype Pisa, 8 Sep 201411 Initially  Check mechanical compatibility of the various parts  Define the mounting procedure and quality control protocols  Test and select glue and spacers material  Prepare mounting tools after the fulfilling of the Ready to assemble milestone  Verify the mechanical stability of the Carbon Fiber support  It constitutes the mock up of the entire chamber to optimize the tooling for insertion in COBRA

12 US inner extension Pisa, 8 Sep 201412  Provide coupling to BTS and target support  Design modified accordingly to PSI requests  Active volume length unchanged  Total chamber length further reduced by 14 mm  Delivery expected in October

13 DS inner extension Pisa, 8 Sep 201413  much simpler design

14 Pisa, 8 Sep 201414 End Plates

15 End Plate – outer side Pisa, 8 Sep 201415

16 Assembly machine Pisa, 8 Sep 201416  Mounted on the measuring machine  Holds endplates in position  Provide wire stretching  Guide WirePCB to the final position on the endplates  Delivery expected in September

17 PCB Pisa, 8 Sep 201417  33 different WirePCB

18 PCB Cathodes Pisa, 8 Sep 201418

19 PCB Anodes Pisa, 8 Sep 201419

20 WirePCB check Pisa, 8 Sep 201420  4 board types delivered  Initial wire soldering pad  Two pads of 2000 x 300 um  Distance 100 um  Pointing to the correct angle  Wire positioning resolution at the end flanges  r  ~10 um within one wirePCB  r  <100 um between different wirePCB  Every anode wire position measured before proceeding with the next layer  Wire soldering pad not satisfactory  Confirmed nominal size and position at ~10 um level  Wire positioning resolution at the end flanges  r  ~10 um within one wirePCB confirmed  r  ~ 50 um between different wirePCB better despite regular 100 um cut wave

21 PCB check Pisa, 8 Sep 201421 ~120 um ~150 um 40 um

22 PCB connectors Opt.1 Pisa, 8 Sep 2014 22  Asked special production to Sullins  12 edge-type contacts  Contact spacing 2.54 mm  Tailored for 400 um boards  Gold plated  Measurement of connection BW foreseen  Checked alternative based on pins available (Mu2e pototype) WaveDream HV

23 PCB connectors Opt.2 Pisa, 8 Sep 2014 23  Wire PCB tails compensate the PCB curvature  Simple straight connection with gold plated pins is possible  Proved BW transmission with the Lecce prototype  Check with the mechanical stability WaveDream HV

24 80 um Collected charge=0.32 C/cm Ageing – Proto #1 25 um Cat/An ~ 9.6 Pisa, 8 Sep 201424

25 Collected charge=0.38 C/cm Ageing: Proto #2 20 um Cat/An ~ 12 80 um Pisa, 8 Sep 201425

26 Ageing Pisa, 8 Sep 201426

27 Collected charge=0.17 C/cm Ageing: Proto #3 (with tape) Pisa, 8 Sep 201427

28 Collected charge=0.28 C/cm Ageing: Proto #3 (with tape) Pisa, 8 Sep 201428

29 Collected charge=0.53 C/cm (3 years of DAQ) Ageing: Proto #5 (no tape) 20 um Cat/An ~ 12 80 um Pisa, 8 Sep 201429

30 Ageing program  Pressure sensitive tape discarded  Ageing facility improved with an in-series identical gas volume to test independently the gas quality  PCN for ageing prototypes with the final wire configuration  Test of the selected low outgassing components  tape (3M laminating adhesive 501FL)  glue (Epotek 301 sealant)  Sealant (Loctite 520 cyanoacrylate) 20 um Cat/An ~ 10.5 80 um 20 um Cat/An ~ 10.5 50 um 40 um50 um  Final chamber  Proto #6 Pisa, 8 Sep 201430

31 Pisa, 8 Sep 2014 31 Single hit resolution with CR facility Run history: Vertical runHorizontal runOblique run Measurements: r-t relations Single-hit resolution Improvements: Noise subtraction Ionization studies Studies of the dependence on the pitch angle

32 Pisa, 8 Sep 201432 Three-cell - Resolution Results in agreement with previous tests Smaller left tail (higher efficiency on small clusters) SIGMA MEAN Single hit resolution for b>0.5 better than ~110 um Bias in impact parameter (red points) corrigible with the drift time

33 Pisa, 8 Sep 201433 Oblique run The mulfunctioning of two SVT half- modules caused the loss of ~50% acceptance. After the replacement of one of them, a new run was started with an overall acceptance loss of about 25% The apparatus is stable and in a month (August) of data taking we collected ~10k tracks per cell. Preliminary data are promising. A few more weeks are needed for final alignment and resolution studies. Previously investigated region Corner events Central events Full acceptance Reduced acceptance

34 Richieste 2015 Pisa, 8 Sep 201434 Assemblaggio Operazioni di handling della camera richiedono la produzione di attrezzature specifiche  Rimozione della macchina di assemblaggio: uso parziale materiale CMS, ma necessità di guide piu’ lunghe  Inserimento tubo di kapton: rotazione e posizionamento verticale  Riposizionamento su macchina di misura per aggiunta marker fiduciali  Profilati Bosch, movimento lineari rotazioni  Totale 10 kEu

35 Richieste 2015 Pisa, 8 Sep 201435 Integrazione al PSI  Inserimento in COBRA PSI  Accoppiamenti BTS, COBRA e Insertion System PSI  Fornitura GAS PSI  Struttura di trasporto ed handling INFN  Connessione e integrazione sistema INFN  Sostegni cablaggio INFN  Non abbiamo MOF  Totale 20 kEu

36 Richieste 2015 Pisa, 8 Sep 201436 Traspoorto al PSI  Trasporto temostatato ed ammortizzato  Esperienza per il trasporto di NA62  Totale 3.5 kEu

37 Concluding remarks Pisa, 8 Sep 201437 The mechanical prototype is being prepared Assembly procedure definition by October The Ready for assembly milestone has been postponed by four months with respect to the upgrade proposal The delivery at PSI is expected by August 2015. Ageing studies are intended to continue for the entire 2014 Prototype results confirm the performances shown in previous meetings. Further measurements are planned.

38 Costi complessivi Pisa, 8 Sep 201438 totals201320142015 proposal funded + requestedMar-13Jul-13Sep-13Feb-14 Prototypes9887 Mechanics17419506410121 wiring1601481009642 electronics260272040100132 gas system94108150 93 extra items 36.5 total DC786 total INFN69281011210420638836.5

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