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Presentation on theme: "STEMS/ROOTS, DEFINITIONS, AND ASSOCIATION WORDS Vocabulary Unit 14."— Presentation transcript:


2 val (worth) Equivalent: equal in force, amount, or value  The sisters earned equivalent salaries at their jobs during the summer, so they purchased a car together.

3 dom (rule) Dominion: the power to rule : control of a country, region, etc.  The king’s dominion did not stretch as far as he wished, and he was overtaken.

4 erg (work) mania (madness) Ergomania: excessive devotion to work especially as a symptom of mental disorder  Molly’s dad works twelve hours a day; perhaps he suffers from ergomania.

5 rhiz (root) gen (birth) Rhizogenic: giving rise to or producing roots  Rhizogentic plants have impressive root systems.

6 schizo (Divide) Schizophrenia: psychotic disorder characterized by loss of contact with the environment, by noticeable deterioration in the level of functioning in everyday life, and by disintegration of personality expressed as disorder of feeling, thought (as in delusions), perception (as in hallucinations), and behavior  Brandy’s psychologist diagnosed her with schizophrenia after her fourth visit.

7 hippo (horse) pot (drink) Hippopotamus: a very large herbivorous 4-toed chiefly aquatic artiodactyl mammal (Hippopotamus amphibius) of sub-Saharan Africa with an extremely large head and mouth, bare and very thick grayish skin, and short legs  The hippopotamus is one of the most dangerous creatures in the world.

8 spor (seed) Sporadically: occurring occasionally, singly, or in irregular or random instances  Charles sporadically does his homework, which is not enough to give him an A in Geometry.

9 rhodo (rose) dendr (tree) Rhododendron: an evergreen bush that has large, bright flowers and that is often grown in gardens  Blooming rhododendron line the Blue Ridge Parkway during the summer months.

10 taxis (arrangement) ist (one who) Taxidermist: the skill, activity, or job of preparing, stuffing, and mounting the skins of dead animals so that they look like they did when they were alive  The taxidermist created a beautiful display for the hunter’s trophy deer.

11 vol (will) Involuntary: not done or made consciously  School is involuntary for children under sixteen years of age in North Carolina.

12 frat (brother) Fraternal: of or relating to brothers: made up of members who share an interest or purpose :friendly or brotherly  The fraternal twins were unhappy because they were known simply as the “Smith Brothers”.

13 phyto (plant) tox (poison) Phytotoxic: poisonous to plants  When Matthew’s garden was overtaken by weeds, he had to spray a phytotoxin.

14 di (two) sect (cut) Dissection: to cut (a plant or dead animal) into separate parts in order to study it  The dissection lesson was the only thing Wanda didn’t like about Anatomy class.

15 zyg (yoke) Zygote: a cell that is formed when an egg and a sperm combine : a fertilized egg  The doctor confirmed that a zygote had been formed; Stacey was pregnant!

16 zym (ferment) Enzyme: a chemical substance in animals and plants that helps to cause natural processes (such as digestion)  Enzymes help our bodies digest nutrients.

17 troph (nourishment) Autotroph: synthesizing its own food from inorganic substances, using light or chemical energy. Green plants, algae, and certain bacteria are autotrophs  Algae, an autotrophic organizism, synthesizes its own food.

18 Assignment Choose three or five association words (depending on assignment) and complete one of the following activities – it is due on Friday, when you take your test: 1. Cartoon – (you can use a cartoon maker such as toondo or draw one yourself) create a cartoon that has three vocabulary words embedded in the text of the cartoon using the topic of literature and underlining/highlighting the main subject and main verb of each sentence. 2. Five sentences written using a vocabulary word using literature as the topic. Please make sure to underline/highlight the main subject and verb of each sentence. *All work must be neat, colored/shaded, and the association words must be used correctly!


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