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BNM2006 1 Summary of Present Experimental Results 13-Sep-2006, Y.Sakai (KEK) Based on ICHEP06 results (highlights) CKM:  1 ( & b  s),  2,  3,... Decays.

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Presentation on theme: "BNM2006 1 Summary of Present Experimental Results 13-Sep-2006, Y.Sakai (KEK) Based on ICHEP06 results (highlights) CKM:  1 ( & b  s),  2,  3,... Decays."— Presentation transcript:

1 BNM2006 1 Summary of Present Experimental Results 13-Sep-2006, Y.Sakai (KEK) Based on ICHEP06 results (highlights) CKM:  1 ( & b  s),  2,  3,... Decays with Missing Energy b  d (s) Penguin etc.

2 BNM2006 2 Integrated Luminosity PEP-II for BaBar KEKB for Belle KEKB + PEP-II reached on July 13, 2006 ~ 1 Billion BB pairs Integrated Luminosity (fb -1 )

3 BNM2006 3 sin2  1 & b  s Penguin tCPV Belle : updated ~all modes with 535M BB BaBar: updated ~all modes with _ 347M BB b c d c s d J/  KSKS b d s d Xs s  KSKS Improved analyses, more sub-decay modes,..

4 BNM2006 4 sin2  1 : b  ccs B 0 tag _ _ 347M BB 535M BB _ B  J/  Ks B  J/  K L _ (cc)K (*)0 [hep-ex/0608039] [hep-ex/0607107]

5 BNM2006 5 sin2  1 : 2006 BaBar + Belle < 4 % error : Precise measurement ! Firm Reference Point for NP search 0.674  0.026 Av. C =  A = 0.012  0.022

6 BNM2006 6 cos2  1 : Solve ambiguity B 0  D* + D*  Ks Time-dependent Dalitz analysis (T.Browder, A. Datta et al. 2000)  cos2  > 0 (94%CL, model-dependent) B 0  Dh 0 (h 0 =  0 etc.) Time-dependent Dalitz analysis  cos2  > 0 Belle: 98.3%CL BaBar 87% CL [hep-ex/0607105] [hep-ex/0608016] [PRL 97,081801(06)]

7 BNM2006 7 “Golden” mode:  ’K 0 unbinned fit SM “sin2  1 ” =  0.64  0.10  0.04 A =  0.01  0.07  0.05 “sin2  1 ” =  0.64  0.10  0.04 A =  0.01  0.07  0.05 1 st observation b  s mode tCPV 1 st observation b  s mode tCPV 535M BB 5.6   ’K 0 “sin2  1 ” =  0.55  0.11  0.02 A =  0.15  0.07  0.03 “sin2  1 ” =  0.55  0.11  0.02 A =  0.15  0.07  0.03 4.9   ’Ks  ’K L _ 347M BB [hep-ex/0608039][hep-ex/0607100]

8 BNM2006 8 “Golden” mode:  K 0 Obtain CP parameters for 2-body and 3-body modes simultaneously by time-dependent Dalitz fit KKKSKKKSKKKLKKKSKKKSKKKL 1516  65 K  K  K 0  signal 1516  65 K  K  K 0  signal [hep-ex/0607112] B 0      K 0 Dalitz tCPV M  _ 347M BB

9 BNM2006 9  K 0 : sin2  eff = +0.12 ± 0.31(stat) ± 0.10 (syst)  K 0 : tCPV in B 0      K 0  measurement (not sin2  ) Rejected (within SM) 4.6  [hep-ex/0607112]  0.50  0.21  0.05 535M BB _ 347M BB

10 BNM2006 10 2006:  1 with b  s Penguins Smaller than b  ccs in all of 9 modes Smaller than b  ccs in all of 9 modes Theory : tends to positive shifts Naïve average of all b  s modes sin2  eff = 0.52 ± 0.05 2.6  deviation Naïve average of all b  s modes sin2  eff = 0.52 ± 0.05 2.6  deviation

11 BNM2006 11 Belle 2006: B 0 →  +  − decay (tCPV) first error: stat., second: syst. background subtracted  +  − yields  +  − asymmetry Large Direct CP violation (5.5  ) Large mixing-induced CPV (5.6  ) confidence level contour 1464±65 signal events 535M BB [hep-ex/0608035] 22 22

12 BNM2006 12 BaBar 2006: tCPV in B 0      confidence level contour Evidence for CP violation (3.6  ) Direct CPV not yet observed _ 347M BB [hep-ex/0607106]

13 BNM2006 13 History of B 0 →  +  − decay 2.3  diff. btw. Belle and BaBar ( C =  A )

14 BNM2006 14  2 constraints from B 0 →  +  − decay inputs B (  +  0 ) = (5.75  0.42) B (  +  - ) = (5.20  0.25)  10 -6 B (  0  0 ) = (1.30  0.21) A (  0  0 ) = +0.35  0.33 S (  +  - ) =  0.59  0.09 A (  +  - ) = +0.39  0.07 inputs B (  +  0 ) = (5.75  0.42) B (  +  - ) = (5.20  0.25)  10 -6 B (  0  0 ) = (1.30  0.21) A (  0  0 ) = +0.35  0.33 S (  +  - ) =  0.59  0.09 A (  +  - ) = +0.39  0.07 No stringent constraint obtained with  system alone  need  and 

15 BNM2006 15  2 : B 0   CPV B (  0  0 ) << B (  +   ), B (  +  0 ) < 1.1 30  6 26  6 x10 -6 (HFAG) small Penguin effect (  ) 22 A 00 A +0 A +- / 2 f L ~ 100%  CP  +1 Similar to  +  , but more complicated … Two lucky cards ! B  VV: not CP eigenstate in general  +   +  0 : wide resonance

16 BNM2006 16 BaBar2006: tCPV in B      _ 348M BB B (B 0      )=(23.5±2.2±4.1)x10 -6 [hep-ex/0607098]

17 BNM2006 17 BaBar2006: B   (cont.) B 0      branching fraction: indication at 3.0  B +      branching fraction _ 348M BB [hep-ex/0607097] [hep-ex/0607092]

18 BNM2006 18  2 constraints from B 0 →  +  − decay New     branching fraction Isospin triangle now closed (new     )

19 BNM2006 19 B 0   +   tCPV B 0   +   : not CP eigenstate, same diagram as  +   Mixing CPV with 4 amplitudes (complicated) B 0   +    0 : Dalitz [BaBar PRL 91,201802(’03); Belle PRL94,121801(’05)] s  = m(     ) 2 s + =m(     ) 2 A  = f  A  + f  A  + f  A  f i  (s +, s  ) : form factors (Breit-Wigner) A(  i  j ) = A ij =e i  2 T ij + P ij P  =  (P  +P  )/2 Fit to  t, Dalitz dist.   2 w/o discrete ambiguity ! ++ ++ ++ [Synyder, Quin, PRD48,2139(‘93)]

20 BNM2006 20 2006: B  (   Dalitz analysis _ 347M BB 449M BB [2004 (16 parameters ignoring     ) ] [hep-ex/0608002][hep-ex/0609003] 1  CL 26 parameters fit (    ,    ,     )

21 BNM2006 21  2 from B   Dalitz analysis + isospin (pentagon) analysis 26(Dalitz) + 5[Br(     ), Br(     ), Br(     ), A (     ), and A (     )]  2 (degrees) 1-CL  /  2 = [83 ]  +12  (1  ) 449M BB [hep-ex/0609003]

22 BNM2006 22  2 Summary  /  2 = [93 ]  +11  9  /  2 = [99 ]  +13  8 [Belle  Dalitz/Isospin not included]

23 BNM2006 23  3 Measurements 1) f COM = D CP Gronau-Wyler-London [PLB 253,483; 265,172(’91)] D 0 /D 0   +  - /  +  - (CP=+1),  S  0 / .. (CP=  1) 2) f COM = D DCSD Atwood-Dunietz-Soni [PRL 91,171801(’03)] ex) B +  D 0 [  -  + ]  + & D 0  -  + ]  + _ _ 3) f COM = D   K S     Bondar, GGSZ [PRD 68,054018(’03)] B  DK B  D (*)+   tCPV Dunietz [PLB 427, 179(’98)] R D sin(2  1 +  3 ±  )

24 BNM2006 24 _ 347M BB Belle: 53  3  9 (386M) +15  18 [hep-ex/0607104]  3 rBrB [PRD73,112009(06)] BB BB

25 BNM2006 25 Comparison: Belle/BaBar contours do not include Dalitz model errors  3 rBrB DK + D*K + B+B+ BB B+B+ BB

26 BNM2006 26  3 Summary New BaBar DK Daliitz results not included  /  3 = [71 ]  +22 

27 BNM2006 27 UT sides: V cb, V ub, V td Moment analysis: p l, M x with b  s  Kinetic ~ 1S scheme < 2% precision V cb Inclusive: theoretical framework BLNP [PRD72:073006 (05)] DGE [JHEP 0601:097 (06)] BLL [PRD64:113004 (01)] ~7.5% precision Tevatron  m s measuremets V ub V td /V ts ~4% precision Exclusive: new measurements Form factors (LQCD, Sum rule..)

28 BNM2006 28 CKM Global Fit 2005 Summer 2006 Summer

29 BNM2006 29 Decays w/ “Missing E(>2 )” B  B   B  B   B decay constant  Lattice QCD SM : BSM : sensitive to New Physics from H  _ _

30 BNM2006 30 B   : Exp. Challenge Y(4S) B-B- B+B+ ++ N= 680k eff.= 0.29% purity = 57% N= 680k eff.= 0.29% purity = 57% Charged B Tag-side: Full reconstruction 449M BB Always > 2 neutrinos appear in B   decay _ Majority : 1 track +invisible

31 BNM2006 31 B   : Signal Extraction Signal + background Background B   Signal E ECL : extra neutral energy 5  decay modes Observe 17.2 events significance = 3.5σ +4.3 - 5.7 hep-ex/0604018 submitted to PRL 449M BB 1 st Evidence of B decay with > 2 !! Big step for future in hunting NP _ B (B +    ) = ( 1.79   ) x10  4 0.39 0.46 0.56 0.49

32 BNM2006 32 B   :BaBar BF(B +  +  ) = (0.88  0.11) x10 -4 BR< 1.80 10 -4 @ 90%CL +0.68 -0.67 Combined (1.36  0.48)x10 -4 Semi-lep tag only _ 334M BB f B = 0.216±0.022 GeV (HPQCD) PRL 95, 212001 (2005)  |V ub | = (4.39±0.33)×10 -3 (HFAG) f B = 0.200±0.038 GeV [hep-ex/0608019]

33 BNM2006 33 Constraints on H  mass r H =1.13  0.51 Use known f B and |V ub | Ratio to the SM BF. excluded 449M

34 BNM2006 34 B  K (*) : Motivation b  s with 2 neutrinos SM: B (B  K * ) ~1.3 x 10 -5 B (B  K ) ~4 x 10 -6 (Buchalla, Hiller, Isidori) PRD 63, 014015 DAMA NaI 3  Region CDMS 04 CDMS 05 No sensitivity in Direct search New Physics in Loop Light Dark Mater (M~1GeV) _ _ _

35 BNM2006 35 B 0  K* 0 : Result _ 535M BB Similar exp. technique as B    Full-rec. tag & K + nothing (1.7σ stat. significance) Sideband = 19 MC expectation = 18.7  3.3 460K tags Hope to see Signal in (near?) Future [hep-ex/0608047] cf: BaBar B (B +  K + ) < 5.2 x 10 -5 _ 85M BB _ [PRL 94,101801(05)]

36 BNM2006 36 b  d Penguin : b  d  Signals Established ! 386M BB 37.2 signals B +  +  B 0  0  _ 347M BB M ES (GeV/c 2 ) LP05 5.5  V td /V ts New Physics ! V td /V ts New Physics ! [hep-ex/0607099] [PRL96,221601(06)]

37 BNM2006 37 b  d Penguin : B  KK M ES (GeV/c 2 ) 37 +9.6  8.3 23 +6.5  5.4 5.3  6.0  d,u b s s W g  0  0/  V ts/d  V tb t d Observation ! Evidence 449M BB _ 350M BB [hep-ex/0608036][hep-ex/0608049] 2004/5 5.3  7.3 

38 BNM2006 38 b  d Penguin : B  K S K S tCPV _ 347M BB [hep-ex/0608036]

39 BNM2006 39 b  d Penguin : B   l + l  Prediction: few 10 -8 B +   + l + l – and B 0   0 l + l  l =e or  (and e -  ) B < 7.9 x 10 -8 at 90% CL for B + ( twice B 0 ) M ES (GeV/c 2 )  E(GeV) [209/fb] [hep-ex/0607048] Rather clean  Promising in future

40 BNM2006 40 b  s Penguin : Radiative Signals: well established (BF~SM) Preliminary _ 232M BB B  K S    tCPV New approach for NP Yield = 176+/- 18 449M BB M( K s  0 ) < 1.8 GeV (  C) [hep-ex/0608017]

41 BNM2006 41 b  s Penguin : EW A FB (K*l + l  ) of l + l  K* B J/  ’’ [PRL 96, 251801(06)] 386M BB positive A FB First Atempt  Important step for future !

42 BNM2006 42 Summary Belle + BaBar : > 1000 fb -1 data ! sin2  1 :<4% precision;  sin2  1 (b  s)<0 ? “2.6  ”  2,  3 : 10~30 o, |V ub | ~7.5% (  new measurements) First Evidence of B decay with >2 Milestone for Future NP search with  b  d Penguin: established explore NP effect b  d EW Penguin: new approaches for NP B  hh Puzzles being weakened...  LFV decays: reaching NP era : (lot more… not shown here) sin2  1 :<4% precision;  sin2  1 (b  s)<0 ? “2.6  ”  2,  3 : 10~30 o, |V ub | ~7.5% (  new measurements) First Evidence of B decay with >2 Milestone for Future NP search with  b  d Penguin: established explore NP effect b  d EW Penguin: new approaches for NP B  hh Puzzles being weakened...  LFV decays: reaching NP era : (lot more… not shown here) More data, New ideas for New excitements ! _

43 BNM2006 43 B  hh [227M] [449M][535/449M] ~All BF & A CP : updated at ICHEP06 BF: FSR effects are taken into account (PHOTOS,QED)

44 BNM2006 44 R n & R c Puzzle R n =  (K +   ) / 2  (K 0  0 ) = 0.99  0.07 R c = 2  (K +   ) /  (K 0  + ) = 1.11  0.07 RcRc RnRn HFAG Puzzle ~ gone [Buras et al., Eur.Phys.J.C45:701(06)

45 BNM2006 45 A CP :     &     B0K+π-B0K+π- B+K+π0B+K+π0 535M BB   A CP Sum rule [Gronau, Rosner 2005] A( K +  0 ) +A( K 0  0 ) = A( K    ) + A( K 0  + ) A( K    )  A( K +  0 ) ~4.6 

46 BNM2006 46 Summary of  LFV  decays    

47 BNM2006 47

48 BNM2006 48 “Golden” mode:  K 0 unbinned fit SM “sin2  1 ” =  0.50  0.21  0.05 A =  0.07  0.15  0.06 “sin2  1 ” =  0.50  0.21  0.05 A =  0.07  0.15  0.06 535M BB K0K0 114  17  K L signal 114  17  K L signal 307  21  K S signal 307  21  K S signal KKKSKLKKKSKL New ! (bkg subtracted)

49 BNM2006 49 B 0   +   Direct CPV A  A  Belle BaBar (from Dalitz tCPV analysis)

50 BNM2006 50 Comparison: Belle/BaBar contours do not include Dalitz model errors DK + D*K +

51 BNM2006 51 V cb Inclusive: Global Fit

52 BNM2006 52 Vub Inclusive

53 BNM2006 53 Vub Exclusive _ 227M BB [B.Kowalski]

54 BNM2006 54 Vub Exclusive: Summary [B.Kowalski]

55 BNM2006 55 B   , e  Lepton momentum in B frame (GeV/) Use hadronic tags: B fully reconstructed as B to D(*) X Limits (@ 90% CL) <7.9 x10 -6 for e (SM ~ 10 -12 ) <6.2 x10 -6 for  (SM ~ 10 -7 ) _ 229M BB Limits (at 90% CL) BR(B  ee  )< 0.7 x 10 -7 BR(B  )< 3.4 x 10 -7 B 0  l l  _ 292M BB SM predictions of order 10 -10 [Belle: < 2.0x10 -6 @140/fb] [hep-ex/0607110] [hep-ex/0607058]

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