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Nation-Building in Africa and the Middle East

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Presentation on theme: "Nation-Building in Africa and the Middle East"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nation-Building in Africa and the Middle East
Chapter 29 World History: Volume II: Since 1500 pgs

2 People, Places, Ideas uhuru African National Congress (ANC)
pan-Africanism nationalism negritude neocolonialism The Population Bomb (pg. 871) AIDS desertification pan-Islamism apartheid South Africa Nelson Mandela ethnic genocide Rwanda Tutsis Hutu Chinua Achebe / Things Fall Apart Pan-Arabism Palestine-Israeli conflict Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) Camp David Agreement / Jimmy Carter intifada Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) Iranian Revolution of 1979 Ayatollah Ruholla Khomeini Saddam Hussein Operation Desert Storm Taliban Hosni Mubarak Golda Meir Islamic feminism* chador / hijab / burkah

3 Big Questions What factors can be advanced to explain the chronic instability and internal conflict that have characterized conditions in Africa and the Middle East since World War II?

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