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Rapid Scar-Free Wound Healing in the Ctenophore Mnemiopsis Mnemiopsis leidyi Matthew B. Dodson* and Anthony G. Moss Auburn University, Cellular & Molecular.

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Presentation on theme: "Rapid Scar-Free Wound Healing in the Ctenophore Mnemiopsis Mnemiopsis leidyi Matthew B. Dodson* and Anthony G. Moss Auburn University, Cellular & Molecular."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rapid Scar-Free Wound Healing in the Ctenophore Mnemiopsis Mnemiopsis leidyi Matthew B. Dodson* and Anthony G. Moss Auburn University, Cellular & Molecular Biosciences Program Center for Environmental & Cellular Signal Transduction

2 The Mechanism Wound repair begins within 5 minutes. Millions of cells migrate to damaged site. Cells aggregate and pull wound edges together. Wound heals in 30 minutes without scar.. 1mm

3 Cell Cultures Wound cells can be cultured. Form new tissue. Mimic natural conditions. Easy to manipulate. 100µm

4 Implications Model system to study rapid, scar-free wound repair. Like fetal wound repair. Molecular genetic tools allow comparison to humans. Biomedical discovery tool. Thanks to : Alabama Commission on Higher Education and the ACHE-GRSP program. Auburn University Cellular & Molecular Biosciences Program / Center for Environmental & Cellular Signal Transduction (AU-CMB/CECST). Alabama EPSCoR and NSF support under Grant No. EPS-0447675 to the CECST and MCB-0348327 to Dr. A.G. Moss (AU-CMB/CECST, Biological Sciences)

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