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Supplementary Fig. 1 ClustalW (2.1) multiple sequence alignment and comparison of deduced partial protein sequences of SOS1 in root tissues of wheat genotypes.

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Presentation on theme: "Supplementary Fig. 1 ClustalW (2.1) multiple sequence alignment and comparison of deduced partial protein sequences of SOS1 in root tissues of wheat genotypes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supplementary Fig. 1 ClustalW (2.1) multiple sequence alignment and comparison of deduced partial protein sequences of SOS1 in root tissues of wheat genotypes Kharchia 65, HD 2009, HD 2687 and WL 711 with O. sativa japonica (GeneBank Acc. No. AY785147.1) and A. thaliana (GeneBank Acc. No. NM_126259.3) (* shows conserved amino acids), putative transmembrane domains are denoted by numerals predicted by TMHMM program.AY785147.1

2 Supplementary Fig. 2 ClustalW (2.1) multiple sequence alignment and comparison of deduced partial protein sequences of SOS2 in root tissues of wheat genotypes Kharchia 65, HD 2009, HD2687 and WL711 with O. sativa japonica (GeneBank Acc. No. EU703804.1) and A. thaliana (GeneBank Acc. No. NM_1222932.4) (* shows conserved amino acids).EU703804.1

3 Supplementary Fig. 3 ClustalW (2.1) multiple sequence alignment and comparison of deduced partial protein sequences of SOS3 in root tissues of wheat genotypes Kharchia 65, HD 2009, HD 2687 and WL 711 with O. sativa japonica (Gene Bank Acc. No. DQ201199.1) and A. thaliana (Gene Bank Acc. No. NM_122333.4) (* shows conserved amino acids)DQ201199.1

4 Supplementary Fig. 4 ClustalW (2.1) multiple sequence alignment and comparison of deduced partial protein sequences of VP1 in leaf tissues of wheat genotypes Kharchia 65, HD 2009, HD2687 and WL711 with O. sativa japonica (GeneBank Acc. No. D45383.1 ) and A. thaliana (GeneBank Acc. No. AB015138.1 ) (* shows conserved amino acids) putative transmembrane domains are denoted by numerals predicted by TMHMM program.

5 Supplementary Fig. 5 ClustalW (2.1) multiple sequence alignment and comparison of deduced partial protein sequences of NHX1 in leaf tissues of wheat genotypes Kharchia 65, HD 2009, HD2687 and WL711 with O. sativa japonica (GeneBank Acc. No. AB021878.1) and A. thaliana (GeneBank Acc. No. AK226586.1) (* shows conserved amino acids) putative transmembrane domains are denoted by numerals predicted by TMHMM program.AB021878.1AK226586.1

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