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TOBAM’s SRI CAPABILITIES The Sustainable Way 2014 For professional investors only.

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Presentation on theme: "TOBAM’s SRI CAPABILITIES The Sustainable Way 2014 For professional investors only."— Presentation transcript:

1 TOBAM’s SRI CAPABILITIES The Sustainable Way 2014 For professional investors only

2 Agenda Introduction to TOBAM The Anti-Benchmark® approach Illustration: Anti-Benchmark® EM Equity Appendix 2

3 SRI and ESG dimensions TOBAM integrates SRI and ESG dimensions at two levels:  Corporate Responsibility engagement at the company level  Socially Responsible Investing at the investment level We are committed to aligning our company operations and goals with the 10 universally accepted principles set forth in the UN Global Compact 3

4 Socially Responsible Investing  Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) filter  Exclusion list of the Ministry of Finance of Norway and Sweden’s AP Fonden from their investment universes (approx. 70 names in Global universe)  Exclusion lists aligned with the UN PRI and Global Compact  Proxy Voting and Engagement  External voting service (International Shareholder Services Inc.)  TOBAM votes for all shares held in the portfolios 4

5 Best in Class  Mandate with a large French institutional investor  bvbvbvb  fdfffff  fffff  fffffff 5

6 TOBAM’s Corporate Responsability Implementation  Sponsorship since 2011 of Amnesty International: donation of 7% of profits generated from investing in AB EM 6  Compensation of >125% of our carbon footprint by subsidizing the Carbon Action Association, part of Good Planet Foundation

7 Engagement initiatives  UN PRI and Global Compact signatory since 2010  Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) and Water Disclosure Project signatory since 2011  UK Stewardship Code adoption in 2012  Member of International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN) since 2014  Supports the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Coalition and the Sustainable Stock Exchange project since 2014 7

8  Signataire des UN-PRI depuis 2010 et Adhésion aux principes Global Compact TOBAM’s Sustainable Way 8 Source: Reporting UN-PRI 2013

9  Depuis 2007 : Application du filtre Norges Bank aux stratégies TOBAM  Exercice des droits de vote: TOBAM a exercé ses droits de vote à 97% des AG en 2013  Programme de Compensation Carbone depuis 2011  Soutien d’Amnesty International depuis 2011 TOBAM’s Sustainable Way 9

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