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Students as Change Agents Elisabeth Dunne & Dale Potter.

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Presentation on theme: "Students as Change Agents Elisabeth Dunne & Dale Potter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Students as Change Agents Elisabeth Dunne & Dale Potter

2 CHANGING RELATIONSHIPS IN HE Students as customers ‘If you treat students as customers it will put the relationship between students and academics on the wrong footing – it should be a partnership between student and professional member of staff rather than a customer relationship, otherwise it will distort the relationship and create a ‘customer is always right’ mentality.’ (President of the NUS, 2008)

3 The learner voice We need a way to think about student representation in a way that is centred on people, on their perspectives, on the contribution they each make to the whole. This is what we mean when we talk about the learner voice. (Vice President HE, NUS, 2008) A community of learners The most effective higher education environments are ones in which students are diligently involved as part of a community of learners. (Chief Exec., HEA, 2008)


5 Would you like to support your School in improving learning and teaching? -What do you keep moaning about to your School, but never seems to get any better? -What really matters to you within your degree programme? - Are there issues discussed in your School’s SSLCs that need further attention? - What do you know about the learning needs of your peers? If you are interested in any of these questions, or have some of your own, why not join in a new and innovative research project. LEAFLET FOR STUDENTS

6 Research Methods Surveys Paper/online/clickers Staff interviews VideoFocus groups

7 Business School Findings: Sustainability issues are becoming an important aspect of Business. Students want this recognised within and beyond the curriculum. Positive response to sustainability pilot workshop. Outcomes: Sustainability section in Exeter Employability award and first year modules. Forum Project Findings: Over 1000 students responded to questionnaire. Views on sustainability, furniture and interior design, student art work and internationalisation collected. Outcomes: Results will be presented to architects and planners to incorporate into new building.

8 Biosciences Findings: Students struggle with scientific essay writing. 89% of students wanted more essay practice and many feel unprepared for essay examinations. Outcomes: Essay skills guide for all students, more tutorial style essay sessions brought in for first years.

9 Archaeology Findings: Students feel that there is not enough information available for careers in archaeology, 82% students want a careers fair specifically designed for this subject area. Outcomes: Careers fair, updated website and monthly bulletins for jobs, work experience and funding availability.

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