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Screencast Caught In The Web: Does Social Media Replace Face To Face Communication?

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Presentation on theme: "Screencast Caught In The Web: Does Social Media Replace Face To Face Communication?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Screencast Caught In The Web: Does Social Media Replace Face To Face Communication?

2 Does Social Media Interaction Replace Face To Face Communication ? Definitions Why Social Media is Powerful Why Face To Face Communication will remains more powerful ?

3 Definitions Face To Face Communication: «Face-to-face communication is a conversation that one has while being Face-to-Face with the other party. This type of communication enables a person to hear and see the non-verbal communication conveyed by the sender and respond with feedback straightaway.» (Cheng Ean L., 2010)

4 Definitions Social Media Interaction: «Social media refers to the means of interactions among people in which they create, share, exchange and comment contents among themselves in virtual communities and networks» ( Ahlqvist T. et Al., 2008)

5 Why Social Media Is Powerful ? «amusing, hip and convenient» 40% of college age: «Internet is more important than dating or going out with friends» Source:Fowkles, J., (October 11th, 2012). «Opinion: Why Social Media is destroying our Skills», USA Today Source: Courtesy of Google Images

6 Why Social Media Is Powerful ? Source: courtesy of Google Images

7 Why Social Media Is Powerful ? Enhances our Relationship with the others People can even fall in Love Online Older Generations are less lonely Source: Owens (2009), (Burbary 2010), ( Coyle, C., & Vaughn, H, 2008)Source: Courtesy Of Google Images

8 Why Social Media Is Powerful ? Used to Deliver Important Messages: US Election Campaign on Twitter «Revolution 2.0» or «Arabic Spring» Source: (LeVine M., 2012), (Marino, K., 2012)Source: Courtesy of Google Images

9 Why Face To Face Communication Remains more powerful? Body Languages Face Expressions Tons of Voice Source: (Tardanico S., 2012) Source: Courtesy Of Google Images

10 Why Face To Face Communication Remains more powerful? «Deeper, More Authentic» Relationship More Credible Source: Courtesy Of Google ImagesSource: (Tardanico S., 2012), (Keller & Bray, 2012)

11 Why Face To Face Communication Remains more powerful? The Internet is not a free area. China Source: Courtesy Of Google ImagesSource: (Shuman M., 2011)

12 Conclusion The outcome would be to continue to use both as Social Media is a quick way to give bits of information without moving and Face-to-Face is better to give detailed information, discussing a topic with a person or deepening a relationship with someone.

13 References Ahlqvist, T., Bäck, A., Halonen, M., Heinonen, S (2008). "Social media roadmaps exploring the futures triggered by social media". VTT Tiedotteita - Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimuskeskus (2454): 13. An, Y-J. & Frick, T. (2006). Student perceptions of asynchronous computer-mediated communication in face-to-face courses. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. Vol. 13 Begley, K. A. (2004). «Face-to-face communication: Making human connections in technology-driven world». Thompson Place: Boston Boyd, D.M. & Ellison, N.B. (2007). «Social network sites: Definition, history, and scholarship»,Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, 13, 210-230. Brown, A. (2011). «Relationships, Community, and Identity in the New Virtual Society», The Futurist. Burbry, K., (2010). «Dispelling the Youth Myth», Web Business. Ean L., (2010). «Face-to-face Versus Computer-mediated Communication: Exploring Employees’ Preference of Effective Employee Communication Channel», International Journal for the Advancement of Science & Arts, VOL. 1, NO. 2 Fowkles, J., (October 11th, 2012). «Opinion: Why Social Media is destroying our Skills», USA Today Keller E. & Fay B., (April 29th 2012). «Column: Facebook can’t replace face-to-face conversation», USA Today Kirschner P. & Karpinski A. (November 2010). «Facebook and Academic Performance», Computers in Human Behavior Marino K., (April 16th, 2012). "Social Media: The New News Source,", Schuman M., (October 26th, 2011), «Can China’s economy thrive with a censored internet», Time Tardanico S., (April, 30th, 2012). «Is Social Media Sabotaging Communication», Forbes Twitter Blog, (September 8th, 2011) "One Hundred Million Voices,"

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