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Welcome !. Integrated skills comedygame showcartoon documentarychat showdrama series.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome !. Integrated skills comedygame showcartoon documentarychat showdrama series."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome !

2 Integrated skills

3 comedygame showcartoon documentarychat showdrama series

4 six steps 六步 a big surprise I need some help. If you finish the six steps, I will give the box to you.

5 Name Grade Some information Anita7Art club, loves playing with her cat at home Philip8Football team a very good football player Sam9Drama club likes acting Anita is a…student, she is a member of… She loves…I guess she likes programmes about… Step 1 --- See and predict Philip … Sam… Tips: 听前预测起到 事半功倍的效果。

6 Tips: 1. 仔细审题,注意关键词,做到 有的放矢; 2. 学会速记(边听边记,还可用 自己熟悉的符号或缩写形式记 录所听的内容)。

7 What’s her favourite programme? What’s his favourite programme? Animal Watch. Sports World. Music Videos. Anita Philip Sam

8 Anita Likes programmes about: ___________ Reason: _______________ Dislikes programmes about: _________ Reason: ______________ Favourite programme: __________________________ Time spent watching TV every week: _______________ animals interesting cooking boring Animal Watch one and a half hours very about P87 A2

9 Philip Likes programmes about: _________ Reason: ____________ Dislikes programmes about: _________ Reason: _____________ Favourite programme: _______________________ Time spent watching TV every week: _______________________ sports exciting animals not interesting Sports World an hour very about

10 Sam Likes programmes about: ___________ Reason: _______________ Dislikes programmes about: _________ Reason: ____________ Favourite programme: _______________ _ __ Time spent watching TV every week: ______________________ music fun sports boring Music Videos half an hour really about

11 Step 3 --- To be a good reporter Can you make a report on your own? NameGrade What Millie knows about her Anita7 Art Club, loves playing with her cat at home 1.Likes programmes about: animals Reason: very interesting 2. Spend: about one and a half hours watching TV every week 3. Favourite programme: Animal Watch 4. Dislikes programmes about: cooking Reason: boring

12 Can you be a good reporter? NameGrade What Millie knows about her Philip8 Football team, a very good football player 1.Likes programmes about: sports Reason: very exciting 2. spend : about an hour watching TV every day 3. Favourite programme: Sports World 4. Dislikes programmes about: animals Reason: not very interesting

13 Can you be a good reporter? NameGrade What Millie knows about him Sam9 Drama club likes acting 1.Likes programmes about: music Reason: really fun 2. Name of favourite programme: Music Videos 3. Spend: about half an hour watching TV every day 4. Dislikes programmes about: sports Reason: boring

14 根据听力材料中的信息尽快完成 P88. A3. 1. 独立完成 2. 在组长组织下,全组核对答案 3. 全班统一核对

15 1.7 2.Art Club 3.animals and a half hours 5.Animal Watch 7.boring 8.8 9. football player 10.sports 11.exciting 12.Sports World 13. an hour 14.animals 15. interesting 16.9

16 17.Drama Club 20.Music Videos 21.half an hour 22.sports

17 友情提示: 这是第五步,继续 加油噢, come on ! Step 5 To be a good learner 准备工具:一支笔 任务:画出重点短语

18 1. 看电视的习惯 2. 采访三个学生 3. 一个七年级学生 4. 艺术兴趣小组的一员 5. 花一个半小时看电视 6. 她最喜欢的节目 7. 一个非常好的足球运动员 8. 发现他们有趣 TV viewing habits a Grade 7 student find them interesting her favourite programe a very good football player interview three students a member of the Art Club Useful Phrases spend one and a half hours watching TV Step 5 ---To be a good learner

19 Step 6 ---Try to pass the test 请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。 Different TV viewing habits DanielGrade 8Crazy about playing 1 his favourite programme --- Sports City Rose 2a member of the Art Club loving TV programmes about art TomGrade 9a member of the Music Club Feeling 3 when watching music programmes 1.A. football B. volleyball C. basketball 2.A. Grade 7 B. Grade 8 C. Grade 9 3. A. relaxed B. stressed C. tired √ √ √

20 32 1 2014 12 08 冰雪奇缘 2 2014 12 08


22 小组为单位,两人或四人一组,进行采访练 习。受访内容可以是 TV viewing habits, 也可以 是其他。自己分配角色。 扮演角色: 1. 记者 / 主持人 2. 受访者 3.... Do you like…? What’s your favourite…? What kind of programmes …like/dislike? How much time …? ……

23 Homework: 1.Interview one of your teachers and write a short report about his/her habits. 2. Preview Study skills on page 89.

24 Thank you!

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