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CscClusterization and Micromegas Woochun Park Group Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "CscClusterization and Micromegas Woochun Park Group Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 CscClusterization and Micromegas Woochun Park 10/26/2007 @USC Group Meeting

2 ATLAS Muon Offline Software Activity Moved from MuonSpectrometer/MuonRecAlgs to MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep In Cosmic data, pedestal and noise values for individual run are retrieved from database. –We can analyze cosmic data locally after creating cluster ntuples. –Man power is needed to analyze these cosmic data (Arjun?, Alex?, or anyone?) ICscClusterFitter and ICscStripFitter were modified to enhance functionality for split cluster and access noise value from database. –All contingent packages should be updated. –Developer work for 3 reconstruction packages and 7 validation packages: –Reconstruction packages: CscClusterization, CscSegmentMakers, MuonClusterOnTrackCreator –Validation packages: 7 packages under MuonCscValidation

3 Cosmic Data Ntuples will be made and stored in bee. It must be very helpful to learn root and Csc detector environment.

4 Micromegas Twiki page is available at – Mesh is suppored by 30,000 pieces of 2mm x 2mm photo-resistant films. Using Iron 55 radiation material, we validate prototype with Ar80% and CO 2 20%. All the parts are moved to H8 beam site. Today, dark current on mesh is measured with Ar 85% CF 4 15% with cosmic ray. One charged track leaves about 30 electrons on mesh. Gain is about 10 4. An electron carries about 10 -19 C. ~~ 10 -14 C. It should be almost zero. Prototype monitoring by some software installed in laptop. Cathode up to 900V and mesh up to 590V in Ar 80% and CO 2 20%. 125  m 2-5mm V a = 600V V d = 800V 48kV/cm 1.0-0.4kV/cm (Drift Region)

5 With Air…. About 15 nano Amp With Ar 80% and CO 2 20% About 40 nano Amp


7 Plan Setup is almost ready. Take data from tomorrow. Raw data from prototype is converted to root by Aliroot. AliceDAQ is used. Raw data from silicon pixel is converted by PyROOT. My job is –Merging two files into one –Analysis –Take shifts –Photos –……

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