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TRIGGER & T0 for RUN 2016 V. Yurevich meeting 10.02.2016 CAEN digitizer T0.

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Presentation on theme: "TRIGGER & T0 for RUN 2016 V. Yurevich meeting 10.02.2016 CAEN digitizer T0."— Presentation transcript:

1 TRIGGER & T0 for BM@N RUN 2016 V. Yurevich BM@N meeting 10.02.2016 CAEN digitizer T0

2 Beam / Trigger Detector System BC1 T0 VC BD SiD BC1 – Beam Counter (70×70×5 mm scintillator, FEU87) T0 – Start detector (different types) BC2 – Beam Counter (12diam. ×3 mm scintillator, SiPMs or XP85012) VC – Veto Counter (100diam. ×10 mm scintillator with hole 27-mm diam., XP85012) BD – Barrel Detector with 40 scintillation strips and SiPMs (40 channels) SiD – Si Detector (40 channels) N. Zamyatin, S. Habarov BC2 Beam 0+15 Z (cm) - 80- 105- 120- 400 Target

3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 222 2 1 1 2 3 3 T0/Trigger group STC “NPR” St. Petersburg Si Detector group Scheme of Trigger Detectors & Electronics

4 Target Area 40 scintillation strips 7×7×150 mm, BC418 SiPMs 6×6 mm, Sensl Active area: diameter = 93 mm, length = 150 mm Barrel Detector 0.5-mm still tube (80 mm diam.) Carbon tube Target BD electronics LVDS pulses, HDMI cables to T0U module Si Detector SiD electronics Barrel detector 40 ch. to SiD module LVDS pulses, HDMI cables Beam Trigger gate from T0U 30° 11° 80 mm 30° 150° NIM, TTL? Delay? Pulse width?

5 T0 (Start) detector Three different detectors are prepared for TOF tests with d-beam: 1.12×12×10 mm quartz + 4 SiPMs 2.12×12×100 mm quartz (45 deg.) + MCP-PMT (4 SiPMs ?) 3.7×7×40 mm scintillator BC418 + 2 SiPMs (2 units) Then the best one will be used in BM@N run Study of full chain of electronics with cables in TOF measurements with cosmic rays and two Cherenkov modules of T0 detector Test in March-April 2016 T0 – start, RPC – stop T0 chain: T0 detector, FEE, HDMI cable, T0U module, Molex cable,TDC72 – readout electronics

6 Test of Neutron Detectors ND1 ND2 Barrel Detector Target Beam ND1 – 8 stylbene crystals (13×13×13 mm) + MCP-PMT XP85012 ND2 – 8 BaF2 crystals (13×13×10 mm) + MCP-PMT XP85012 (available T0 module is used) Aim of study: TOF measurement of neutron spectrum from 0.5 to 300 MeV at small flight path of 25 cm with time resolution σ < 100 ps Neutron detector prototypes: ND electronics unit Neutron trigger logic CAEN digitizer LVDS pulsesMain trigger pulses BTL1 (Min Bias) ND1ND2 ND1ND2T0 Analog pulses Trigger L1L2L3 Main trigger logic pulses L=25 cm

7 Triggers Logic 1 (Minimum bias) = BT &( (N BD +N SiD )>N1)) Logic 2 (Central +Semi-central) = BT&((N BD +N SiD )>N2) Logic 3 (Central) = BT&((N BD +N SiD )>N3) Logic 4 BT&(N BD >N2 and N SiD >N3) Logic 5 BT&(N BD =2 & 180 deg.) Logic 6 Beam Trigger BT(1:N) = BC1&T0&BC2&VCveto (1 : N) Logic 7 Generator out of Spill List of main BM@N triggers: T0 L1 L2 L3 Physics Calibration Beam trigger BT= BC1&BC&T0&VC(veto) N = N BD +N SiD

8 Special Trigger for pp events: Logic 5 = BT & (N=2) & (2 pulses from opposite strips, 20 possible combinations) T 80 150 30° 11° Scintillation strips p p d Barrel Detector Targets: polyethylene, carbon

9 Control of Counts on Trigger Display Detectors: Beam Condition: Trigger: Ratios: BC2/BC1, T0/BC1, VC/BC1, BT/BC1 Beam Trigger (BT), BMN Trigger (T BMN ), Valid T BMN = T BMN & Busy( Veto ) Beam detectors: BC1, T0, BC2, VC Detectors triggering interaction in target: Barrel Detector (40 ch.), Si Detector (40 ch.) Live Time: Ratio: Valid T BMN / T BMN

10 Targets for Runs with d beam NTargetThickness (h/λ I, % ) 1Polyethylene40 mm (~5%) 2C18 mm (~5%) 3Cu7 mm (~5%) 4Pb8 mm (~5%) 5No target_

11 Questions for DAQ Multihit TDC Available TDC ? inputs: BC1, T0, BC2, VC, ZDC, … Beam Trigger (BT), Min bias Interaction Trigger (L1) Aims: 1.Before / After protection 2.Input register 2016 2017 Optical readout of CAEN digitizer and include these data into event Scalers: counts per spill (Data from neutron detectors, beam detectors)

12 Plan for first days of BM@N run 1.Beam tuning (1-2 days): - study of beam position, profile (FWHM < 3-5 mm), intensity, uniform distribution into ~3-second spill - detector alignment 2.Study with deuteron beam (1-2 days): - time resolution of T0 detectors and TOF detectors - detector responses and characteristics - electronics, trigger and DAQ operation 3. Start of physics run

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