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Sexual and Reproductive Health. Perception of health care and level of user satisfaction of Aymara women in the North of Chile Rossana Testa, Ph.D. AD.

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Presentation on theme: "Sexual and Reproductive Health. Perception of health care and level of user satisfaction of Aymara women in the North of Chile Rossana Testa, Ph.D. AD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sexual and Reproductive Health. Perception of health care and level of user satisfaction of Aymara women in the North of Chile Rossana Testa, Ph.D. AD Program Chile: Public Health, Traditional Medicine and Community Empowerment


3 Considerations General framework of the study Objectives Methodology Results Conclution Recommendations

4 Background In chile, the most important indigenous population lives in determines territory. The Mapuche in the south and the aymara in the north of the country. The mostly of them lives in the urban areas. The region of Arica and Parinacota is the northern region of Chile and has the largest concentration of the Aymara people.

5 Background At the rural area are the women whom most attended at the public health system, specially for reproductive and sexual health, like pregnancy attention and contraceptives methods. The process of Chilenization took effect on the indigenous of Chile, the Aymara included, avoiding the practices of indigenous health system.

6 Location of the research


8 Bolivia Perú

9 Demografic of Aymara population



12 Objetive To evaluate the perception of user (customer) satisfaction, that the Aymara women owns about the sexual and reproductive health attention which they receive from the public health system

13 Collect information about the primary health care services, at the rural area on Arica and Parinacota provinces. To know the perception by the women, related with the sexual and reproductive health attention received by the “official “ (western) health system. To know the traditional health practices to women on reproductive age. Specific Objectives


15 Methodology This is a qualitative an Quantitative research. Data were collected through in-depth interviews and survey. The population was Aymara women, in reproductive age, ( 15 to 44 years old) 422 Aymara women living on the rural area of Arica and Parinacota provinces.

16 Data were described and analyzed. The information was analyzed with regard to the perception of satisfied of the women that used the “official “ health attention at the rural areas.


18 Presentation of results

19 Aspects of pregnancy and childbirth

















36 Aspects of perception of health care and level of user satisfaction









45 Analysis of the Results

46 Analysis of the interviews and surveys suggest that is important to know the aymara culture and the traditional health system to improve the official health attention. The problems to access to the health attention have relationship, beside the geografic access, with culture aspects.

47 The medical rounds planifications could considered the work schedule of Aymara women. The translator is necessary in the areas where the mostly of women are elderly, because they use the aymara language The perception of the attention quality could be improved if the official system put attention to the reason why the women not use the western hospital

48 Recommendations

49 To implement the indigenous health system to improve the access to health attention. Improved the relationship between the traditional doctors and the occidental physician. To increase human and monetary resources to have professionals and positions of health whom help to improve the access and solves the health problems of Aymara women.

50 Is necessary that the medical staff knows the aymara culture to understand the traditional medicine and healing practices. To included the traditional doctors in the medical rounds to complemented the health attention, of that way to improve the access to Aymara people to the healthcare.



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