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High Potential Leader Program Brevard Public School District Nancy Rehbine Zentis, Ph.D.

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Presentation on theme: "High Potential Leader Program Brevard Public School District Nancy Rehbine Zentis, Ph.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 High Potential Leader Program Brevard Public School District Nancy Rehbine Zentis, Ph.D.

2 High Potential Leadership Program Agenda Purpose Benefit Workforce Forecasting Link to Performance Gain Buy-in from Senior Leaders Develop a Process Future Recommendations

3 High Potential Leadership Program Purpose Dwindling pool of candidates Leanness of the organization Lack of qualified internal candidates Increased demand and lack of incentives Lack of a Formal Leadership Development Process

4 High Potential Leadership Program Benefits  Leave a legacy behind as good employer  Provide a Development Plan for Top Critical Positions  Increased Leadership/Employee/Student Satisfaction  Ability to measure leadership outcomes tied the strategic plan competencies, performance  Create a pool of high quality leaders to fill critical positions  Satisfy parents and community with high quality leadership

5 High Potential Leadership Program Workforce Forecasting Conduct a long and short term workforce forecasting plan to identify the workforce needs. Conduct a study to determine the environmental changes, trends expected in 2, 5, 10 years Create a workforce plan spanning 2, 5, 10 years out Define the critical replacement positions, potential for recruitment - internally and externally Define career development needs for positions involved

6 High Potential Leadership Program Link to Performance Implementing a performance management system builds leadership accountability –Identify Performance Indicators –Define Leadership Competencies –Identify Leadership Standards of Performance –Identify Measurable Indicators and Evaluate Outcomes

7 High Potential Leadership Program Gain Buy In Gain buy in from key stakeholders to sustain organizational support Form committees to ensure the planning, implementation and follow-up is successful –Board Members and Executive Level Staff –The Guiding Coalition –HR Team and Individual Responsibilities –Managers –Potential Leaders and Employees

8 High Potential Leadership Program Leadership Development Process Train senior staff on their roles, process, responsibilities, areas of accountability in Leadership Development Conduct an assessment of Leadership Competencies to identify leadership development needs Conduct a gap analysis to determine development needs and create a development plan Develop a Career Path for each position Identify, develop and offer specific leadership development activities throughout the school year to meet their needs Provide professional development assistance – coaching, mentoring, etc. Formalize the Leadership Pipeline - Define career transitions for each position

9 High Potential Leadership Program Leadership Development Process Evaluate critical positions to determine experience, education and competencies needed Assess High Potentials to determine needs Provide leadership development experiences to meet the needs of the organization and the individual Define training and/or work experience needed to gain critical experience Create a individual development plan and identify developmental needs Create a timeline for development and monitor progress Create career leaders for each position with clearly defined development process

10 High Potential Leadership Program Leadership Development Program

11 High Potential Leadership Program Targeted Groups Non-Instructional Leadership Superintendent Principal Assistant Principal

12 High Potential Leadership Program Future Recommendations Building a Leadership Pipeline Implement Career Development at all levels Create specific career tracks for each position Create specific leadership development programs for each group Collect Feedback on Progress Measure and Communicate Results

13 High Potential Leadership Program Just-in-Time (JIT) Approach to Building the Leadership Pipeline Select Hire Advance and Promote Evaluate Results Develop Retain Recruit Transfer Knowledge Manage Performance Train Compen- sate Classify jobs

14 High Potential Leadership Program Integrated Approach to Building the Leadership Pipeline Workforce & Succession Planning Competency ModelRecruitment, Selection, Hiring Training & Development Promotion & Career Mobility Retention Knowledge Management Compensation Program Evaluation

15 High Potential Leadership Program Why the Integrated Approach Many ways to build leadership pipeline Because all aligned with strategic plan, workforce plan, competency model, and/or other frameworks, aligned with each other Pipeline larger to meet demand for more talent

16 High Potential Leadership Program Who’s in the Pipeline? Time High Potentials and Replacement Pool for Sr. Managers Middle Managers 1st-line Supervisors Technical Specialists All Employees?

17 High Potential Leadership Program What Are The Leader’s Developmental Needs? Understanding their role and the role of other departments Understanding organization and its environment Building relationships and networking Getting things done Managing change Managing the public Managing the media Influencing, motivating, developing, retaining talent Managing conflict, dealing with problems

18 High Potential Leadership Program Leadership Model

19 High Potential Leadership Program High Potential Leadership Development Skill building Degree programs Leadership scholarships Extraordinary leader program Management classes Relationship- building and knowledge Executive retreat Administrative manager/executive events Management meetings Leadership luncheons

20 High Potential Leadership Program Leadership Development Approach = Target audience = Also invited Executive Managers Administrative Managers Middle Managers Professional Technical Skill Building Extraordinary Leader Scholarships Degree Programs Management Development Knowledge and Relationship Building Executive Retreat Executive Events Exec/Admin events Management Meetings Leadership Luncheons

21 High Potential Leadership Program Building Your Leadership Pipeline Planning Model

22 High Potential Leadership Program Building Your Leadership Pipeline 2.Engage senior leaders 3.Identify competencies leaders will need 4.Assess developmental needs 5.Create leadership development strategy 6.Use Individual Development Plans (IDPs) 7.Tap into talent pool of eligible employees and recruit 8.Don’t let cost keep you from building the pipeline

23 High Potential Leadership Program Summary Questions Thank You!

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