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Learning Target 7.13 Copy the Learning Target into the top margin of page 7.13 in your composition notebook. Complete the assignment on the following slide(s).

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Target 7.13 Copy the Learning Target into the top margin of page 7.13 in your composition notebook. Complete the assignment on the following slide(s)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Target 7.13 Copy the Learning Target into the top margin of page 7.13 in your composition notebook. Complete the assignment on the following slide(s).

2 Learning Target 7.13 I can analyze the growth of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai kingdoms including trading centers such as Timbuktu and Jenne, which would later develop into centers of culture and learning.

3 Learning Target 7.13 Assignment Directions: Divide the front and back of your paper as shown below. Write the labels shown for each section. Ghana Mali Songhai FRONT BACK

4 Learning Target 7.13 Assignment Directions: Reply to the following question/writing prompt in paragraph form. Write one paragraph for each kingdom. Be sure to includes details in your analysis. Use correct writing conventions. Sample paragraphs are provided on slides 5-6. Analyze the growth of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai kingdoms as centers of West African trade.

5 Ghana Ghana was the first great trading empire in West Africa and several factors contributed to its growth. One reason Ghana grew was that it was located at a major crossroads of trade. The crossroads led to many different parts of Africa such as the desert and even to the east coast. Since the empire was situated between the salt mines of the desert and the gold mines of the rain forest, anyone trading these resources had to pass through Ghana. This means there were people from many different areas traveling there. Another reason Ghana grew was because all of the people who were trading gold and salt had to pay a tax when they passed through Ghana with those resources. This made Ghana very wealthy. Finally, the people of Ghana had iron ore and knew how to make iron weapons. The weapons helped them protect the kingdom from invaders. All of these reasons made Ghana become the first great West African trading empire.

6 Songhai Songhai broke away from Mali after King Mansa Musa died and became the biggest West African trading empire. It grew for several reasons. One reason Songhai grew was because it gained control of Timbuktu, which gave it more land and more people. Songhai also gained territory because it controlled the Niger River. Finally, the fact that the empire controlled the salt mines and had gold trade made it rich and important. Each of these reasons made Songhai the biggest West African trading empire.

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