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g g January 1, 2010 Kindertransport By:

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1 g g January 1, 2010 Kindertransport By: Heather Helm

2 January 2, 2009 Is the organization during the holocaust that saved children. 10,000 children and teenagers were sent from Czechoslovakia, Germany, Poland, and Austria. If the children didn't get sent off then they were sent to concentration camps.

3 The children said their final goodbyes, boarded the train and left. The family that was left behind was taken to concentration camps

4 2,340 total children abandoned in Vienna 338 1,839

5 January 1, 2009 The YMCA and the chief rabbi’s religious emergency council provided money, bedding, and clothing. The original family of the child had to pay 50 pounds of sterling ($250). When the children arrived they were greeted well by their new families.

6 January 1, 2009 Most children were well treated but some were not. When the children were of age they went off to fight for their country and to get away from their family

7 o January 2, 2009 Soon after the children arrived they went to schools throughout the country. Most children were enrolled into a primary school of some sort.

8 When the holocaust was over their was a problem whether to send the children back to their original homes or to stay with their new ones. The children didn't have a choice whether they could stay with their new or old families. January 3, 2009

9 The government later decided that the foster families were to keep the children because they took them into their homes and cared for them when they were sent from the UK. January 3, 2009

10 In conclusion... The Kindertransport was a very important time before, during, and after the holocaust.The Kindertransport is and unforgettable moment in history and will be taught to children all across the world forever.

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