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INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FOR MINNESOTA GOVERNMENT IT Accessibility: How does it impact you? Jay Wyant, CIAO Horizon Room 202 (Harbor Side) Age & Disabilities.

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Presentation on theme: "INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FOR MINNESOTA GOVERNMENT IT Accessibility: How does it impact you? Jay Wyant, CIAO Horizon Room 202 (Harbor Side) Age & Disabilities."— Presentation transcript:

1 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FOR MINNESOTA GOVERNMENT IT Accessibility: How does it impact you? Jay Wyant, CIAO Horizon Room 202 (Harbor Side) Age & Disabilities Odyssey, Duluth, MN, June, 2013

2 Objectives Understand the basics of IT accessibility, including documents and websites Articulate how lack of IT accessibility disproportionately affects older individuals and those with disabilities Create a plan to identify IT barriers and strategies for overcoming them

3  Website/application developer  Content creator/writer  Manager/Project manager  Graphic designer  Social services  Administration  Other?

4  2009 law  Advisory Committee & work groups  2011 recommendations to legislature  State Accessibility Standard

5 Accessibility quote by Tim Berners-Lee “The power of the Web is in its universality. Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect.” -- Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director and inventor of the World Wide Web

6  What is Accessibility?  What is Accommodation?  What is Assistive Technology (AT)?

7  What’s the prevalence of hearing loss among Americans 70 and older? 30%

8  What’s the prevalence of vision loss among Americans between 65-74? 16%

9  What’s age group is the source of the fastest growing nursing home population? 31-64

10  What’s the percentage of non-institutionalized adults 65+ with at least one basic actions difficulty or complex activity limitation? 62%

11  Sight  Text  Color  Hearing  Physical/Motor  Cognitive  Use of AT

12  Windows computer  Apple Macintosh  iPad tablet  Android tablet  iPhone  Android phone  Windows phone  Basic cell phone (texting?)  Other

13 MN Statutes MN 2009 law (chapter131) 2013 statutes 363A.42 (Public Records) & 363A.43 (Cont’ Ed) State Standard Section 508 WCAG 2.0  Federal  ADA (Title II)

14  How is usability different than accessibility?

15  Screen readers not same as text-to-speech  Most popular readers:  Freedom Scientific’s JAWS  NVDA  Demo: m/watch?v=l6Jjn8DPW kY m/watch?v=l6Jjn8DPW kY

16  Document Accessibility Document Accessibility  Website Accessibility Website Accessibility  Media Accessibility Media Accessibility Advance to Summary

17  OS  MS Office  PDF/Adobe Acrobat

18  What are your processes?  Role of templates  Who determines what goes online?  Who determines final format?

19  Use heading styles  Use Alt Text  Avoid text boxes and tables for layout  Give hyperlinks meaningful names  Don’t rely on color to convey meaning



22  Text boxes are not accessible  Tables are for data organization only  Use columns feature instead of table to flow text

23  Click here for best practices on creating purposeful hyperlinks Click here  Best practices on creating purposeful hyperlinkscreating purposeful hyperlinks  Clearly demonstrate what the link will do, such as when going to a form (opens in new tab)what the link will do  Indicate document type (PDF) (Word)PDF

24 WidgetSquareLongActive SafeYesNoX ExtremeYesNoX DangerousNoYesX DeadlyNoYesO



27 Adobe Acrobat 9, X, or XI o Must have Pro or Suite version o Conversion vs. testing o Conversion settings are key o Clean originating doc is best o Word vs. other file formats Who should do it?


29  WAI-ARIA  Responsive design  Iterative testing during development  Testing tools and resources

30 Document structure Navigation Mouse & keyboard issues Images and non- text elements Forms

31  Title tag to convey relationship of page to the site  Meaningful page titles  Heading tags  Tags that convey meaning (paragraph, lists, etc.)

32  Consistent navigation (predictable)  Skip to content  Navigating with anchor tags in long bodies of content  Breadcrumb navigation  Meaningful link text that conveys purpose

33  Test and ensure you can navigate with keyboard only  Do not rely upon mouse clicks  Be cognizant of tedious clicking issues (e.g. menus)

34  ALT tags for informative images (non- decorative)  Link to descriptions for longer text blocks  Decorative images presented with CSS (not in content)  Contrast ratio between background and text

35  Label tags for ALL input points  Correct tab sequence  Access keys for complex, long and laborious forms that are used frequently  Navigable and able to submit with keyboard

36  Automated vs. Manual  “Bobby Approved”  Resources   ACCESS-IT (MN master contracts)

37  Plugins and extensions  Color and contrast  Analysis and reporting  Captioning and media  Validation tools  Manual testing

38 List of testing resources on MN.IT website

39  Back to case study list Back to case study list  Advance to summary Advance to summary


41  Video  Audio description (prerecorded)  Captioning (prerecorded and live)  Audio and video conferencing  Captioning  Speaker description  Accessible user interfaces and controls

42  Purpose  Why a video?  What’s the information?  Planning  Scripting: include descriptions of key visuals  Speaker instructions: describe visual’s message  How will you visually represent the audio?  Execution  Time frame for all processes  Budget

43  To YouTube or Not?  In-house vs. hiring a pro  Access-IT Master Contract  Live vs. recorded captioning  Live: CART or captioning?  User interface  Caption toggle  Description toggle (or separate video)  Accessible controls  Back to case study list Back to case study list  Advance to summary Advance to summary

44 Outreach/awareness Policies/procedures Training Purchasing Support services Tools and resources

45 Accessibility is Infrastructure Avoid add-ons Culture shock Reduce long-term costs

46 Design & Development Websites & Applications Content Creation o Word, PowerPoint and PDF Documents o Video, Webcasts, Podcasts and Multimedia Systems o Processes o Workflow

47 Questions?

48 Thank You! Jay Wyant

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