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Transformations of Functions 2.5 JMerrill, 2007 Contributions by DDillon Revised 2008.

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2 Transformations of Functions 2.5 JMerrill, 2007 Contributions by DDillon Revised 2008

3 Common (Parent) Functions

4 f(x) = xIdentity

5 f(x) = x 3 cubic

6 f(x) = |x|absolute

7 f(x) = x 2 quadratic

8 Square root

9 f(x) = cConstant

10 Vertical and Horizontal Shifts

11 f(x) + 2 Shift up 2 units Add two to all y-values

12 f(x) – 2 Shift down 2 units Subtract two from y-values

13 f(x + 2) Shift to the left 2 units Subtract two from x-values

14 f(x – 2) Shift to the right 2 units Add two to all x-values

15 Reflections

16 -f(x) Reflect across the x- axis Change signs of all y-values

17 f(-x) Change signs of all x-values Reflect across the y- axis

18 Nonrigid Transformations  Stretch/Shrink  Vertical a f(x)

19 2f(x) Vertically stretch by factor of 2 Multiply y- values by 2

20 ½ f(x) Vertically shrink by factor of 2 Multiply y- values by ½

21 Example UUse the graph of f(x) = x 2 to explain the transformations to g(x) = 2(x + 3) 2 – 1 LLeft 3 VVertical stretch by 2 DDown 1

22 Multiple Transformations  A function involving more than one transformation can be graphed by performing transformations in the following order: Horizontal Shifting Stretching/Shrinking Reflecting Vertical Shifting

23 What happened? Shift right 5 Shift up 3No stretch f(x) = -(x – 5) 2 + 3 Reflect over x-axis

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