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National Socialist German Workers Party German Leader Socialism – power to the people ? Germany’s weakness –Jewish population –Gypsy population –Treaty.

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Presentation on theme: "National Socialist German Workers Party German Leader Socialism – power to the people ? Germany’s weakness –Jewish population –Gypsy population –Treaty."— Presentation transcript:


2 National Socialist German Workers Party German Leader Socialism – power to the people ? Germany’s weakness –Jewish population –Gypsy population –Treaty of Versailles

3 Fascism One Purpose –Better Italy One Nation -Multiculturalism One Leader - Benito

4 Emperor Control of Gov’t and policies No control of War efforts Tojo – prime minister had most control of war efforts until Midway defeat

5 The Axis Powers Germany/Italy/Japan Plan to control the world 3 powers to control specific areas Conflicts? Europe and Russia

6 Blitzkrieg

7 Japan needs resources Destroy China Control the Coast –Cities and Money Manchuria for oil

8 What is the U.S. doing?

9 The War Begins September 1, 1939 Poland

10 Hey, Italy pick a wimp!

11 Who are they? ALBANIAETHIOPIA Why? Show they are a superpower / trust

12 American President Promise to get out of the Great Depression The New Deal Beat Hoover – who did nothing during the Depression

13 Why does Germany go to war? Heritage Great Depression Revenge Third Reich –Julius Caesar –Napolean –Hitler ? Non Aggression Pact

14 War what is it good for? AAAAHHHH!!!!! Leader of Russia –Stalin –Allow the Great Bear to sleep –Russia will become a superpower

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