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The Great Depression and New Deal Collin Klees Benton Anderson Emma Harman Seve DeRespino.

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1 The Great Depression and New Deal Collin Klees Benton Anderson Emma Harman Seve DeRespino

2 Stock Market Crash (1929) After speculation and easy ‘buy on credit’ policies, the stock market crashed and thousands of banks failed, and money that was once there was completely gone.

3 Hoover’s Response Hoover believed that the economy would, in time, fix itself and that Americans should not be worried. The best description of Hoover’s response…”too little, too late.”

4 Hawley-Smoot Tariff One response to the Depression Hoover did try was a large tariff on imported goods to help American companies sell product. Hawley Smoot

5 Dust Bowl (1930’s) Farmers in the Midwest, on top of the Great Depression, saw a drought that forced millions to move west and lose substantial amounts of money and jobs.

6 Entertainment During the Depression People often looked to cheap forms of entertainment to distract them from hard times. Certain leisure activities included movies, sports, and the increasingly popular radio.

7 Bonus Army March On D.C. Low on money, veterans of World War One marched to Washington D.C. to demand early payment of bonuses to be received at a later time. Hoover decided to send out the Army to disperse the march, and it broke out into violence.

8 Election of 1932 With no real shock, FDR won 57.4% of the popular vote and 472 electoral votes to secure candidacy. He was well liked for his optimistic attitude toward the nation during a dark time in history. Versus Franklin RooseveltHerbert Hoover

9 A Wave of New Deal Reforms In his 1 st 100 Days as President, FDR passed a substantial amount of legislation that pumped money into the economy. The New Deal main goals were to mend the hurt of the depression by offering jobs.

10 The Second New Deal The objective of the Second New Deal was to stop a Depression from happening again. It set up FDIC, Social Security, NLRA, SEC, and the WPA.

11 Roosevelt’s ‘Court-Packing’ Plan Roosevelt learned for every Supreme Court judge over 70, he could appoint someone new, and attempted to abuse this power by voting in 7 new Democratic justices that would shuttle his New Deal reforms on.

12 Schechter Decision The Schechter Decision in 1935 declared the NRA unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, and shows that not all of the New Deal programs worked and/or was helpful.

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