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Pakistan and Bangladesh Alize Cortes, Jade Rodriguez, Radames Roubert, Sienne Kemmerer, Kathy Machin.

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Presentation on theme: "Pakistan and Bangladesh Alize Cortes, Jade Rodriguez, Radames Roubert, Sienne Kemmerer, Kathy Machin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pakistan and Bangladesh Alize Cortes, Jade Rodriguez, Radames Roubert, Sienne Kemmerer, Kathy Machin

2 Early History NEW COUNTRIES, ANCIENT LANDS A young country with ancient history and with rapidly growing population EARLY HISTORY The Indus Valley civilization began around 2500 B.C It fell around 1500 B.C and the Aryans Invaded Soon later PARTITION AND WAR Partition led to much violence between Muslims and Hindus civil war broke out in 1971, from help from India, East Pakistan won its independence as Bangladesh MILITARY RULE Pakistan and Bangladesh struggled since independence SUMMARY A young Country with ancient history are striving to make their way into the modern world.

3 Struggling Economies SUBSISTENCE FARMING Most farms in Pakistan and Bangladesh work on small plots of land and struggle to grow enough crops t feed their families. SMALL INDUSTRY Factories are small and lack capital resources and market. They export cotton garments Pakistan export wool carpets

4 One Religion, Many People RELIGION IN THE REGION Most people in Pakistan and Bangladesh are Muslim but there are many ethnic differences that promote cultural diversity. ISLIAMIC CULTURE Islam has been an important role in Pakistan and Bangladesh. The people have daily prayers and have month- long fasting periods called Ramadam There are differences between how Pakistan and Bangladesh imply there rule on making sure the people practice their religion. Pakistan are stricter on imposing the law; for example women must be cover in public. Bangladesh is less strict they would like their people to practice their religion but there are no punishments if they don’t ETHNIC DIVERSITY Pakistan has five main ethnic groups which are the Punjabis, Snshis, Pathans, Muhajirs, Balochs. Each group has it own language. Punjabis is the biggest group in Pakistan In Bangladesh are mainly Bengalis Bengalis speck bengalis based on sanskirt

5 Modern Life and Culture LOVE OF POETRY Both Pakistan and Bangladesh have a special interest in poetry Many people in Pakistan memorize long poems and poets are very popular Thousands of people gather together to listen to people read poems MUSIC AND DANCE Music and dance are also important for expression both in Pakistan and Bangladesh. Both countries share music traditions similar to Indian music. Folk music is very popular in cities and rural areas In Pakistan the have a Qawwali which is a singing performance done by Muslims which is famous in the South Asia, parts of Europe, and the united states. In Bangladesh they have a long tradition of folk dances that act out Bengali Myth, legends, and stories.

6 Disasters WHAT IS A CYCLONE? A violent tropical storm Winds are from 15- 150 miles per hour HOW DO CYCLONES AFFECT THE REGION? Cyclones bring death and destruction 80% of the crops are destroyed Killed between 300,000 – 500,000 lives HOW DOES THE CYCLONE OF 1970 COMPARE TO HURRICANE KATRINA IN 2005 They both destroyed many homes Killed a lot of people Flooded New Orleans

7 Vocabulary Indus Valley Civilization: largest of the worlds first civilization what is now Pakistan; highly developed urban civilization Partition: separation; division of two or more territorial units having separate political status

8 Vocabulary Kashmir: region of northern India and Pakistan over which several destructives wars have been fought Microcredit: small loan available to poor entrepreneurs helps small businesses grow and raise living standards

9 Entrepreneur: A person who starts and builds a business Ramadan: An Islamic practice of month- long fasting from sunup to sundown Vocabulary

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