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By: Zac Putnam. Definition of Leadership “leadership is influence - nothing more, nothing less” It is more than just being in a position of power.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Zac Putnam. Definition of Leadership “leadership is influence - nothing more, nothing less” It is more than just being in a position of power."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Zac Putnam

2 Definition of Leadership “leadership is influence - nothing more, nothing less” It is more than just being in a position of power

3 Levels of Leadership Level 1: Position Level 2: Permission usually lead by relationships with people Level 3: Production where goals are met Level 4: People Development empower others Level 5: Personhood

4 Recent Changes in Corporate Leadership Uncertainty and ambiguity Martin found that 84 percent of the 500 businessmen and women believe the definition of effective leadership has changed in the past five years Flexibility, collaboration, crossing boundaries and collective leadership Only 15 percent of challenges were faced in the first six months

5 How Leaders Differ From Managers planning and budgeting vs. setting direction organizing and staffing vs. aligning people controlling and problem solving versus motivating people

6 What it Takes to be an Effective Leader Ask what needs to be done. Ask what’s right for the enterprise. Develop action plans. Take responsibility for decisions. Take responsibility for communicating. Focus on opportunities, not problems. Run productive meetings. Think and say “We,” not “I.”

7 Emotional Intelligence Self-awareness Self-regulation Motivation Empathy Social skill

8 Spiritual Intelligence According to Richard Wolman (2001), “Spiritual intelligence is the human capacity to ask ultimate questions about the meaning of life, and to simultaneously experience the seamless connection between each of us and the world in which we live” spiritual intelligence is not about religion, but rather about having a sense of meaning to one’s life Examples on history: Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, the Dalai Lama and Nelson Mandela

9 Lesson Leaders can Learn from Surfing Courageous How to manage the unexpected Learning from failing

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