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What to do: You need a handout and a writing utensil. Directions: On the back list terms from each category (Economic, Social, Political, iNnovations)

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Presentation on theme: "What to do: You need a handout and a writing utensil. Directions: On the back list terms from each category (Economic, Social, Political, iNnovations)"— Presentation transcript:

1 What to do: You need a handout and a writing utensil. Directions: On the back list terms from each category (Economic, Social, Political, iNnovations) In the boxes on the front, you will draw a picture for each category

2 Unit 9 Review 1950’s & The Start of the Cold War

3 Terms Superpowers Nations with significant political and economic influence (following WWII: US & Soviet Union) United Nations Created after WWII to promote peace, security, and economic development between nations Cold War Conflict between the Soviet Union and the US following WWII, “War of Threats” no actual fighting/battles occur between these counties directly

4 Containment US policy following WWII to prevent the spread of communism, not destroy it where it already exists NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization; US, Canada, 11 European countries allied against the spread of communism WARSAW Pact Communist alliance of the Soviet Union and her satellites, in response to NATO

5 Korean War Communist North Korea attempt to take over Non-Communist South Korea; US intervenes due to containment policy & Truman Doctrine. Armistice line established. Disarmament Systematic removal of a countries weapons Sputnik Satellite launched by the Soviets in 1957, started off the “Space Race”

6 Suburbs Housing communities outside of the urban centers, for middle income families Conformity Becoming similar/alike to those around you, fear of communism strengthened this idea in the 1950’s Sitcoms Television programs that showed the “ideal” families, morality, and conformist behaviors

7 Beat Generation New style of dress and ideas; this was a rebellion against conformity Rock ‘N Roll New music that developed in the 1950’s, it became popular with the youth as a rebellion against conformity Artists of Rock N Roll: Elvis Presley, Buddy Holly, Chuck Berry, and Little Richard

8 People Harry Truman US President, supported containment & development of the Truman Doctrine Douglas MacArthur Commander of the Pacific, Ambassador of Japan, and fired by Truman because of opinions in Asia

9 People George Marshall Truman’s Secretary of State, created the economic recovery plan for Europe after World War II, Marshall Plan Joseph McCarthy US Senator who claimed to have names of Soviet spies, started a panic in the US

10 How did President Roosevelt’s and President Truman’s approach to war differ? Roosevelt's focus was more on domestic affairs and economic improvement Truman’s focus was more on foreign affairs and containment of communism What is the significance of the division between East and West Germany? East and West Berlin? It was an example of the US and Soviet Union, attempting to expand their influence after WWII

11 CONTAINMENT POLICY What is it?Impact on Soviet aggression Truman Doctrine American foreign policy that provided aid (troops) to Greece and Turkey Marshall Plan American foreign policy that provided aid (money) to help W. Europe’s weak economies NATO Group of countries united against communism Berlin Airlift The Allies plan to get supplies to West Berlin when the Soviets set up a road/railway blockade

12 CONTAINMENT POLICY What is it?Impact on Soviet aggression Truman Doctrine American foreign policy that provided aid (troops) to Greece and Turkey Stopped Soviet aggression in areas that were democracies Marshall Plan American foreign policy that provided aid (money) to help W. Europe’s weak economies Stabilized Western Europe’s economies and strengthen them against communism NATO Group of countries united against communism Soviet’s felt threatened and created the WARSAW Pact, but no attacks ever occurred Berlin Airlift The Allies plan to get supplies to West Berlin when the Soviets set up a road/railway blockade Allies proved how far they would go to not go to war, but still win

13 What is it?How would this intensify Cold War tensions? Arms race Competition between the US and Soviet Union to develop more advanced weapons Space race Competition between the US and Soviet Union for space exploration McCarthyism A campaign against alleged communists in the US government House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) Developed by the US to seek out any communist in the US; Loyalty checks Venona papers Released in 1997; proved Soviet spies, including Julius Rosenberg, were in the US working for the Soviets

14 What is it?How would this intensify Cold War tensions? Arms race Competition between the US and Soviet Union to develop more advanced weapons Both sides have weapons that can cause a lot of damage Space race Competition between the US and Soviet Union for space exploration Both sides are developing new technologies, fear of spies McCarthyism A campaign against alleged communists in the US government People want to conform in fear of being accused of aligning with Communism House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) Developed by the US to seek out any communist in the US; Loyalty checks Americans’ rights are being violated during the loyalty checks Venona papers Released in 1997; proved Soviet spies, including Julius Rosenberg, were in the US working for the Soviets Proved we had a right to be suspicious during the Cold War

15 Prosperity- state of being successful CausesEffects Baby Boom- The high birth rates that took place following WWII GI Bill- Economic aid given to WWII veterans to either go to school or buy a house Increased Consumption- people had money to purchase new consumer goods such as TVs, radios, etc. Growth of Agriculture- new advancement in technology yielded more crops to sell Growth of Business- successful businesses leads to more job opportunities

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